Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dollars And Cents

Peter asked his dad why more Americans aren't upset that good old Uncle Sam assassinated our President?  "Who killed the Kennedys when after all it was you and me"- There is no Sympathy for the devil that is just the world works. The cia makes up lies all the time, infact that is why they were created. Now here it is 55 years later and they just tried  coming out with more bs that releasing formally classified JFK documents would potentially hamper National Security. They hide behind a cloak of National Security when the entire time they have  been a con job to begin with.
  Most people weren't even born yet so how are they supposed to have a visceral connection to what happened in yesteryear? This was all set up by design, divide and conquer, keep the masses dumbed down and distracted while controlling them with psychotropics and high stress jobs for little or no pay. Its like the Original Sin scam where we are all supposed to feel guilty just for being born. And if we ask any questions about events that don't seem to quite add up then watch out this is when the lighting bolts  of holy hell reign down on us and unleash thunderous roars from the highest off  all heavens. Do you think anybody really cares that rogue operatives assassinated our president, that was 55 years ago and most people who remembered it are either dead are about to die from old age. Good Old Uncle Sam plays the role of God- That is why the dollar bill states In God We Trust- But there is sympathy for the devil, infact many of these higher ups are into the occult and are flat out Lucifarians. Do you think their will ever be justice in this world dad? Not in my lifetime and probably not yours. Their is too much at stake to let all of the cats out of the bag. For example we can set up teams to try to take out these Lucifarians but we are the ones that will probably lose in the end, this has all been set up that way as well. What we resist persists, there is a chance we can take them out but we will probably lose too many good men in the process. Look at the track record thus far- JFK,RFK Martin Luther King, Pat Tillman and many more witnesses including the 9-11 cover up victims. Peter told his dad that he felt dumb and naïve for believing that a bearded man from a cave thousands of miles away would set up a scenario to take out the Twin towers and then proceed to have them implode by only jet fuel. You weren't dumb just innocent there is a big difference. Nobody would want to believe that as Americans we would plan an attack on our own soil to just start major wars of imperialistic hegemony. Only seasoned war vets and profiteers can see the rationality behind it.
   So what is Afghanistan all about then dad? Its about domination and drug profits. Its all about the dollars and cents, the cia and most of their affiliates on Wall Street are nothing more then war profiteers and robber barons. They will probably keep that Afghanistan war going on until the end of time when ever that may be. The Neo-cons love war and they love making money its that simple, their isn't much we can really do about it.  We need to keep the Military Industrial Complex revved up and in high gear that is the name of the game. Stress hormones- three dimensional- bellicose and ferocious this is the American Way. If there aren't real threats then we will just have our cia make them up and then proceed to place a plethora of state actors on the payroll. Besides why would we want to go after our own guys- we don't need another civil war, we lost too many good people already  

Monday, October 30, 2017

Fueled With Rage

"Quantum computers use quibits, which can be one and zero at the same time. This allows quibits to process far more information than bits for specific tasks- particularly when combined- each quibit doubles a computers power, and this exponential growth creates a dramatically more powerful machine at scale"- WSJ pg-65- The problem is that there aren't enough establishment news feeds that talk about increasing the human being mind potential.
   This was set up by design because AI and much more have many people talking about google playing god. We need to have Dr D's Quantum fields on the cover of the WSJ and Ny Times. I believe that our Potus is going to make revolutionary changes and this Russia meddling is just a distraction. "The Russian dossier" may have been a set up and a creation of the deep state to discredit a President that may shake up the world as we once knew it. The establishment releases JFK declassified files from 50 years ago after most of the perps are already dead. This was  set up by design as well,  it looks as if our Potus has received all of the documents and he doesn't have to wait 6 months. Its no big deal right, rogue operatives within our intel apparatus as well as the mob assassinated our president and we are supposed to be ok with this? How many witnesses  mysteriously ended up dead to cover up this crime? We have establishment cronies like Oreilly that write a book and talk about the crime of the century but refuse to mention that the "official story" never held any weight. Books, movies, sell outs, frauds who knew all along that the single/magic bullet theory was a joke.  If knowing what these people do to further their agenda doesn't or hasn't shaken somebody to their very core then I don't want to know you. Its much easier to point the finger and say "conspiracy theorist" that gives one  the green light to carry on without standing up for the injustice of it all.
    Its like the military in many cases young men join sometimes because they don't have any disciple but real world scenarios are for people that intrinsically already have it. I realized this when I was in college when I stopped playing football. I never suited up, I redshirted but never practiced however I still ran and lifted hard every day on my own afterward.  I didn't need the rigors of people beating up on me anymore that were twice the size. Other people that I knew stopped being in shape as soon as their routine was eliminated. It takes guts to stand up to the establishment- AJ  has been fighting this war and I believe that he is on the right side of it. I will make the same analogy for psychotherapy. Dr Scott Peck stated that 90% of people flake out and not because they don't have the money. Its because they don't have the inner discipline and that they are full of fear. Having fear is ok but take the step anyway because that is faith and that is where character comes into play. Why 90% of the people give in to the dark forces of spiritual entropy is the same reason why they flake out and call other people "conspiracy theorists". If something were true then that would mean that they would  have a moral obligation to stand up and do something about it. Unfortunately most people don't have the guts nor the intellectual curiosity to dig deep and then proceed to get fueled with rage.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Your Vibe Is Your Tribe

