Saturday, July 29, 2023

Blow Back Part 2

Trump is full of garbage making believe he didnt know who Miles Taylor was- Just a low level staffer huh- Not really try high level within the administaration at DHS very smart and had to dumb down intel reports for former Potus- It was like since Trump has no attention to detail or attention span Miles had to break down long exhaustive intel reports specifically Afghanastan into 1 to 2 pages- Did Trump ever get diagnosed w/ attention defecit disorder- He said he didnt know Miles which definitely cant be true because I just read a detailed 340 page book with information that only a top level insider would know- He also said that he didnt know EG Caroll either- I see a pattern here and it isnt a good one- A federal judge just recently declared Trump a rapist When Trump was doing one of his go arounds expecting to hear praise and flattery responses he got one from Pence just as expected- from his top level sycophant. He got stone faced reality from both General John Kelly and General Mattis- There is no bs about these kind of men integrity through and through- Thats the difference between a politician and a general and that is why Pence was VP- You cant be nice to somebody like Trump you have to be just as nasty as he is and Pence found this out come Jan 6- A big lie where the cult followers were calling for Pences execution all over a lie not only about the election being stolen but also that Pence had the authority to not certify the election. Kelly stated that Trump was evil because of his inappropriate comments about what it would be like to have sex w/ his daughter- The general lost his son in Afghanastan- If anybody would know how to fight a war it would be this man. Trump made a reference to general Miley- "These are idiots we are dealing with" Here is a quote from Kelly about what it was like to work w/ the unstable president- "Its not as bad as it looks its a hell of alot worse" I feel sorry for many of the people that had to work directly w/ this man especially the people that were forced to sign NDAs- Trump takes hostages and doesnt fight fair His lies about how all of the indictements are a weopanization of the doj is another big one-

Blow back

In the end, I discovered that in politics the real struggle is not us vs them its us-versus-us Miles Taylor We know we arrived when we are neither cocky nor afraid- Trump is both cocky and afraid- Infact he is so three dimensional its hard to even put it into words- So we gave him a chance to do some positive things as potus however he took that as his own personal quest to not only burn down democracy but to put himself above our constitution- He never got it its not about him its about we the people- During my cool aid drinking years I didnt like McCain either for no good reason except its what Dr P said- Here is a man that is an American war hero revered at the Naval Acadamy and universally loved throughout America- Typical demagogue Trumpism he wanted the flags brought back up from half mast after hIs death- What a petty narcissist perfect example of how he puts himself above our venerable institutions and sacrosanct rituals- That is exactly what despots do and we have no room for that in our country- Trump has so many problems lets see what else like being a drama king- Let me tell you its bad enough to be a drama queen but when a man who is supposed to be Americas leader turns out to be a feckless drama king that aint good- We need somebody who is stable not someone whos intellect must be questioned but it also goes much deeper then that- A petty tyrant just as expected yelling at people all around him but then expecting his staff to do the impossible is just another example of how mentally unstable this man is- Infact he even admitted it when he said as far as dealing w/ a madman thats his problem not mine in reference to Kim Jong Un If Miles comitted suicide Trump and his cult followers would have relished in that going back to the shadenfreude. What did he say bad things are going to happen to him- What a schoolyard bully what did Miles do wrong he penned an accurate analysis as a dire warning to America of how off his rocker the commander in chief was and that is protected by free speech I would estimate that Trumps maturity level is around 14 years of age- Arrested development for certain- Individuals that are constantly trying to imptove actually admit thier faults- If he did this even to some degree I would have just a little bit more respect for him. Fraud- Trump University instead of saying I am sorry I will try do better next time it was Mexican racist thats the only reason I was convicted- Really that is the kond of mentality we the people had to deal with unfortunately

Friday, July 28, 2023

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Hang It Up Mitch

Arrogance and hubris todays old fogies who refuse to hang up thier spikes- Steve Schmidt explains this in a way that resonates throughout- Why are these politicians so out of touch w/ reality that they think this is ok w/ us- Diane Feinstein its ok to want to be in the game but at least do it on the side lines not on the front lines We need youth and exuberance you can still have this in the older years as long as you dont look and act like a dinasour- Who is youthful RFK junior great shape both mentally and physically- Trumpian is as well but as Schmidt explains George Washington knew when it was time to hang up his spikes- I cant see how people would want to be president for more then 4 years anyway- So why do the dinasours continue to subject us to thier mental and physical decline- They should understand that we dont respect them for doing this- Time to hand the baton over to somebody not as frail and decrepit- W was in great shape he used to run w. his secret service real fast times and he was strong as well- He was at the right age to run a country. We have conditions that arent that great because our politicians appoint themselves to multiple terms well beyond thier full usefullness


