Saturday, February 10, 2018

Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree

Unverified and Salacious- lying under oath- Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree- Fraud-Vitiates everything, all  evidence obtained is tainted and useless when one tries to bear fruit from the poisonous tree. Letting Russia get 20% of our Uranium this is bad and is only going to get worse. Capital cronies and political pundits who have most of the media in their back pocket, these  people should be ashamed of themselves. The institutions that we hold to be so sacred and dear to our heart have been violated by the people that we were supposed to trust the most. Obtaining bogus information in an attempt to dig up dirt on a Presidential candidate and then lying under oath to a FISA court, the most important election  that we have ever had in our country. Using unverified intel   people  need to go to jail first and then prison. The most sacrosanct process which is to tell the truth as a federal agent and these people have been lying for years. They have contaminated our Justice department and The Federal Bureau Of  Investigation and they still are walking around scott free. They have insulted our criminal justice system and the American  people.  The people  Sean  Hannity showed us or should I say the disturbing people involved in this scandal of the century even look like criminals. They are shady, they don't look and they certainly haven't acted the way we would expect trusted servants to act considering they work for we the people. They tried to rig an election because the fix was in they all had their marching orders.

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