Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Doing The Right Thing

So what is on your mind this morning? I have a great deal of gratitude and respect for certain people in our media. Like who MSNBC- CNN and the network channels? Is that supposed to be a joke? They were talking about this alleged wife abuser that appeared to have some top secret clearances. Alleged contempt prior to investigation these liberal media outlets are off the charts. They aren't liberals at all they are partisan Stasi zealots that are actually the exact opposite of what they are supposed to stand for. They are the ones that make everything political with their illegal weaponized intelligence and a plethora of bs to back them up. Operation Mockingbird they are so phony this Russia collusion story is the straw that broke the camels back. Are you sure that it is all smoke and mirrors? Pretty much, the thing that upsets me the most is how they have been depicting our Commander In Chief before during and after the election. I actually bought into some of it to some extent because I try to be fair and balanced and thought that maybe he was involved in some dirty dealings. They appear to be the dirty ones (fruit from the poisonous tree) we have some great people to be thankful for. Sean Hannity, a real journalist who doesn't appear to be politically correct. This entire thing is horrible because it shouldn't be about the dems vs the republicans anyway it should be about exposing the hypocrites that are supposed to be protecting us because they swore an oath. 
   That is why Judicial Watch and so many other people have been providing a service to us that is invaluable. They are doing real investigations which always starts with FOIA requests and then it gets taken from there. The big difference is that this is 2018 now, it is going to be played out on the national arena with a lot of pissed off people. This means that we will eventually get answers because they cant hide anymore because the light is shining bright. People are really doing their jobs and many have been their entire lives. That is why we need to show deference to many people- The Fox News channel - Greg Jarrett, Tom Fitton last night they had on Pam Bondi,  things are really on the upswing. For example Judicial Watch has some great people working with them and we need to be thankful for their indefatigable effort in doing multiple major investigations with many solid investigative reporters in their corner. It makes me feel refreshed because I was convinced that the media wasn't doing a dam thing except more smoke and mirrors. That was our world before the Trump Train came to town. AJ said Hannity was doing some good things and although I was skeptical I checked him out, I couldn't believe the work he has been doing. My head has been spinning ever since and it appears that he has been doing this for a long time now, the right thing looking out for we the people.

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