Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Down And Dirty

It was refreshing to watch Dan Bongino confront that author Lanny- As soon as I heard that name I thought about Lanny Breuer the cover up artist at the DOJ who let the pirates scurry away with all of the loot during the dust bowl that almost was. This guy was a clown last night, he is just like countless others just trying to get their 15 minutes and writing books that don't go for the jugular, just cursory bs of what we already know. This guy was pathetic last night, Hannity asked him straight out what he thought about factual information that was just revealed by this new smoking gun memo and he dismissed it calling it the latest conspiracy theory. Their time is coming to an end, although I am somewhat skeptical I still have faith that the you know what has just officially hit the fan. It doesn't really matter that other media outlets haven't been covering this because these crimes have decent windows as far as  statute of limitations are concerned- Rico crimes, perjury etc.. The laundry list is quite extensive and I cant wait to read them all. We have too many good people in the media now, Fox News what can I say I tell the truth they seem to be the only ones in the main stream media that are doing their jobs. The list of solid journalists is quite long- Michelle Malkin, Sharyl Attkisson- I believe that the Clinton Crime Syndicates days are numbered. Even if journalists weren't doing their jobs which is over 95%  indictments have been known to come out of nowhere, that is the way it used to be in the olden days. Remember when Det Richie Roberts took down 80% of the NYPD in the 70s. These cops were not only indicted but most were convicted. Its like Chris Cooper in The Kingdom- He was a solid FBI guy who had to get down and dirty in the muck, the dirty disgusting and dilapidated pond in Saudi Arabia- He was looking for crumbs, not the Nancy Pelosi insulting crumb comment but rather he was looking for evidence. That is what one needs to do, get down and dirty in the deep state dirty and disgusting establishment swamps. That is why most if not all of the intel operators are quiet professionals- They will take you out seemingly out of nowhere, at least today we have the web to list all of their dirty crimes.

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