https://www.drjoedispenza.com/blog/mastery/staying-calm-in-the-eye-of-the-storm/ I have come to realize that it doesn't matter if I don't write  warrior poet sonnets or set out to shake up the currents with my writing. Extemporaneous with no agenda is the name of the game. I am inspired by Dr D and his Quantum fields- Quantum- The Future Of Everything- A Look Ahead- The Wall Street Journal- I have learned that we all have a frequency who's energy can actually be measured during meditation. I have learned this morning about Flow State flow energy and that your tribe is your vibe-                       Its tough to remember it all that is why its good for me to write it down and take notes and then integrate it into a blog.  Its important to not look down on somebody unless you are leaning over to pick them up. I have learned that everything in connected in threes- (mind- body- spirit)- (father- son- holy- spirit) (id- ego- super ego) the list goes on.  Evolution creates stress hormones  survival of the fittest materialism 3 dimensional fear based that leads to sickness, neuroses, cancer, alcoholism, drug addiction the list goes on. In Navaho consciousness although they have high alcoholism they have a sense of community and spirit, they lift up their tribe when they are down and out. That is why sober homes make sense because its communal and that is what a Utilitarian happy and healthy society is based on.  Our Potus just declared another opiate emergency- Solution based Holistic measures Quantum frequencies alpha brain wave patterns. Beta waves are the life I was living even in  recovery focused on negativity and addicted to negative thoughts even without provocation, this is not beneficial for health and happiness. Dr D. can and will change the world as we once knew it by letting us know that we don't have to hit rock bottom or even be an alcoholic or drug addict in order to have a transformative experience. He wants to bring this solution based mindset for all, to revolutionize our future just by thought alone. To show gratitude and thanks for an event that hasn't occurred yet as well as to give thanks and blessings for the current moment, this is the way it works
   In 2009 after a 3 month MBS experience I felt inspired to create a web site called Karma Quest- It didn't work out that well because I received a DWI 10 weeks later and ended up in jail for 6.5 months however at least the pure intention was there. By combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion of joy and love, this can and will change the world that we currently live in.  Holistic treatment modalities are going to replace the medical profession as we once knew it as well just by our thoughts alone.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Conversations With God

"Most of the New Testament writers never met or saw Jesus in their lives. They lived many years after Jesus left the earth. They wouldn't have known Jesus of Nazareth if they walked into him on the street"-pp-67-  Neale Donald Wasch- idolatry- pedagogues- demagogues, tyrants, dictators- The establishment church of high council hijacked spirituality and brought in their own form of organized religion and made up stories along the way from what I gather- Any time man gets involved this is what we get as a result- That's why non denominational is the only way to go and that is why Protestants were protesting against this. This is also why we need rebel rousers and iconoclasts to come in to shed light on this truth. Pedophilia within the various churches appears to be real with credible intel over the years to support this. The same can be said for satanic rituals which include human and child sacrifice. Let us move forward and do something about this once and for all. The Rico perps who own mainstream media are culpable in covering up crimes against humanity and this is unforgivable. Credible sources have exposed this type of activity in the alternative media so why isn't anything being done about it? To watch main stream news and the internet based narcissistic divide and conquer themes gets old after a while. When are our investigative journalists going to shed light on what has been going on in the deep underground? This means that many people need to be exposed to our criminal justice system once and for all. So Corey Feldman can talk about this on AJ but nothing will ever happen as far as arresting people? I have read of cases where 20 year olds were arrested for having sex with 15 year old girls, this double standard is disturbing and unacceptable and it needs to end. People need to be forced to start swearing under oath what kind of country do we really live in. Pizza gate the list goes on. Oct 28- "There are homes where fires burn and there is bread, lamps are lit, and prayers are said. Though people falter through the dark and nations grope, With God himself back of these little homes, we still can cope" 24 hours a day 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Mobsters In Pin Stripe Suits

