Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Soldier Of The Apocolypse Of Information

Political grandstander as Sheriff of Broward County. He put on a pathetic display of hubris and arrogance during the NRA quagmire with Dana Loesch. This is a sad state of affairs with our elected officials that were put in place for reasons that are readily apparent. Instead of showing empathy, remorse, contrition and a sense of humility Israel  has been acting the exact opposite. He then continued on with this type of behavior with the CNN commentator talking about OJ Simpson, this is really bad and is only going to get worse. It is going to get much worse for these political pundits and Stasi zealots who don't do a dam thing except weaponize their intelligence and create mass hysteria. Its all about less weapons? These people are bought and paid for political hack jobs, Israel needs to resign or be fired. Blaming law abiding citizens for situations that they created I cant wait until these sealed indictments get unsealed. Other then that Infowars is a soldier of the apocalypse of information according to Dr P. They have been taking the flak and have been focusing directly over the target for many years. This has earned their entire crew a badge of honor but they need to up their game. Fire Breathing demon chasers that are locked in tight and ready to roll. These Deep State freaks are trying to turn our country into a Banana Republic full of chaos and destabilization. Mass Operations, Gladio school shootings, real investigations must be conducted not bs ones. That means that Wolfgang Halbig and his dedicated team of hardened warriors are going to find out what was done and what wasn't just like he did with the SHES shooting. No way are we going to leave it up to the criminals who planned the operation to do these investigations. That time has come to an end. How many times did Wolf go back and fourth to Newtown that man deserves our respect, a real investigator among a sea of liars, cowards, traitors, political pundits, hack job crisis actors and actors in general. Wolf wasn't scared nor intimidated, he is a National School Safety expert, we are going to get to the bottom of all of these crimes just wait and see. People need to know what these mobsters did to Jonathan Reich.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Scorched Earth

What do you think about How America Lost its Secrets so far written by Jay Epstein? So far so good, the people who write these books are usually pretty smart even if one doesnt neccessarily agree with them. Didnt Epstein write a book backing the Warren Commission? I believe so that is the jist of his views based on what I read thus far. I like some of the quotes- Snowden wrote "Obama just appointed a f ing politician to run the cia" pp-27- Sensitive secrets are in many cases a "bodyguard of lies" as Churchill stated. The legendary counterintelligence chief stated "Its not enough to steal a secret it must be done in a way that the theft remains undetected, that is the secret of espionage sucsess"  What was his name?  Why dont you read the book and find out. How do you feel about our Potus going Scorced Earth on his Tweets- Great- he needs to continue, full frontal asaault on the Deep State and SSG- He has a plethera of pissed of fire breathing demon chasers in his corner. Do you have faith in our AG? I am not ceratin, the jury is still out on that one however he doesnt come across as a hardened warrior that knows how to put people in the ground. Who has earned your respect so far. As mentioned Hannity and the entire 9 pm crew at Fox News, Infowars, Devin Nunes, Dr P. Jerome Corsi and Lionell. Lionell needs to have a converstaion with Dr Jim Fetzer and Wolfgang because he is way behind the 8 ball. What do you mean? It means that if you want to have an hour long expose about being an investigator and talk about conducting yourself as a Columbo you need to  do your due diligence first. Fetzer has a statement written by a man that stated that he was inside the SHES school in 2010 and it wasnt even operable, infact it was a dilapidated wasteland. There is enough evidence of a shooting that never even took place, this combined with much more,  Lionell needs to get up to speed. Apparantly Corsi is getting the world ready for some deep dark and ugly truths, so my question is how real are they going to be? Corsi is a man of high intellect and so is Fetzer so they should have a meeting of the investigative minds. Who else is shining bright at the current momemt?
    Joe diGenova, he has a treasure trove of intel that he explained in layman terms about the bogus dirty dossier and  dirty tricks that puts Watergate to shame as far as the level of corruption that is involved. He stated that Admiral Mike Rogers, the head of the NSA is a stand up man, doing his job by protecting  America from the dark forces of the Deep State. These people are despicable, I try not to judge but this is really bad and is going to get much worse. Worse for who the good guys? No, the days of the good guys going down have come to an end. The ocean tide has turned and we can thank our Potus elect for that. He isnt backing down, he is going all the way. Corsi needs to know that the SHEs shooting didnt happen and he needs to tell us that otherwise I am going to question his QAnon intel

