Monday, February 5, 2018

Globalist Traitors

I was watching Live PD and they had a warrant scenario where the officers had to squeeze through a tiny opening through the door, I believe it was in Jacksonville Indiana- This reminded me of the pictures that Wolfgang showed me of some bogus hole at the SHES crime scene that multiple LEOs had to squeeze through. The only problem is that the hole in the glass was way too small for multiple alphabet units to squeeze through especially with all of their gear on. Wolfgang has two CT State Troopers that supplied him with false affidavits that were signed by at least 10 officers during the SHES false flag cover up scam where they made believe that little children were murdered. They then used this as a pretext to crack down on long gun and hand gun magazine sizes as well as to reverberate fear and terror throughout our entire country. They also used this as a pretext for a massive mental health awareness agenda considering that many people are in collusion  with various anti American big pharma crime syndicates.
   They sent our soldiers to fight on far away shores in foreign wars for reasons that had nothing to do with 9-11. Infact the official 9-11 investigation does not hold up under critical scrutiny. If that wasn't bad enough they then proceeded to militarize our federal units and returning soldiers on stateside soil after stocking up with 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition. They were  trying to get our returning veterans into a mind set of repressing and even killing American citizens if need be. Their criminality is being covered up by faux liberalism, transparency combined with a vitriolic anti Potus Trump agenda. The laundry list of crimes committed goes extremely deep, the other fact that  I know for certain is that they have continued to try to make our Potus out to be an unstable hawkish war monger with potential shady foreign espionage ties. I felt sick to my stomach while giving these people the benefit of the doubt after the election and this led to a few anti Potus blogs. I should have went with my gut because while watching MS-13 better known as MSNBC I felt as if I was witnessing real Banana Republic animus and hatred from America journalists. These people are better known as Rachel Madow and Chris Mathews- Owen Shroyer pointed out that they even stated that the only way we would know about MS-13 is if we watched Fox News. Doesn't that say it all? If that wasn't bad enough there were so called real deal intel professionals out there that were stating that Infowars was in bed with Israel. They are telling us straight out that we shouldn't know about MS-13, a dangerous gang infact one of the most violent, ruthless and dangerous that there is. I am tired of these traitors who try to obfuscate the facts. Anderson Cooper was trying to make James Tracey out to be a fringe nut job but now their game plan has been shattered to pieces. Smoking Gun intel proving bogus FISA warrants signed with perjury, withholding information, these people are little children playing in a big boys game. The Trump Train knows how to fight and we know how to win, if they want a war then they came to the right place.    

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