Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Desensitized And Skeptical

So what did you think about Sean Hannity's breakdown of the new second smoking gun memo? On wall street one must be wary of the one trick pony's or the gambling addict/derivative trader who doubles down to cover their losses. Its like Shelly the Machine Levine, he just needed another score in order to get back in the game and it always seemed to be right around the corner. That is why I was somewhat incredulous with Judicial Watch and why they have been soliciting donations in attempt to adjudicate alleged  crimes committed by the Clinton Crime Syndicate?- One sometimes has to scratch their head and say the whole dam system is gamed and everybody is trying to make a dollar. Why would their be any need to solicit donations from We The People when the FBI and the DOJ should have been doing their job all along? Isn't that what We The Peoples tax dollars are for, to have trust that the FBI is going to do their jobs especially the ones that are committed at the highest level of the food chain? 
  That leads to ones cynicism when we see more alleged crimes being committed by these folks. In other words if less then half of what Fox News and what many other spiritual warriors in the alternative media have been shouting on the rooftops with their bull horns at the ready has been true then these people should have been locked up decades ago. That leads to ones skepticism that the entire thing is a hoax while both sides especially the puppet masters above everybody are getting a barrel of laughs out of the entire charade. The other way to look at it is that this is a sign of what our future holds. In other words Judicial Watch wants us to get involved and eventually take back control of our country that has been violently hijacked by globalist criminals. The FBI and DOJ hasn't been doing their job otherwise indictments would have been handed down many years ago. That is why the American people are tired of the allegations, we need people in cuffs because we have already heard enough about it ad infinitum. We are desensitized to it all and we are now in the same league as the fb and instagram addicts and the burnt out brain dead  twenty something x-box addicts that watch simulated war games all day long. We need people in cuffs pure and simple. We need faith to be restored in our judicial system, Hannity's breakdown last night was very powerful. The legal analysts explained that one would need a calculator to tally up the crimes that were committed in regard to this latest scandal. The problem is that their has been so many scandals that is has been somewhat  difficult to keep up with them all and that is why we are desensitized and skeptical.

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