Friday, February 23, 2018

Real Investigative Journalism We aren't vindictive but we respect the rule of law and adhere to the supreme law of the land. We aren't into political pundits who don't seem to do that much except obfuscate the Ultimate Reality. The best warrior poet sonnet comes directly from our soul. It is the sonnet without rules or restrictions because we don't need an ombudsmen to coach us on how we should feel or what we should write and or the way it should be written. There are 5 senses and the sixth one is the metaphysical or "knowing"
   Things are moving up, we don't want justice to be served but rather we need it to be served.  Who decides on what is a reputable or authoritative news source? WSJ- yesterday had an article that stated youtube took down a video that went viral that showed that  David Hogg is an actor. Why was it scrubbed because maybe it was onto something? Youtube mistakenly promoted a false video? This article from Infowars seems to prove otherwise and that maybe youtube shouldn't have scrubbed it. It supposedly came from an authoritative news source as well. Who verifies what type of material is supposed to be legitimate, CNN or Snopes fact check? The moderators are letting a lot of information into the mainstream and this will not be stopped or suppressed anymore because this is just the law of the land. The closest thing we have to real journalism in the mainstream is Fox News, they are doing an excellent job. Sarah Carter, Gregg Jarrett, Dan Bongino, Sebastian Gorka, these people have completely changed my outlook and view on the main stream news. Sarah Carter broke the story on the Fisa memo and does great work with (Uranium 1) She has passion, conviction is very intelligent and takes her job seriously. Real journalism and investigative reporting, there is  still hope for our country after all. Laura Ingraham- Hannity there are many winners at Fox News. We care about the future and are going to make sure that investigations don't get stonewalled. Independent counsels will be created, that is because we all have had enough bs to sink 5 Titanic's thus far- (Rogue Spooks-by Dick Morris)

Spiritual Solutions

There is a spiritual solution to every  problem- Wayne Dyer- As you think, so shall you be-pp-73- Overcoming Our ego- Stop being offended, Let go of the need to win, let go of the need to be right, let go of need to be superior, have more or identifying ourselves by achievements. Let go of our reputation.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

FBI Spies And Lies

Whether one runs drugs through dubious channels or covers up secret server crimes by destroying the evidence the end result is the same these people need to be placed  under oath. In our world we wont stab you in the back and then lie about it, instead we will stab you in the front because there usually will be a good reason for it, mostly in self defense.
   FBI spies and lies false and fraudulent pretense false flags and phony tears these cons seem to have no remorse. Deep State SSG bad guys combined with FBI spies and lies. We aren't into false fronts and mendacious dems and we definitely have contempt for the unmasking of innocent American citizens. All in an attempt to dig up dirt and cause smoke screens because their preferred candidate never had and never will have any game. They were going all out because they knew that if and when our Potus was elected their would be real investigations, they pulled out all of the stops. Project Longevity, Fast and Furious, Sandy Hook back door shady deals with 20% of our Uranium going to Russia to boot. Racketeering, Extortion, dropped balls on false flags because the FBI was too busy going after Russian Face Book trolls. Unverified and salacious intel, a dirty dossier submitted to a Federal Judge and then lying under oath. Leaks to the press, the list goes on these people were recruited to the FBI because they knew exactly how to game the system. Not only were they recruited they were advanced to the highest levels all in a direct attempt to prevent their shady preferred leader from having real investigations. Lying to a federal judge and then using 12 million dollars of dirty laundered money for this dossier to boot. The deep state,  too busy going after Russian fb trolls that wont even get extradited, staging another false flag and then lying about it. Then we have real fbi guys risking their lives working deep cover that get threatened with criminal and  civil penalties and ruined reps just because he  just wanted to do his job. This is going downhill and is only going to get worse. It is going to go downhill for the bad guys because their time has now officially come to an end. They had their chance and it just didn't pan out because it doesn't really matter how many more distractions and distortions they continue to come out with. The high and mighty need to fall to make room for the American Patriots who would never consider ever being a dirty cop.
  These people only know one thing and that is how to lie, the exact opposite of what they signed up for. That is why they all need to be placed under oath. Their high and mighty days where they once reigned supreme are coming to and end much sooner rather then later. The dirty press who they seem to have in their back pockets will soon need to seek cover with an early retirement because it doesn't look like any of these people are going to start to tell the truth anytime soon. That is because their house of cards is going to come crumbling down much sooner rather then later.

Deep State Fraud"But, even worse, as recent revelations are beginning to prove, Brennan is a criminally-manipulative partisan sycophant who abused nearly every power of his position as director of perhaps the most powerful, and historically-lawless, agencies of the federal government in service to a seditious conspiracy intent on illicitly-securing the election of his preferred candidate for President of the United States by fraudulently-framing her opponent with perhaps the most grave offenses that can possibly be levied against any person seeking public office at any level in this country." Roger Stone