https://www.wsj.com/articles/sandy-hook-shooter-did-not-snap-fbi-documents-say-1508877161 Fraud scam artists con jobs especially Snopes who is supposed to be an objective investigative tool especially for the gullible and the innocent. The FBI is a criminal organization that should have been disbanded long ago way before that neurotic named JE Hoover became the director. The Pinkertons knew how to investigate and infiltrate and they were a privatized firm. This means that peoples contempt for independent investigative techniques and firms are not based in total and complete fact. The FBI is supposed to stand for fidelity bravery and integrity so why are they releasing recently unsealed documents of that cia photo shop spook that  never even existed? These people are pathetic, they need to be eliminated especially the FBI field office who gave Wolfgang Halbig the run around. They killed some witnesses including that Milford cop if I were to surmise because they have to keep one of the biggest crimes of the century from completely getting exposed. Their is a new sheriff in town and he was elected to the highest office of the land. The FBI is supposed to represent the supreme law enforcement agency that enforces  the supreme law of  land, unfortunately they are a bunch of criminals and gangsters.
   The establishment frauds like Obama and his partner in crime Eric Holder went to a town better known as Newtown and this false flag DHS drill was planned years in advance. They raised money for non existent victims and refused to fully comply with FOIA requests. How our politicians like Gov Malloy and many more can stand behind this joke of a school shooting is quite disturbing to say the least. Frontline is also supposed to be an investigative educational experience but they have been towing the party line just like the rest of them. The History channel did the same thing with the JFK assassination but now the American people have had enough. This Las Vegas shooting with more witnesses ending up dead is going to be the beginning of the end for these mobsters in pin striped suits. The JFK file is going to be unsealed and then these Rico perps are imminently going to start to fall like domino's. How the FBI can get away with pages and pages of egregious fraud  bs just shows how far down these establishment cronies have taken this country down. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes big changes are definitely on the horizon. It all started with our collective conscious and the fact that group think and spiritual principles have been uniting us far and wide. We will ultimately destroy these dark forces, The People Of The Lie- The Sandy Hook vampires and all of their underground tunnels and satanic rituals are soon going to go down in smoke and flames. Whether its sig sauers, flash bangs or hand grenades these people are going to be toast. Yale University and  the rest of these con artists, they are going to have the spiritual light beamed right down and into their dark souls just wait and see. Using little children as pawns to perpetuate a sick and twisted gun grabbing mental health awareness agenda will reverberate from one continent to the next and then we will see what collective conscience can really do.  Mental Health Awareness scams and big pharma congressional lobbyists they are all going to go down in smoke and flames as well. If they don't go down in smoke and flames they are going to sink to the bottom of the ocean just like the Titanic just wait and see. The biggest drug dealers in the country are making up false diagnosis on innocent people and then receiving kickbacks for mental illnesses that never even existed. It has all been a creation of these mobsters in pin stripe suits

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Game On

Peter was contacted by some of the Black Cell members in reference to if and when he was coming back. All of them knew full well that what they were doing was illegal drug running etc. The top kingpins of this cartel view these people as expendable useful idiots that were all going to go down eventually anyway. They are selling their soul to Satan by contributing to this massive opiate epidemic all under the phony guise of keeping America safe.
  Word got back that their days might be numbered and this is when one of the operators told Peter that he had a problem with what he was doing as far as exposing the corruption. Peter retorted- "You have a problem with what I am doing that sounds like its your problem and not mine." "So if you are basically telling me that you are now going to try to make it my problem then that's fine- Game On"
   Peter asked his dad if they really took out JFK. Yes son they really did, they have no honor. At least the Japanese Emperors and all of his soldiers would rather suffer death before dishonor. They actually either took themselves out or had their fellow soldiers do it with beheadings, just like Flags of our Fathers and Letters to Iwo. Pearl Harbor was probably a false flag, they assassinated  our President so the war mongers could escalate the war in Vietnam as well as the Middle East. The Gulf Of Tonkin, The USS Liberty these people are cowards and criminals. The bankers love war because they weren't and aren't the ones fighting it only making the money off of the foot soldiers misery. They sit around with double and triple diamond protection details but all that is going to change much sooner rather then later. I am not sure what to make of our new Potus, sometimes I wonder if those are his own Tweets or if he has ghost writers telling him what to say or write. I really hope that he is his own man and not influenced by these frauds that ran the GWOT war propaganda machine. Like that actor that was on 60 minutes the other day. He made believe that he infiltrated radical Islam and almost stabbed one of the bad guys in the eye with a pen. Their are some bad guys out there however and sometimes people really do die. 
    "Our Potus was considering some guy with ties to organized crime as our next drug zhar are you serious? When are we going to have people that are clean that know how to really infiltrate the top king pins? Its all selective prosecution, they arrest some drug dealers while letting the big fish slide all the way in to home plate. The top notch DEA whistleblower was demoted and forced off the job for doing his job doesn't this trend sound familiar? Big Pharma has distributors that act as their drug dealers by filling our streets with pills especially in Appalachia country. Michael Levine infiltrated the most dangerous organization around La Corporicon-The  General Motors of cocaine overseas and risked his life while working deep cover for the DEA only to get major interference from cia. These stories never really seem to go anywhere. He wrote a few books but people don't read because America is completely dumbed down and distracted and that is just the way they like it. Its all going to come to a screeching halt much sooner rather then later just wait and see".    

