Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Curse The Darkness Not

I am like the retired businessman who lolls in the Fla sunshine in the winter complaining about the sad state of the nation. I also have moral and philosophical convictions galore. That is right and I am dam proud of it, I am a warrior poet full of sonnets that sheds real tears. I am not a crisis actor or a con artist and have plenty of heart and soul to back me up. If you want to know how I feel you just have to ask and don't worry I wont hold anything back. This is why I try not to have that much guilt and above board with my feelings and convictions. In god we trust, I don't think establishment politicians should tell us that we cant talk about god because we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I am not into back door shady scam artists that run drugs in Mena Arkansas and then proceed to kill the innocent witnesses. It doesn't matter if you are doing off line gun and drug deals overseas or trying to manipulate the FISA courts the end result is the same, these people are going to go down.
   I used to watch Oreilly and had a lot of respect for him. I stayed up on some nights watching both of his shows, the 8 and 11 pm version of the same program. Keep it pithy and don't be a pinhead, its much better to be a Patriot and being a Patriot means having strong convictions. It doesn't mean that we are always right, I trust a man that tells me how he feels about an issue rather then some pseudo spiritual wanna be guru that has no opinion at all. Our nation wasn't founded by followers and sheep. I am not into creepy weirdo's who spy on the American people under false and fraudulent pretense either. What you are basically saying is that you have no game and could never do things the right way and win therefore you have to manipulate the system every which way but Sunday- I don't have any respect for official investigations that never seem to add up where their only defense seems to be calling people conspiracy theorists- Now we have the Dems being the conspiracy theorists, it doesn't really matter because most of these politicians make me sick. I am grateful because I found a real Patriot who runs Infowars, he hasn't let me down yet and I don't think that he ever will. He is as strong and rugged as they come, the exact opposite of what we have in over 95% of the other media outlets. We should all want to know what's really going on out there. Let me put it this way this is why we should be very proud of certain people at the current moment. We have a few select individuals who have been calling out these cia frauds for years. They have basically been saying its ok to be informed because these people aren't that smart and their cover ups and hiding behind the cloak of National Security has all been a con. They want We The People to know about this so we can take the power back to where it should have been all along. We are off to a good start- Devin Nunes, Sean Hannity, Judge Jeanne, Dr P and many more spiritual warriors who have deep respect for the letter of the law the way it has been written. That is why the judicial system runs by the creed- In God We Trust- Its all going to work out, curse the darkness not,  all of the cover ups by these con artists have been implemented by some really dark and twisted souls. Now the light is shining bright but very soon these Sandy Hook Vampires and much more then that are going to be smoked out from their underground tunnels

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