Friday, February 16, 2018

In God We Trust

If you are going to try go all the way otherwise don't even start

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Doing The Right Thing

So what is on your mind this morning? I have a great deal of gratitude and respect for certain people in our media. Like who MSNBC- CNN and the network channels? Is that supposed to be a joke? They were talking about this alleged wife abuser that appeared to have some top secret clearances. Alleged contempt prior to investigation these liberal media outlets are off the charts. They aren't liberals at all they are partisan Stasi zealots that are actually the exact opposite of what they are supposed to stand for. They are the ones that make everything political with their illegal weaponized intelligence and a plethora of bs to back them up. Operation Mockingbird they are so phony this Russia collusion story is the straw that broke the camels back. Are you sure that it is all smoke and mirrors? Pretty much, the thing that upsets me the most is how they have been depicting our Commander In Chief before during and after the election. I actually bought into some of it to some extent because I try to be fair and balanced and thought that maybe he was involved in some dirty dealings. They appear to be the dirty ones (fruit from the poisonous tree) we have some great people to be thankful for. Sean Hannity, a real journalist who doesn't appear to be politically correct. This entire thing is horrible because it shouldn't be about the dems vs the republicans anyway it should be about exposing the hypocrites that are supposed to be protecting us because they swore an oath. 
   That is why Judicial Watch and so many other people have been providing a service to us that is invaluable. They are doing real investigations which always starts with FOIA requests and then it gets taken from there. The big difference is that this is 2018 now, it is going to be played out on the national arena with a lot of pissed off people. This means that we will eventually get answers because they cant hide anymore because the light is shining bright. People are really doing their jobs and many have been their entire lives. That is why we need to show deference to many people- The Fox News channel - Greg Jarrett, Tom Fitton last night they had on Pam Bondi,  things are really on the upswing. For example Judicial Watch has some great people working with them and we need to be thankful for their indefatigable effort in doing multiple major investigations with many solid investigative reporters in their corner. It makes me feel refreshed because I was convinced that the media wasn't doing a dam thing except more smoke and mirrors. That was our world before the Trump Train came to town. AJ said Hannity was doing some good things and although I was skeptical I checked him out, I couldn't believe the work he has been doing. My head has been spinning ever since and it appears that he has been doing this for a long time now, the right thing looking out for we the people.

Monday, February 12, 2018

This Guy Thinks We Are All Stupid I was watching AJ and he pointed out what this character thinks of us- The most scandal free administration in history according to some. Maybe because only certain people were talking about them- There are too many to list- They are all so nefarious that its tough for me to conceptualize that they are all possibly true. International Racketeering case stonewalled by Holders DOJ- Uranium 1- Obama and Holder had it made, they both ran the DOJ and the FBI- They kept committing the crimes while stonewalling the investigations where a lot of the money seemed to be funneled into you know who's charity- Charles Ortel, Peter Schweitzer- Investigators that we owe a debt of gratitude and respect- Dedicated to the pursuit of truth in exposing what now appears to be getting more national exposure. Obama care, Stand owns at the border, Fast And Furious, Contempt Of Congress and now is considering running for Potus 

Lady Liberty

"I hold the maxim no less applicable to public then private affairs that honesty is the best policy" Discipline is the soul of the army, it makes small numbers formidable" George Washington- I thought Abe was supposed to be the honest one? All the Presidents Men- Abe- Winfield Scott, George McClellan- The picture of Abe- Washington was better because he never should have been involved in a civil war where kin vs kin were actually killing each other. How much more barbaric can you get and they didn't even know what the hell they were fighting for. For some it was their rights for others their honor because it definitely wasn't over the issue of slavery. Who said we will not send our boys to foreign wars on far away shores? I don't know but it sounded good. The other thing is that those text message's seemed like they were written by sophomores in high school? What text messages? The ones that were written by the political hack jobs at the FBI, the ones that are not only   a clear and present danger but are also blatantly bias.  
    Are you saying that as a Fed you aren't allowed to wear your heart on your sleeve and show contempt for a political candidate isn't that what its all about the land of the free and all of that? I see your point but not when your job appears to be to destroy that candidate, one must remain impartial during the electorate process and not try to interfere with the outcome of an election for obvious reasons. As a fed this sometimes makes people more passionate about their preferred leader so one can see how murky and troubled the waters can become. It doesn't matter who you want to win you cant interfere in an election because it doesn't really matter what you say behind closed doors. So what are you saying you cant wear your heart on your sleeve as a fed and shout out with bull horns on the rooftops and do what the rest of us do? Yes- that is what I am saying, you have to not necessarily be a crisis actor but still somewhat be an actor none the less. It is not an easy task especially when each party has reasons why they both think that they are right. It doesn't change the fact that those text messages read like they were written by 12 year olds not federal agents working for the FBI- How could one be out of their element in a National Security arena that is supposed to be in their blood because they are supposed to bleed red white and blue. Its hard to conceive how much of a disconnect their is with some people that  swore an oath but lets not forget we are talking about only 5%. The law  breakers from the Seventh floor. I just cant imagine a ruthless and federalized Stasi army of democratic zealots that were hell bent on a particular objective. That's because you are still naïve to the dirty world of politics. Once you think you know how bad things can get it only gets worse from there.
   That is why Lady Liberty has a loving and generous heart but not when you cross her, its all over after that because their is no higher crime. If you could pick one person to straighten out this entire quandary to pretty much guarantee a restoration of justice who would it be? Judge Jeanine 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree

Unverified and Salacious- lying under oath- Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree- Fraud-Vitiates everything, all  evidence obtained is tainted and useless when one tries to bear fruit from the poisonous tree. Letting Russia get 20% of our Uranium this is bad and is only going to get worse. Capital cronies and political pundits who have most of the media in their back pocket, these  people should be ashamed of themselves. The institutions that we hold to be so sacred and dear to our heart have been violated by the people that we were supposed to trust the most. Obtaining bogus information in an attempt to dig up dirt on a Presidential candidate and then lying under oath to a FISA court, the most important election  that we have ever had in our country. Using unverified intel   people  need to go to jail first and then prison. The most sacrosanct process which is to tell the truth as a federal agent and these people have been lying for years. They have contaminated our Justice department and The Federal Bureau Of  Investigation and they still are walking around scott free. They have insulted our criminal justice system and the American  people.  The people  Sean  Hannity showed us or should I say the disturbing people involved in this scandal of the century even look like criminals. They are shady, they don't look and they certainly haven't acted the way we would expect trusted servants to act considering they work for we the people. They tried to rig an election because the fix was in they all had their marching orders.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Gratitute And Respect

What a refreshing program to watch last night. We should be very proud of certain people in our media as well as many that are in the law enforcement community. Especially the ones that work behind the scenes who work under the cover of darkness who have been doing the right thing all along. On Hannity's show last night he had Greg Jarrett, Matt Gaetz and Jason Chaffetz on, this is very powerful information that still has my head spinning. Uranium 1- I knew it was bad but this goes above and beyond the pale and level of acceptably for we the people. Many solid individuals  have been putting pieces of this puzzle or should I say multiple pieces of multiple puzzles together for many years. That is why we need to be extremely grateful for Fox News for breaking it all down for us in layman terms because it is a lot to absorb. Greg Jarrett mentioned that there were numerous crimes committed. Investigation teams that are actually working on a News program, this is the best thing that I have ever witnessed. These are people that would otherwise be working in our intel agencies at the highest levels and most of them have been thoroughly disgusted for many years. Special Counsels need to be created because many people have already went as far as possible just to get stonewalled and what the ultimate insult is to all of us is (stand downs of huge racketeering cases.) The FBI stood down, it is not that difficult for me to understand considering what I know they have been doing all along but this is really bad. When we needed them most they acted just like the criminals that they should have been prosecuting that should be blatantly obvious to many of us. Actually they acted worse then the criminals they should have been investigating and prosecuting because of the nature of their position.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Great Job Fox News

It was very refreshing for me to have watched Sean Hannity's program last night. What a great job he is doing in laying out certain facts that don't seem to be to be found anywhere else especially in the main stream media. What a line up of guests he gad on- These people are as solid as they come- Judge Jeanine- Tom Fitton, Anthony Scaramucci- (That man is extremely smart, well spoken and was depicted in the absolute wrong way by the bias press). My head is still spinning with all of the information that was revealed. I don't believe that the people responsible for some of this alleged criminal behavior are going to be able to walk away from this one unscathed. I still cant believe it- Uranium 1- The Clinton Foundation, perjury at the highest levels of the FBI and much more. Smoking gun information, Judge Jeanine wants full court press, she is the best Judge that I ever listened to. A special counsel by the OIG that runs the Justice Dept needs to investigate the investigators, indictments need to start coming down to unravel this quandary that was described as the biggest law enforcement scandal in our history. Attempting to rig the election by framing our Potus with unverified intel for Fisa a warrant. Hannity explained that Peter Strzok is the former FBI official that worked at a very high level that signed off on the exoneration of Ms Clinton's e-mail investigation. Bias, politically motivated intel professionals with an agenda. This is a disgrace to our Law Enforcement Community, people that covered for these people at the highest levels in an attempt to rig the 2016 election. That is how it looks because I believe 100% in what Sean Hannity has been screaming about for a long time now. They have a lot to be proud of at Fox News- It has restored my faith in the Main Stream Media without question. Actually they aren't even main stream they are a cable news outlet.
   So what does that say about our real main stream media outlets on the network news? A sad and pathetic demonstration of subjective biasness and partisanship. Like last night channel 7- Instead of talking about real issues, scandals of our lifetime they were explaining who would be the Dem frontrunner during the next election. Mr Fast and Furious Contempt of Congress, Project Longevity somebody that needed to brainwash us about weapons. It is a sad state of affairs in most of our country, A Banana Republic where there has been no supreme law of the land. Instead we have had  extreme recklessness by our elected officials at our highest levels who were  supposed to be trusted servants, not capital cronies. It is so bad that we need to be able to wrap our head around it. I can understand a politician being a capital crowny but an elected sworn officer, a Federal FBI Agent working for what is supposed to be the most supreme law enforcement agency in our great nation? This has been going on for decades. They were hell bent on remaining in power this way they could continue on with their back door shady deals, false flags, off line murky Benghazi operations. What makes this even worse is that the FBI stood down during a major investigation, one of the biggest that we ever had because the fix was in, the crooked players all had their marching orders.  Potus Trump is never going to stand down, the Trump Train has been speeding ahead at full force. These crooked officials are going to be exposed for who and what they are for all of us to see and write about, talk about, yell and scream about, a roadmap for public indictment by We The People 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Down And Dirty