Monday, October 23, 2017

Dark Nights Of The Soul

Peter ended up having many dark nights of the soul. He couldn't believe what his father told him, actually he believed every word of it because his dad would never lie to him especially about something of this magnitude. Peter asked his dad if he knew about 9-11  before it actually happened. His dad basically told him that he had speculations but no definite proof. It was an event that was so spectacular that to try to stop it would have been very difficult but maybe not impossible. Either way it happened and here we are 16 years later dealing with the carnage. Peters dad had a security clearance that was so high that many people in the Agency still had no idea who he was. His cover was so deep that only people that needed to know knew about him. He went on to elaborate to Peter- "This GWOT is nothing more then a front for organized crime. They have had their dirty hooks in this game for years and many of his friends have died as a result of it. We are talking about a huge Rico crime cartel that makes billions even trillions of dollars off of subterfuge and deception. Money Laundering, Racketeering, extortion, murder, rape, these people are not who they appear to be.
   "What kind of people would actually plan and execute the assassination of one of our greatest presidents? Some would say that he was the greatest because of what he was trying to accomplish." "They have off shore crime syndicates and powerful banks to launder all of their dirty money. Some of these people were taken down in the early 70s when they were shipping in their dope inside the caskets of dead soldiers coming back from Vietnam including 75% of the NYPD DEA. They became creative with the black ops cocaine cartels and the crack epidemic in the 8o's, these people have their dirty hooks into everything. They wage war by deception and cover and always seem to cover up their tracks by people that somehow mysteriously ending up dead. The latest is the Las Vegas shooting, the worst in US history where reliable witnesses were able to positively identify a second shooter, their lone wolf gunman crazed shooter scam has been going on since even before JFK. One female witness was found dead the other day after posting on social media. The masses are starting to wake up however, they have been in a trance for way too long. They cover their tracks by owning the main stream media outlets and they are the ones responsible for relaying the false information. They are co-conspirators in this major Rico crime syndicate. Its tough to pin them down because they claim that they are just reporting what they are being told because their is so much compartmentalization. To make this even worse they have manipulated every law in the book to suit their own selfish needs and make it appear that some of these mass shootings are nothing more then propaganda events.
    Peter was getting a continuing education degree in how the world really works. His dad went on to elaborate- "They are waging war on humanity itself all across our flat plane with chem trails, con jobs, poison vaccines and plenty of bs to back them up. They have actors on their payroll, some are horrible but some are so good  they would actually pass for Oscar material. This can only mean that Hollywood is in on it, their are syndicates of Langley that train these people in crisis acting as well. They have multiple covers and aliases, it gets to be so frustrating that its tough to keep up with it all. What did you mean by staged Sandy Hook dad? "These criminals  planned a drill and actually had the audacity to make believe that little children were murdered. The school wasn't even open, it was a dilapidated run down asbestos filled wasteland. Their was zero forensic evidence and then they  bulldozed the crime scene after forcing everybody to sign non disclosures. Their actors were so bad on that one it appears that they are blatantly being in our face and brazen that they just don't seem to care anyway. This is how above the law and untouchable these people have become, because they are being protected by this huge Rico crime cartel". Peter couldn't take anymore intel at that moment he was already having way too many dark nights of the soul.                                            

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fight Against The Force Entropy

This is the story of a young Marine named Peter from the Beltway Bandit section of town. He wanted everything their was to be about becoming a warrior with no easy shortcuts. That is why he enlisted right after 9-11 even though he was well qualified to go the OCS route. He went all the way in- Fast Teams, Recon, multiple deployments, OCS  and everything else in between. He wanted to be a Scout Sniper as well but actually became an attrition casualty along with many of his classmates.
  His dad worked for the Agency but they never did talk about this all that much. Peter didn't know anything about how the world really worked, he was compartmentalized, a proud and  pure soul and very sheltered. One day Peter was approached by a sharp dressed man and was asked  if he knew what OGA stood for. He said no sir I don't. The sharp dressed G-man said that he wanted to recruit Peter to a team called Black Cell. He couldn't wait, he asked if it would be as a contractor, he was told yes and that the pay would be great. It didn't take long before Peter was indoctrinated into the black ops side of the GWOT- He was involved with teams that protected and ran opiate crops, were into Lithium deals, enhanced interrogation techniques better known as torture, arms trafficking, human trafficking the list went on. This is not what he signed up for that is for sure. He couldn't wait to take these rogue operatives to places they should have been a long time ago. The only problem was that their was no real chain of command in Black Cell. He went to an OGA shrink who basically told him that he needs to keep quiet otherwise he will soon have no conscience memory of the past 2 years, the time he spent learning and living the deep and dark world of Black Cell. Peter asked the psychiatrist if he knew who his father was, he neither confirmed nor denied. After the third shrink session the doctor basically told him that what he was reporting was not based in reality and was more then likely a dream. He also basically told him that he had a lot of Transference issues form childhood that he needed to work out as well.
  Peter couldn't wait to see his father in person because this is when he was going to blow the whistle to the highest of all rooftops on these rogue operatives. It was fortunate that the shrink didn't introduce Peter to the Tavastock Skull And Bones section of the office because he still seemed to  have all conscience memory. Peter never really talked to his dad about what he actually did but was able to figure out that the various projects that he was working on over the years were just fronts for the Agency. Anyway Peter let it all out and held nothing back. His dad stated "I was waiting for you to come to me- I just needed you to find out how the world really worked on your own without me coddling you. Things definitely aren't what they seem. We have all of the dark ops teams that are into war crimes and dope running's intel. We know exactly what they have been up to. Our politicians are as dirty as they come, they are cowards and don't do a dam thing except lie, receive kickbacks and participate in blackmail and off shore money laundering schemes. Their are good teams and bad teams depending on how you look at it. Either way this is a war of the worlds that goes all the way back to Jesus Of Nazareth. They took him out, hijacked the churches and then proceeded to take out all of our Mystics and Astrologists. After all of this they then proceeded to try to convince us  that the earth revolves around the sun, their sign of power. They are straight out Lucifarians and have no empathy toward human life. Do you know what a false flag is Peters dad asked? No dad I don't what is that? Do you know why Pat Tillman really died- well its along those same lines."
    "His dad told Peter that he was now effectively off Black Cell and was going to be working with him exclusively and with all of his guys. Our teams are equipped to handle what is coming down the pipeline. You have been feeling a lot of interference because of what their end game is. The Age of Pisces is  moving into The Age Of Aquarius and they are trying to disrup every minute of it. They have pychotronics, they rig all of the markets as well and that is why and how they were able to stage Sandy Hook. They are known as People Of The Lie and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, the NWO, the actual enslavement of humanity, and not just within the USA".
      "They took out JFK and staged a false flag on 9-11 and that is when their agenda really accelerated. We have sig saurs, flash bangs and hand grenades. But more importantly we have humint operators, we have people on our side that are on their PSD details so they literally have no where to hide. This is going to get ugly and that is why I needed you to earn your stripes first."  

