Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Dirty World Of Politics

https://www.infowars.com/the-road-map-for-a-public-indictment/ I watched Leon Panetta on some Sun show, I never trusted that man. He took credit for the shady Bin Laden take down/raid and on Sun was talking about how strict the FISA courts are and how they have to uphold to high standards. That is right but it looks like they were lied to, when are these politicians going to start to tell the truth? That's the problem right there a politician Panetta that was the head shed of the cia. I had to change the channel, their cover is now blown. Since their cover is now blown when are the other outlets besides Fox News going to start to do their jobs? Chuck Schumer fake tears during the Muslim ban these people couldn't give two shits about the American people, they are all pathetic liars and crisis actors. Adam Stiff and the rest of these partisan democratic con artists need to be fully exposed. Two Faced Janus Principle frauds with a laundry list of crimes that have now been made public. Accusing the Trump Train of being something that they really are how much more duplicitous can these frauds  get? The FISA courts don't seem to have high standards either because they signed off on warrants with unverified bogus intel that came from the opposition party- (Fusion GPS-) CNN- MSNBC- Yahoo News- Huffington Post, all world network news outlets- These Democratic operatives all work together, Fox News is the only news organization doing their job. Shouldn't  withholding and suppressing information from the American people be a crime?
   When are these fraud news networks going to stop whining about things that aren't even true. Every serious investigative journalist has made clear that all attacks on the FBI and DOJ are about 5% of the Obama holdovers, The Clinton Crime Syndicates at the very top of the food chain, not the rank and file field agents. So these people have their hooks deeply entrenched into propaganda and also control 95% of the news. I cant even watch an interview with our former cia head shed without being fed a bunch of propaganda, smoke and mirror based bs. Most of these people even look shady. Its hard to come across as somebody with integrity when you are a duplicitous professional liar, con artist and thief- Welcome to the dirty world of politics.

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