Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Scorched Earth

What do you think about How America Lost its Secrets so far written by Jay Epstein? So far so good, the people who write these books are usually pretty smart even if one doesnt neccessarily agree with them. Didnt Epstein write a book backing the Warren Commission? I believe so that is the jist of his views based on what I read thus far. I like some of the quotes- Snowden wrote "Obama just appointed a f ing politician to run the cia" pp-27- Sensitive secrets are in many cases a "bodyguard of lies" as Churchill stated. The legendary counterintelligence chief stated "Its not enough to steal a secret it must be done in a way that the theft remains undetected, that is the secret of espionage sucsess"  What was his name?  Why dont you read the book and find out. How do you feel about our Potus going Scorced Earth on his Tweets- Great- he needs to continue, full frontal asaault on the Deep State and SSG- He has a plethera of pissed of fire breathing demon chasers in his corner. Do you have faith in our AG? I am not ceratin, the jury is still out on that one however he doesnt come across as a hardened warrior that knows how to put people in the ground. Who has earned your respect so far. As mentioned Hannity and the entire 9 pm crew at Fox News, Infowars, Devin Nunes, Dr P. Jerome Corsi and Lionell. Lionell needs to have a converstaion with Dr Jim Fetzer and Wolfgang because he is way behind the 8 ball. What do you mean? It means that if you want to have an hour long expose about being an investigator and talk about conducting yourself as a Columbo you need to  do your due diligence first. Fetzer has a statement written by a man that stated that he was inside the SHES school in 2010 and it wasnt even operable, infact it was a dilapidated wasteland. There is enough evidence of a shooting that never even took place, this combined with much more,  Lionell needs to get up to speed. Apparantly Corsi is getting the world ready for some deep dark and ugly truths, so my question is how real are they going to be? Corsi is a man of high intellect and so is Fetzer so they should have a meeting of the investigative minds. Who else is shining bright at the current momemt?
    Joe diGenova, he has a treasure trove of intel that he explained in layman terms about the bogus dirty dossier and  dirty tricks that puts Watergate to shame as far as the level of corruption that is involved. He stated that Admiral Mike Rogers, the head of the NSA is a stand up man, doing his job by protecting  America from the dark forces of the Deep State. These people are despicable, I try not to judge but this is really bad and is going to get much worse. Worse for who the good guys? No, the days of the good guys going down have come to an end. The ocean tide has turned and we can thank our Potus elect for that. He isnt backing down, he is going all the way. Corsi needs to know that the SHEs shooting didnt happen and he needs to tell us that otherwise I am going to question his QAnon intel

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