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Zany Zealots

"We see dogmatism, and proceeding from dogmatism, we see wars and inquisition and persecutions. We see hypocrisy, people professing the brotherhood of man killing their fellows in the name of faith, lining their pockets at the expense of others, and practicing all manner of brutality. We see a bewildering multiplicity of rituals and images without consensus." pp-197  A Road Less Travelled           
   This is why science hasn't been able to integrate with religion or many of it's various concepts. The reason for this is because modem day religion has been hijacked by dogmatists and zany zealots. We can see how some of these people have acted over the years, evangelists the list goes on. This brings me to a case study of a man named Greg D- He grew up and went to high school in the heart of the bible belt and rejected every minute of it. He ended up going to college with  huge student loans at a liberal arts school that was very much considered to be on the liberal side of the political spectrum. Growing up he always had a sense of awe and wonder but felt somewhat uncomfortable with the bible belt folks. He didn't realize this but in one of his other lives he was an Astrologist and a Mystic dating back hundreds of years. Like most college aged kids he experimented with drugs and alcohol. He wasn't really an addict or so he thought, he just liked to party hard on a regular basis. One night he partied way too hard and ended up getting busted by campus cops with cocaine and mushrooms on him. This was a wake up call after all because he didn't seem to remember that much of it due to one too many mixed drinks.   
   Going through the system during this time was no fun at all, he was expelled even before final adjudication. One of the stipulations was a court ordered rehab that he didn't even have to pay for, he was a poor college student, his parents who divorced a long time ago could barely scramble a few dollars together as well. This was one of the main reasons for the divorce amongst many other things. During this 28 day rehab he had to attend AA and or NA mandatory 5 days a week. He couldn't believe that he found himself in this situation but tried to make the best out of it. He was always a young man of high integrity, a good student athlete. He was good enough to play Div 1 soccer but tore his ACL and meniscus his junior year of high school which essentially downgraded any chance as far as scholarships were concerned. 
   He disliked the AA meetings very much, infact there was a zany zealot who always seemed to rant and rave "that it was the first drink that gets you drunk". As far as being a program of attraction this didn't seem to be working out very well. He didn't even consider himself to be an alcoholic or a drug addict, he was just taking this route so the courts would go easy on him. As soon as he graduated from the rehab he went home to his bible belt stomping grounds and right on over to  his favorite watering hole when he was in high school.
   He was a straight shooter and liked his coffee black just like his soul like his dad used to say. He proceeded to order 4 glasses of vodka and tonic making sure that they went easy on the tonic. He proceeded to pour out the first one while slugging down the next three at a rapid fire pace. "What the hell did you do that for one local stated" Greg shot back that it was those crazy zealots in AA that kept telling him that it was the first drink that gets you drunk so that is why I got rid of the first one.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Spiritual Leaders

AJ exposed how the establishment has infiltrated various holy houses over the years for their own selfish gain. This is a legitimate point that not that many people are willing to talk about. He explained that is why Jesus hung out with the prostitutes at times because at least they were real. Our creator espouses free will and doesn't want anybody to have guilt and shame or to have anybody be held hostage. AJ has many great points, he says and does things that many other people avoid out of fear of ridicule, what other people might think, the list goes on. Jones is enlightening us and getting the world ready for what is coming down the pipe line. The difference between fear and courage is that a spiritual warrior  has fear but still  takes the plunge anyway. This is when other people step forward and get involved once they see that their are other fearless leaders that are doing the same.
  People like Lilou Mace are making a big difference as well. She is  a beautiful soul and just wants to spread the light and carry the message of the mind, body and spirit across the world. She has interviewed many fearless and spiritual leaders but wants to interview plain old regular folks as well. The reason for this is because the fearless and spiritual warriors don't want to be singled out or to be put up on a pedestal because that is where idolatry may come into play, the very thing they are not about. Their fearless courage is illuminating but they don't want the spot light, they would much rather just carry the message of peace. Co-creators and the collective conscience are going to make the world a better place. We can talk about fighting against the dark forces but they will all melt away and implode over time if infact they were ever even real to begin with. Main stream media is not filling up our soul, I cant see them staying in business that much longer. Its just not the news that is horrible, its everything that these network news channels seem to represent. Big Pharma, long commercials, brain dead activity that seems to be  focused on the secular. Our movies and tv shows are filled up and fueled up with mindless and gratuitous violence, these x box games are even worse. When little kids get indoctrinated into a world where human life doesn't seem to have that much value we can see where so many of our problems lie. De sensitized stress hormones fueled up by a survival of the fittest antipathy and materialist mindset that is very much anti- mind body and soul. I have learned a great deal from Dr D, his basic concepts can and will change the world as we currently know it. We can and will change the world and our future just by thought alone.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Hell In A Bucket