It was refreshing to watch Dan Bongino confront that author Lanny- As soon as I heard that name I thought about Lanny Breuer the cover up artist at the DOJ who let the pirates scurry away with all of the loot during the dust bowl that almost was. This guy was a clown last night, he is just like countless others just trying to get their 15 minutes and writing books that don't go for the jugular, just cursory bs of what we already know. This guy was pathetic last night, Hannity asked him straight out what he thought about factual information that was just revealed by this new smoking gun memo and he dismissed it calling it the latest conspiracy theory. Their time is coming to an end, although I am somewhat skeptical I still have faith that the you know what has just officially hit the fan. It doesn't really matter that other media outlets haven't been covering this because these crimes have decent windows as far as  statute of limitations are concerned- Rico crimes, perjury etc.. The laundry list is quite extensive and I cant wait to read them all. We have too many good people in the media now, Fox News what can I say I tell the truth they seem to be the only ones in the main stream media that are doing their jobs. The list of solid journalists is quite long- Michelle Malkin, Sharyl Attkisson- I believe that the Clinton Crime Syndicates days are numbered. Even if journalists weren't doing their jobs which is over 95%  indictments have been known to come out of nowhere, that is the way it used to be in the olden days. Remember when Det Richie Roberts took down 80% of the NYPD in the 70s. These cops were not only indicted but most were convicted. Its like Chris Cooper in The Kingdom- He was a solid FBI guy who had to get down and dirty in the muck, the dirty disgusting and dilapidated pond in Saudi Arabia- He was looking for crumbs, not the Nancy Pelosi insulting crumb comment but rather he was looking for evidence. That is what one needs to do, get down and dirty in the deep state dirty and disgusting establishment swamps. That is why most if not all of the intel operators are quiet professionals- They will take you out seemingly out of nowhere, at least today we have the web to list all of their dirty crimes.

Desensitized And Skeptical

So what did you think about Sean Hannity's breakdown of the new second smoking gun memo? On wall street one must be wary of the one trick pony's or the gambling addict/derivative trader who doubles down to cover their losses. Its like Shelly the Machine Levine, he just needed another score in order to get back in the game and it always seemed to be right around the corner. That is why I was somewhat incredulous with Judicial Watch and why they have been soliciting donations in attempt to adjudicate alleged  crimes committed by the Clinton Crime Syndicate?- One sometimes has to scratch their head and say the whole dam system is gamed and everybody is trying to make a dollar. Why would their be any need to solicit donations from We The People when the FBI and the DOJ should have been doing their job all along? Isn't that what We The Peoples tax dollars are for, to have trust that the FBI is going to do their jobs especially the ones that are committed at the highest level of the food chain? 
  That leads to ones cynicism when we see more alleged crimes being committed by these folks. In other words if less then half of what Fox News and what many other spiritual warriors in the alternative media have been shouting on the rooftops with their bull horns at the ready has been true then these people should have been locked up decades ago. That leads to ones skepticism that the entire thing is a hoax while both sides especially the puppet masters above everybody are getting a barrel of laughs out of the entire charade. The other way to look at it is that this is a sign of what our future holds. In other words Judicial Watch wants us to get involved and eventually take back control of our country that has been violently hijacked by globalist criminals. The FBI and DOJ hasn't been doing their job otherwise indictments would have been handed down many years ago. That is why the American people are tired of the allegations, we need people in cuffs because we have already heard enough about it ad infinitum. We are desensitized to it all and we are now in the same league as the fb and instagram addicts and the burnt out brain dead  twenty something x-box addicts that watch simulated war games all day long. We need people in cuffs pure and simple. We need faith to be restored in our judicial system, Hannity's breakdown last night was very powerful. The legal analysts explained that one would need a calculator to tally up the crimes that were committed in regard to this latest scandal. The problem is that their has been so many scandals that is has been somewhat  difficult to keep up with them all and that is why we are desensitized and skeptical.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Curse The Darkness Not

