Thursday, February 8, 2018

Great Job Fox News

It was very refreshing for me to have watched Sean Hannity's program last night. What a great job he is doing in laying out certain facts that don't seem to be to be found anywhere else especially in the main stream media. What a line up of guests he gad on- These people are as solid as they come- Judge Jeanine- Tom Fitton, Anthony Scaramucci- (That man is extremely smart, well spoken and was depicted in the absolute wrong way by the bias press). My head is still spinning with all of the information that was revealed. I don't believe that the people responsible for some of this alleged criminal behavior are going to be able to walk away from this one unscathed. I still cant believe it- Uranium 1- The Clinton Foundation, perjury at the highest levels of the FBI and much more. Smoking gun information, Judge Jeanine wants full court press, she is the best Judge that I ever listened to. A special counsel by the OIG that runs the Justice Dept needs to investigate the investigators, indictments need to start coming down to unravel this quandary that was described as the biggest law enforcement scandal in our history. Attempting to rig the election by framing our Potus with unverified intel for Fisa a warrant. Hannity explained that Peter Strzok is the former FBI official that worked at a very high level that signed off on the exoneration of Ms Clinton's e-mail investigation. Bias, politically motivated intel professionals with an agenda. This is a disgrace to our Law Enforcement Community, people that covered for these people at the highest levels in an attempt to rig the 2016 election. That is how it looks because I believe 100% in what Sean Hannity has been screaming about for a long time now. They have a lot to be proud of at Fox News- It has restored my faith in the Main Stream Media without question. Actually they aren't even main stream they are a cable news outlet.
   So what does that say about our real main stream media outlets on the network news? A sad and pathetic demonstration of subjective biasness and partisanship. Like last night channel 7- Instead of talking about real issues, scandals of our lifetime they were explaining who would be the Dem frontrunner during the next election. Mr Fast and Furious Contempt of Congress, Project Longevity somebody that needed to brainwash us about weapons. It is a sad state of affairs in most of our country, A Banana Republic where there has been no supreme law of the land. Instead we have had  extreme recklessness by our elected officials at our highest levels who were  supposed to be trusted servants, not capital cronies. It is so bad that we need to be able to wrap our head around it. I can understand a politician being a capital crowny but an elected sworn officer, a Federal FBI Agent working for what is supposed to be the most supreme law enforcement agency in our great nation? This has been going on for decades. They were hell bent on remaining in power this way they could continue on with their back door shady deals, false flags, off line murky Benghazi operations. What makes this even worse is that the FBI stood down during a major investigation, one of the biggest that we ever had because the fix was in, the crooked players all had their marching orders.  Potus Trump is never going to stand down, the Trump Train has been speeding ahead at full force. These crooked officials are going to be exposed for who and what they are for all of us to see and write about, talk about, yell and scream about, a roadmap for public indictment by We The People 

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