"That is the other reason why I think of addiction as the sacred disease. When my AA friends get together, we often come to conclude that very probably, God deliberately created the disorder of alcoholism in order to create alcoholics, in order that these alcoholics might create AA, and thereby spearhead the community movement which is going to be the salvation not only of alcoholics and addicts but of us all"pg-150 Science and Spirituality do mix and this is what the New Age of Aquarius is all about. It is hitting this country like a freight train at well over 100 mph. I realized that more then ever when I learned about Dr D's quantum Fields. Dr Peck explains how cults work and about the evils of compartmentalization.
   Dr Pieczenik stated the shooting in Vegas was a total hoax where nobody died. Dr P should be our Potus, he would be able to do this low profile and way under the radar. He had a minor conflagration with Alex Jones on Sept 11, basically telling him that Jones needed to put his ego in the ashtray. My question is why does Jones need 75 employees? He is getting as big as main stream news but he still isn't going for the jugular. Why wasn't he allowed to state the truth about Sandy Hook, he backed down when our country needed him the most. This just proves what Dr P was referring to on Sept 11 and what Dr Peck stated in reference to the evils of compartmentilation. Jones made it to the big leagues as a truth seeker and teller, he tells us just enough truth so that we will always watch but then totally flakes out when it comes to seal the deal. The same thing is happening with this Shelly The Machine smoke and mirrors charade in Sin City. Our Potus is buds with Shelly The Machine so how much does he know about what really happened during this event? We all know that the official narrative doesn't add up because it never does. Jones just wants to put on the dog and pony show and have everybody chase their tale because nobody ever gets in trouble anyway. That is why I  think Judicial Watch isn't exactly on the up and up. They seek donations for investigations that were bound to fail and set up from the very beginning as a hoax.
   That is why Dr P cut through the chase to tell us the way it really is, how refreshing it is to have Dr P as the leader of our free nation when we need somebody like him the most. Jones has hit a lot of home runs over the years but still falls short of proving to me that he is the real deal. Why go back and fourth with this Vegas shooting because we all know it was set up as a hoax to begin with. AJ couldn't seal the deal when Meghan Kelly asked him if he thought that children really died during Sandy Hook why is that? Now his show is as big as main stream news and he has 75 employees so what does this really say? AJ is not that much different then main stream news. Why cant main stream news interview Dr P because inquiring people want to know? Our Potus can prove that he isn't really part of the deep state by tweeting that all of our mass shootings are total hoax false flag con jobs set up by the cia and maphia. They have the fbi and main stream media go along with it and then proceed to steal a lot of money with raised donations for the poor and suffering victims. Not to mention all of the kickbacks they will receive from anti gun legislation and mental heath awareness scams. Our country is continuing to go to hell in a bucket with an opiate epidemic and horrible crisis actors that continue to try to manipulate our emotions. At least the Grateful Dead enjoyed the ride    