I am like the retired businessman who lolls in the Fla sunshine in the winter complaining about the sad state of the nation. I also have moral and philosophical convictions galore. That is right and I am dam proud of it, I am a warrior poet full of sonnets that sheds real tears. I am not a crisis actor or a con artist and have plenty of heart and soul to back me up. If you want to know how I feel you just have to ask and don't worry I wont hold anything back. This is why I try not to have that much guilt and above board with my feelings and convictions. In god we trust, I don't think establishment politicians should tell us that we cant talk about god because we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I am not into back door shady scam artists that run drugs in Mena Arkansas and then proceed to kill the innocent witnesses. It doesn't matter if you are doing off line gun and drug deals overseas or trying to manipulate the FISA courts the end result is the same, these people are going to go down.
   I used to watch Oreilly and had a lot of respect for him. I stayed up on some nights watching both of his shows, the 8 and 11 pm version of the same program. Keep it pithy and don't be a pinhead, its much better to be a Patriot and being a Patriot means having strong convictions. It doesn't mean that we are always right, I trust a man that tells me how he feels about an issue rather then some pseudo spiritual wanna be guru that has no opinion at all. Our nation wasn't founded by followers and sheep. I am not into creepy weirdo's who spy on the American people under false and fraudulent pretense either. What you are basically saying is that you have no game and could never do things the right way and win therefore you have to manipulate the system every which way but Sunday- I don't have any respect for official investigations that never seem to add up where their only defense seems to be calling people conspiracy theorists- Now we have the Dems being the conspiracy theorists, it doesn't really matter because most of these politicians make me sick. I am grateful because I found a real Patriot who runs Infowars, he hasn't let me down yet and I don't think that he ever will. He is as strong and rugged as they come, the exact opposite of what we have in over 95% of the other media outlets. We should all want to know what's really going on out there. Let me put it this way this is why we should be very proud of certain people at the current moment. We have a few select individuals who have been calling out these cia frauds for years. They have basically been saying its ok to be informed because these people aren't that smart and their cover ups and hiding behind the cloak of National Security has all been a con. They want We The People to know about this so we can take the power back to where it should have been all along. We are off to a good start- Devin Nunes, Sean Hannity, Judge Jeanne, Dr P and many more spiritual warriors who have deep respect for the letter of the law the way it has been written. That is why the judicial system runs by the creed- In God We Trust- Its all going to work out, curse the darkness not,  all of the cover ups by these con artists have been implemented by some really dark and twisted souls. Now the light is shining bright but very soon these Sandy Hook Vampires and much more then that are going to be smoked out from their underground tunnels

Dirty World Of Politics I watched Leon Panetta on some Sun show, I never trusted that man. He took credit for the shady Bin Laden take down/raid and on Sun was talking about how strict the FISA courts are and how they have to uphold to high standards. That is right but it looks like they were lied to, when are these politicians going to start to tell the truth? That's the problem right there a politician Panetta that was the head shed of the cia. I had to change the channel, their cover is now blown. Since their cover is now blown when are the other outlets besides Fox News going to start to do their jobs? Chuck Schumer fake tears during the Muslim ban these people couldn't give two shits about the American people, they are all pathetic liars and crisis actors. Adam Stiff and the rest of these partisan democratic con artists need to be fully exposed. Two Faced Janus Principle frauds with a laundry list of crimes that have now been made public. Accusing the Trump Train of being something that they really are how much more duplicitous can these frauds  get? The FISA courts don't seem to have high standards either because they signed off on warrants with unverified bogus intel that came from the opposition party- (Fusion GPS-) CNN- MSNBC- Yahoo News- Huffington Post, all world network news outlets- These Democratic operatives all work together, Fox News is the only news organization doing their job. Shouldn't  withholding and suppressing information from the American people be a crime?
   When are these fraud news networks going to stop whining about things that aren't even true. Every serious investigative journalist has made clear that all attacks on the FBI and DOJ are about 5% of the Obama holdovers, The Clinton Crime Syndicates at the very top of the food chain, not the rank and file field agents. So these people have their hooks deeply entrenched into propaganda and also control 95% of the news. I cant even watch an interview with our former cia head shed without being fed a bunch of propaganda, smoke and mirror based bs. Most of these people even look shady. Its hard to come across as somebody with integrity when you are a duplicitous professional liar, con artist and thief- Welcome to the dirty world of politics.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Globalist Traitors

