Wednesday, February 21, 2018

FBI Spies And Lies

Whether one runs drugs through dubious channels or covers up secret server crimes by destroying the evidence the end result is the same these people need to be placed  under oath. In our world we wont stab you in the back and then lie about it, instead we will stab you in the front because there usually will be a good reason for it, mostly in self defense.
   FBI spies and lies false and fraudulent pretense false flags and phony tears these cons seem to have no remorse. Deep State SSG bad guys combined with FBI spies and lies. We aren't into false fronts and mendacious dems and we definitely have contempt for the unmasking of innocent American citizens. All in an attempt to dig up dirt and cause smoke screens because their preferred candidate never had and never will have any game. They were going all out because they knew that if and when our Potus was elected their would be real investigations, they pulled out all of the stops. Project Longevity, Fast and Furious, Sandy Hook back door shady deals with 20% of our Uranium going to Russia to boot. Racketeering, Extortion, dropped balls on false flags because the FBI was too busy going after Russian Face Book trolls. Unverified and salacious intel, a dirty dossier submitted to a Federal Judge and then lying under oath. Leaks to the press, the list goes on these people were recruited to the FBI because they knew exactly how to game the system. Not only were they recruited they were advanced to the highest levels all in a direct attempt to prevent their shady preferred leader from having real investigations. Lying to a federal judge and then using 12 million dollars of dirty laundered money for this dossier to boot. The deep state,  too busy going after Russian fb trolls that wont even get extradited, staging another false flag and then lying about it. Then we have real fbi guys risking their lives working deep cover that get threatened with criminal and  civil penalties and ruined reps just because he  just wanted to do his job. This is going downhill and is only going to get worse. It is going to go downhill for the bad guys because their time has now officially come to an end. They had their chance and it just didn't pan out because it doesn't really matter how many more distractions and distortions they continue to come out with. The high and mighty need to fall to make room for the American Patriots who would never consider ever being a dirty cop.
  These people only know one thing and that is how to lie, the exact opposite of what they signed up for. That is why they all need to be placed under oath. Their high and mighty days where they once reigned supreme are coming to and end much sooner rather then later. The dirty press who they seem to have in their back pockets will soon need to seek cover with an early retirement because it doesn't look like any of these people are going to start to tell the truth anytime soon. That is because their house of cards is going to come crumbling down much sooner rather then later.

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