Monday, October 9, 2017

Just For Today

Socrates had a quote "Know Thyself"- Scott Peck MD in The Road Less Traveled has a section called "Knowing Yourself"- What I took out of this section was that maybe a little ego deflation isn't so bad after all. He states that self love is good however protecting ones self esteem at all costs may not be that healthy. Most of the malignant narcissists he has encountered over the years have had a tendency to do this as well as to "exterminate the evidence"   
  This reminds me of one case study  about a man named Kenneth L. Ken is 46 years old and is from Southport Ct. He has been in and out of rehabs his entire adult life with 2 dwis and alcohol awareness eductation as well as court madated probation based IOP. He comes from a dysfunctional family with plenty of blame to go around. His addictions include alcohol, cocaine, benzos, gambling, hookers, cigarettes the list goes on. His family are direct descendants of the Mayflower types that go back to the 16 and 17 hundreds, he has inherited an abundance of pernicious usury. His days include gambling, going to strip clubs as well as verbal altercations with many others. Kenneth has a lawyer on retainer as well as two therapists, the one that tells him what he doesn't want to hear doesn't get that much attention.
   Kenneth longest period of abstinence was 90 days, this was the amount of time he spent in a long term luxurious rehab outside of the Hills of Beverly. He has no real friends but has a few phone numbers from some acquaintances that he has met  in some of the various rehabs he has attended over the years. He tried AA but that never seemed to work out that well. As of late he has convinced himself that time away from drugs,  booze and inveterate gambling doesn't really matter, the only thing that does matter is the here and now, the present moment since its one day at a time anyway. When things get really bad he just checks himself into a sober companion detox  without the institutional environment as well as without all of the bells and whistles of a pych ward or detox that is usually part of an emergency room or state run facility.
   The last detox was especially brutal, not only did Kenneth feel like dying, he almost did. That is when the sober companion Michael hung up his business model, too much liability. He didn't need anybody dying from a Xanax withdrawal on his watch. Michael realized that he would more then likely be going back and fourth to court for the rest of his natural born days explaining a death, especially from somebody like  Ken with his wealth and connections. Michael flat out told Kenneth  that he needs to give AA a real shot this time otherwise he more then likely will be dead fairly soon.  Kenneth took this advice to heart and proceeded to the local men's group that he has been in and out of for years. Does anybody want to put out a topic? Kens hand shot up like wildfire- He stated that "he was sober and was ready to become a sponsor because time doesn't really matter because the only thing we really have is today". As far as a topic how about we will make it about me? Jake shot his hand up and stated "Ken you are basically totally full of shit". Jake knew Kens sob stories from his years of coming in and out basically saying the same thing over and over again..
   After the meeting Kenneth confronted Jake and stated "you have a lot of balls talking to me like that and embarrassing me in front of the group, don't you know who I am"? Jake shot back "Around here we don't care who you know or who you blow, we don't care how much doe you are worth, we shoot straight from the hip and straight from the heart because nobody is paying us by the hour." He continued on "you need to put your grandiose ego in the ashtray and take some suggestions for a change". Maybe if you weren't so busy playing the blame game and focusing on yourself somebody might say something around here that could possibly save your life." "Kenneth respected his audacity and asked him to elaborate. Jake stated "time does matter, the problem with your cushy rehabs is that they are in in for the buck and they take no prisoners. It clearly states in  A Vision for you that one cant transmit something that they don't have. These dual diagnosis rehabs are treating this disease from an acute care racketeering standpoint where they don't mind if you come back again and again and some of these places even encourage this. They dope you up on meds and make a fortune doing it. Why don't you take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth for a change." You probably don't need to save the money but why pay these rehabs a small fortune when you can put a few dollars in the basket instead." That is what I am doing right now Kenneth shot back. Jake continued on  "Around here we don't put band aids on permanent  problems that only seek short term solutions with an expectation that we will see you again very soon. We don't take bs and we are in this for the long haul. The problem with you rehabbers and  therapy boy wonders and all of this New Age electric magnetic vibe energy jargon is that you never got sober to begin with. You are being enabled and this disease is being sugarcoated to protect your fragile self esteem". Getting a white chip is not the walk of shame but rather the international sign of surrender and the potential for life long sobriety. Its a celebration that we encourage and empower people with.
    Jake continued on "Also some of these rehabs are very good and they shouldn't be judged for other peoples failure to comply. If somebody doesn't follow up and do aftercare then they need to take responsibility for their own actions because that is what growing up and getting sober is all about. Just because their is over an 80% recurrence rate after rehab one year later how and why is this the rehabs fault? How can these places even use this as a statistic as far as gauging the success of one facility or another? If the rehab isn't pushing for aftercare that is where they would be considered negligent". How do you know all of this Kenneth asked-"I have been around the block myself , have visited the sword of Damocles up close and personal and don't feel like ever doing this again." Can you be my sponsor Kenneth asked- "Yes, no problem Jake stated, just for today"  

Saturday, October 7, 2017


http://silkworth.net/tiebout/tiebout_egofactors.html Doubling down on wall street has taken out more wanna be big shots then some of our wars. This is when one buys more of one stock or another to compensate for the egregious losses, buying on margin the list goes on. This is when many people decide to jump off the high towers of finance. I equate doubling down to the ego in alcoholics that this article talks about. The ego within individuals that have alcoholism has led to the demise of many drunks as well. Why do we need to identify ourselves as an alcoholic- One of the main reasons is ego, the first step toward total surrender and acceptance and also to be a part of. To be just another bozo on the bus.
  Their is good ego and bad ego- bad ego is putting yourself on top of some sort of spiritual pedestal and by using words like you must should, being pushy, self aggrandizing and the center of attention. Good ego is taking things in stride and accepting life on life's terms. Good ego is I don't expect to set the world on fire by taking my next dot-com public but I still don't want to work at Dunkin Donuts either. Good ego is still applying at Dunkin Donuts in an attempt to be a productive member of society.
  Bad ego is maybe I can take my will back and smoke some weed, surrendering is the beginning of a life long journey that leads to permanent sobriety. All of the rehabs, jails and detoxes are just blips on the radar screen to help one eventually surrender to a power greater then oneself. That is both sides, the disease is much more powerful and so is the higher power, that is why one must get out of the way and put their ego in the ashtray. Once I surrendered this made the process that much easier however their are still different levels of surrendering. I have since learned that negative thought patterns create stress hormones which could very easily lead back to self medicating. This is because these stress hormones are addictive and self defeating. Self righteous anger, false pride, today I would much rather be happy then to be right all of the time. At the very least negative thought patterns will lead to me to being a dry drunk, behavior which would make it nearly impossible to ever be happy or to lead a relatively drama free life.                                                    