I was watching Live PD and they had a warrant scenario where the officers had to squeeze through a tiny opening through the door, I believe it was in Jacksonville Indiana- This reminded me of the pictures that Wolfgang showed me of some bogus hole at the SHES crime scene that multiple LEOs had to squeeze through. The only problem is that the hole in the glass was way too small for multiple alphabet units to squeeze through especially with all of their gear on. Wolfgang has two CT State Troopers that supplied him with false affidavits that were signed by at least 10 officers during the SHES false flag cover up scam where they made believe that little children were murdered. They then used this as a pretext to crack down on long gun and hand gun magazine sizes as well as to reverberate fear and terror throughout our entire country. They also used this as a pretext for a massive mental health awareness agenda considering that many people are in collusion  with various anti American big pharma crime syndicates.
   They sent our soldiers to fight on far away shores in foreign wars for reasons that had nothing to do with 9-11. Infact the official 9-11 investigation does not hold up under critical scrutiny. If that wasn't bad enough they then proceeded to militarize our federal units and returning soldiers on stateside soil after stocking up with 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition. They were  trying to get our returning veterans into a mind set of repressing and even killing American citizens if need be. Their criminality is being covered up by faux liberalism, transparency combined with a vitriolic anti Potus Trump agenda. The laundry list of crimes committed goes extremely deep, the other fact that  I know for certain is that they have continued to try to make our Potus out to be an unstable hawkish war monger with potential shady foreign espionage ties. I felt sick to my stomach while giving these people the benefit of the doubt after the election and this led to a few anti Potus blogs. I should have went with my gut because while watching MS-13 better known as MSNBC I felt as if I was witnessing real Banana Republic animus and hatred from America journalists. These people are better known as Rachel Madow and Chris Mathews- Owen Shroyer pointed out that they even stated that the only way we would know about MS-13 is if we watched Fox News. Doesn't that say it all? If that wasn't bad enough there were so called real deal intel professionals out there that were stating that Infowars was in bed with Israel. They are telling us straight out that we shouldn't know about MS-13, a dangerous gang infact one of the most violent, ruthless and dangerous that there is. I am tired of these traitors who try to obfuscate the facts. Anderson Cooper was trying to make James Tracey out to be a fringe nut job but now their game plan has been shattered to pieces. Smoking Gun intel proving bogus FISA warrants signed with perjury, withholding information, these people are little children playing in a big boys game. The Trump Train knows how to fight and we know how to win, if they want a war then they came to the right place.    

We Want Cuffs  This is the real Patriot challenge not the one that distracted us for 4 hours last night with long and dumb commercials and burnt out boy singers at halftime. Judge Jeanine wants cuffs and so does Paul Gosar- We want criminal prosecutions- Not only are we going to remember who did nothing in the main stream media as this FISA memo scandal continues to unfold we are going to name names as far as who did all of the finger pointing and blaming trying their best to not have it released. That is Adam Stiff and many others who are total and complete hypocrites.
  These Democrats are not real liberals, the ones who are know who they are and so do we. How come these transparancy advocates and so called civil libertarians and Fourth Amendment freedom fighters obstructed the release of the memo? Because it shows how culpable many of them are as well as criminality at the highest levels of the DOJ and the FBI and this has been going on for decades. If somebody on the Trump Train did what these rogue operatives did it would be front page news on every newspaper and on every major cable news outlet. They would be calling for criminal prosecutions and yelling much louder then the real civil libertarians and conservatives in our country. That would be the only thing they would be writing articles about, is that fair and balanced? Criminal malfeasance and bogus warrants that were sought with false and fraudulent intent. The memo shows premeditation and motive, all to derail a soon to be dually elected President. Obama claimed to want the most transparent administration in history but he was just the opposite. He called for more prosecutions of whistle blowers and Edward Snowden even stated that the illegal spying became worse during his tenure. So the faux liberals are downplaying the memo and finger pointing. The Washington Post stated that the memo did one thing demonstrate that the bogus Russia investigation was on to something. Jeff Bezos cia operative who's pockets are deeply entrenched into various globalist outlets. Is it un American for Bezos considering he is one of the richest men in the world? Its all about capitalism right, not when you are paying for fake news with bs Russian Agent allegations combined with the aiding and ebedding in the shutdown of multiple mom and pop shops that can no longer survive because of this giant e-tailer. Lets see what else do we have. Banning of books Nobody Died At Sandy Hook- This book clearly demonstrates how phony and fake the SHES school shooting was. It was written by Many Masters degree level investigative journalists. Speaking of which Wolfgang Halbig wants to know what the FBI New Haven field office is covering up? They had James Tracey fired it is high time for all Patriots to take our country back and press for hand cuffs and criminal prosecutions in regard to false and bogus Russia collusion allegations with no substantive evidence as well as for egregious violations, perjury, fraudulent FISA warrants. Fraud vitiates everything, their manolevent house of cards needs to come crumbling down and this is just the tip of the iceberg because we are the tip of the spear. We are going to start a chain reaction of indignant Patriots- I want cuffs- Judge Jeanne wants cuffs, Paul Gosar wants cuffs, Devin Nunes is doing a great job as the House Intel Committee Chairman and we are never going to back down. Infact we will only get stronger the more obstructionist these faux liberals continue to act.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Political Hack Jobs