Friday, October 6, 2017

More God Less Greed

Divide and conquer tactics may work in the short run but not long term. When we are in a constant state of Orwellian type warfare this is when one crashes and burns. Utilitarianism is the answer through peaceful and passive resistance. The reason there has been so much division over the years is due to divide and conquer tactics. Hierarchies and Pyramids are the problem, this doesn't benefit humanity as a whole. Infact this is what perpetuates a constant state of un ease, anxiety and tension.
  Dr D explains that when the majority of like minded people take their power away from the hierarchies and higher ups this will be very threatening, this is what will cause their imminent collapse. Nationalism is ok but not when one goes overboard with demagogues who sprinkle star dust, fairy tales and blind loyalty toward the pyramid leaders. Nationalism doesn't really work long term either because this is still us vs them SS Volkswagen type divide and conquer tactics. Preserving the human race as a whole is the answer regardless of what country one is from.There is a problem when their aren't even jobs for the homeless people on the street. There should be an abundance of jobs for people with decent wages and training programs not dog and pony show tactics filled up and fueled up with carnival clowns, charlatans rubes and flakes. This will be a bottom up phenomenon, the implosion wont be experienced from the top down. This means that the higher ups on top of the pyramids and hierarchies are going to come crumbling down. War isn't the answer either, lets face it when was the last time war benefited our society as a whole? The fat cat bankers made a fortune but the last time the United States really won a war was WW 2. This means that we need more god and less greed. When one is trapped within the egoic mind this is what has caused societies downward spiral. Dollar chasing stress hormones, keep up with the Jonesers the list goes on. This is why I knew that show Survivor was an example of what is wrong with our culture. The best people were getting ousted through subterfuge and undermining tactics. Manipulative, petty and pathetic individuals have risen to the top of these pyramids and hierarchies because they knew how to play the game. Empowerment and spirituality is the answer not survival of the fittest lowball dirty tactics where one is tripping their comrade in arms for no other reason except that he/she is a direct threat.
    It has been a proven fact that the happiest people are the ones that live in a communal utilitarian world where one feels that they are contributing to the greater good and betterment of society as a whole. I could never figure out why and how so many people have been fascinated by the kings and queens faux nobility etc.. The top 0.5 % of the hierarchies control 99.5% of the worlds wealth, Gordon Gekko explained that to us. We need a future with stability and promise not necessarily greed, avarice and riches. Our Potus stated that he was going to make some big changes. I feel some faith  and hope that he will come through for us because I believe that his rapid ascension happened for a valid reason, maybe a serendipitous one.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A New Renaissance

Idolatry never worked and it never will. That is why I was so let down over the years by peoples behavior and actions. Spirituality must come from deep within regardless of ones external environment. The great spiritual mentors understood this however they never wanted to be put up on a pedestal. These people never really used the word god that much either. They want us to read through the lines. I am very impressed with Dr. Joe Dispenza, it appears that Science isn't dead after all.
  After reading Deepak Chopra's book about God one quote stood out to me- "Science without religion is lame religion without science is blind" The spiritual greats are telling us everything that we need to know. Dr Joe D. breaks the potential for life change down into layman terms because I never did that great in Earth Science or mathematical equations.  I wouldn't want to see the grade I would have received in Quantum Physics either. That is because the intelligentsia has a tendency to be arrogant, many of these people want to hoard the secret sauce. Dr D. combines science and spirituality in a way that is quite fascinating to say the least. The knowledge that he presents to the layperson such as myself has convinced me that we have the potential to experience a "New Renaissance." The reason why the highest of all higher ups have been giving stress instead of experiencing it themselves was because they already had the concepts of The Secret but wanted to keep it all for themselves. This is why their world has been crumbling down all around them, this is not how The Secret works long term. After watching the movie and reading the book I knew that there was something there. I had to dig deeper, this is when I came across Dr D. on the internet. He isn't trying to hoard anything, infact we can catch his vibe just by watching a few of his youtube videos.
  Basically he takes The Secret and Tony Robbins to an entirely new level above and beyond and into the potentiality of  experiencing the 5 dimension. It makes sense to me, he states that in order to experience life change it will take a lot more then just thinking positive. The reason for this is because we can think positive all that we want but if we have been living under stress and survival mode and the 7 deadliest negative thought patterns that go along with these stress hormones we will just experience more of the same. We must rise above our external environment through meditation, visualization and clear intention. When one combines a clear intention and mixes this with an elevated emotion this leads to opening up the heart and soul. This way our conscious mind will catch the negative subconscious thoughts, feelings and emotions that have permeated our mind and body our entire lives. He is basically stating that it is quite possible to rewire our mind through this continued and ongoing process. The reason for this is because nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together, this is known as the Hebbian Law of repetition. We need to internalize this as if it has already taken place, this is the electromagnetic field of the mind and body merging together as one. Intellectualizing this from a distance isn't going to work for me either, progress not perfection. The thoughts are the electric field and feelings are the magnetic. Newtonian Law has focused on the mind and body as being separate entities, ie-cause and effect. Dr D's Quantum law proves to us that we can cause the effect just by our thoughts alone. Eckert Tolle explains this as well through gratitude and humility. We need to strive for feeling whole already and be able to separate our life from our life situation. We need to feel abundance and wealth before we will ever have a chance to take this to the next level. The only way the world will ever change is by first changing oneself.