Disturbing facts are emanating from the deep state swamps- The partisan division in regards to the Democrats is quite obvious. Big changes are on the horizon. The rule of law should have nothing to do with what side of the political spectrum one resides. It doesn't appear to matter how egregious and brazen this fraud appears to be the bought and paid for democrats in the media don't seem to be fazed by it. As an investigative reporter or journalist one has the moral and legal obligation to report where facts appear to be headed because facts cant be disputed and that is why the FISA memo was released. MSNBC-CNN The Washington Post, The New York Times and many others haven't been doing their job. This has nothing to do with being on the Trump Train with a political agenda. This has everything to do with enforcing the rule of law the way it has been written. Since the subject has been brought up I am righteously indignant that these people tried to derail our President under false and fraudulent pretense. We knew that if anybody could make a difference it would be him and nobody else. He promised to clean up the corruption and create real wealth, abundance and prosperity and so far has been doing a great job in fulfilling all of his promises. That means that the democrats are trying to hinder the future growth and prosperity of our country. This  is a direct attack on me and it should be for everybody else who cares about living in a country that hasn't been hijacked by a bunch of rogue, greedy and corrupt political hacks.
   Our former FBI Director appears to have been involved in money laundering, he was our FBI Director are you kidding me? His arrogance is off the charts, Tucker Carlson addressed this issue. Sean Hannity and a few select others are the only ones doing their job in the main stream media. Hannity especially, it is very refreshing for me to see him take on the deep state. Comey Tweets out about weasels etc when people within the FBI already came out to state that he stood down during one of if not the most important investigations in our nations history. He stood down and rolled over and we the people are supposed to be ok with this? The FBI and DOJ has been infiltrated nefariously at the highest and deepest of all levels and the only thing these people can do is make it obvious that they are nothing more then pathetic and corrupt politicians. We are all going to remember who did what and who did nothing as this FISA memo scandal unfolds.                        Obtaining a FISA warrant under false and fraudulent pretense using unvetted and unverified bogus intel and then lying to a federal judge. Comey telling our Potus that the allegations were salacious while Trump Tower was already under surveillance and being spied upon by his own FBI under the phony guise that he and people like Carter Page was somehow in collusion with Russia committing foreign espionage. Using a deep state d rated unverified dossier while trying to legitimize it by using some bogus Yahoo site in an attempt to corroborate and make the request for the warrant more legitimate. The Yahoo site came from the same original bogus source and a federal judge really signed off on this? Apparently not telling the judge how politically motivated the entire thing was especially since it was funded entirely by the opposition party. Fusion GPS- The Clinton Crime Families. These people are pathetic and heads need to roll on every level for those culpable. Most of these people are lawyers themselves, Obama, Clinton Comey, they know how to continually break the law and get away with it while acting with the highest levels of hubris and arrogance. How much money did this investigation cost the American tax payers, ie- Mueller's dream team?  And  not that many people seem to be upset by this. Continual rip off of hard working Americans with phony dossiers and side shows by fake journalists and partisan media political hacks that aren't able to abide by the letter of the law ever. Withholding information, I cant wait to see the laundry list of crimes committed, these are criminal not civil cases. The American people need to insist that bogus civil penalties and a few fines and firings and then business as usual will not suffice. It hasn't worked in the past and it definitely will not work now.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Sonnets Of The Day

I have had many past lives to go along with many wives, this created many shattered hearts and broken souls. I have fought in many wars on foreign shores. I have had at least 9 Lives but like the Black Cat that I am have somehow always ended up back on my feet. I have been to jail as well as flat on my back out on the streets. I have felt like dying but never really wanted to end it. I have been a psychologist , a cop,  Delta Force Operator with plenty of firefights in between. We take on bad guys with manolevent intentions. I have been a rock and roll mercenary and a soldier of the apocalypse. I have also been a Buddhist Monk that has helped unite many seekers with prayer and mantra. I have slept with other men's wives in some of my other lives but never really felt that good about it. I have been co-dependent and very weak but was never really into sneaky hearts and  manipulative souls. I will always be a warrior poet full of sonnets.
 The Shift- 2 hour movie- Wayne Dyer, it was very good- He talks about spirituality and quantum moments. He also talked about The 4 Virtues- Soon movies like this will hit the big screens- Many of todays big screen movies as well as the tv shows have too much violence and heartless messages. Psychological thrillers are ok but still many of these have ridiculous plots and gratuitous violence. In todays world if you cant make a movie without a plethora of f bombs and people getting killed one should go back to the drawing board. The best movies are the ones that we can watch on tv that are  still as good as they were when they came out on the big screens. This means that their wasn't that much if any editing needed to cut out the f bombs and the violence.