The saying work like a dog doesnt make any sense- I am not talking about nomadic wolves who travel in packs or sled dogs- Just the modern day k-9- Lets face it the owner is the one working thier ass off because we have to tire the dog out but then go out and make a dollar come back and do it all over again while the k-9 hangs out all day sleeping and being hyper vigalant- I have a few ideas of who is running the country but it definitely aint Biden- He is no dog owner either otherwise his k-9s wouldnt have bit the secret service agents on multiple occassions- Anybody can be a poser write a check for a dog but then have others do all of the dirty work- Biden is no alpha that is obvious- When a dog has no alpha it gets confused and acts out- This is indicative of how Biden is allegedly running our country- Haphhazard w/ no real leadership- Its kind of like just be a yes men and read the telaprompter and soon you will get to enjoy some of that Burismo action and get a library named after you once you get out of the game that you should have retired from long before- What did the secret service agent say- (following the bite, a separate Secret Service officer wrote in an email: “What a joke … if it wasn’t their dog he would already have been put down — freaking clown needs a muzzle.”) Why wouldnt Biden have one of the secret service k-9 handlers deal w/ his dogs- They train them in bomb and drug sniffing wouldnt that make sense- I witnessed cops take dogs out that charged them and they were all legit shoots- Biden is a clown and should profusely apologize for his reckless dogs that have no real owner- Not only that these reckless dogs have attacked the secret service agents on multiple occassions- If the dog had a real owner then that would mean travel and the dog needs to get walked and fed by the master its pretty simple- How does Biden expect we the people to respect him if he has proven that he cant even handle the most basics in life

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

California Insider

There are big problems in the corrupt state of Cal- A few months back I wrote that it wasnt a good look to have a LA sheriff to have gangs within his ranks- Turns out Sheriff Villanueva is one of the good guys who helped clean up Venice beach- Since he was so sucsessful he got fired- That is how it rolls with the profit making so called non profits- Human misery is quite lucrative therefore anybody that gets in the way needs to get removed- Its the same w/ all of our wars however the ironic thing is that Michael Levine exposed cia drug dealing but I dont recall anybody from the company ever getting locked up- If you want to succeed in a mission the best plan is to have overwhelming force w/ both military and law enforcement- Unfortunately it rarely works because there are always plausible denial individuals f ing there plan up along the way- It never fails- Thats why I have my doubts if the Mexican Cartel will ever get eliminated- they play an integral part in the drug war- We could wipe them out in record time if we didnt have certain individuals guaranteed to hinder it in various ways making it virtually unwinnable. So the non profits are great for the fat cats because they are the ones that make all of the money while the front line foot soldiers get little or nothing and have a high burn out along the way- It makes perfect sense for the money makers that put profits before principle- Alex Villanueva straightned out Venice Beach quickly only to have it retuern to hell after he was removed- The other problem is that it is tough to legally take down this kind of corruption its been going on forever in various different ways- Success isnt conducive for the non profits because that gets in the way of the continuous cash cow- That in a nutshell is why California and other states like Seattle Washington will probally never get cleaned up- Giving politicians and thier corrupt mininons a green light to continue to destroy once beautiful states and our country- that is truely reprehensible-

Cops Deserve Respect

Cops should get a break on speeding but not dwis+- I dont see why their are so many miserable posters probably because they have been dicks to cops over the years- My last ticket I was in a bad mood and maybe would have been given a break if I wasn't- Over the years I was given many breaks in high performance cars because I rarely had an attitude- Why should cops be given breaks- Because they are responsible for a lot more then just delving out traffic infractions- These are the kind of things these negative posters probably have no clue about- Who are the first people that get called when things go south- I was somewhat of a witness to a shooting a few years ago- The cops were on the scene in seconds not minutes - Same when I called on the Travis Rudolph shooting- PBSO amazing they came rolling up in minutes without hesitation- They also must have an incredible amount of restraint when dealing w/ ungrateful a- holes all the time as well. Domestic disturbances- murder investigations- car crashes- security- risk mitigation- unstable people- the list is quite long and extensive

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Your Fired

Former potus is fired- Its bad enough when somebody lies but when your a candidate for the president of the United States you are done after 1 catch you in just one- Lets see what else has he lied about others have counted 30k of them- Trump didnt have the absolute right to keep the classified documents infact it is quite the opposite- I am grateful that we do have attorneys who fight on the front lines of freedom and democracy every day that actually tell us the way it really is- Trump is a grifter and a clown and may even be delusional. I would have a little sympathy if he complied w/ the dojs subpoena infact if he did this infact it would be a non issue just as it was w/ Biden and Pence- Trump is pernicious w/ his lies- He has proven himself to be reckless and w/ out impulse control- This is somebody not to be trusted as our commander in chief- He keeps telling his maga cool aid drinkers that what he did was legitimate and that he had the absolute right in reference to the classified document case- Being Potus is a serious job but Trump just continues to act like a child- His pal Rudy filed a lawsuit w/ out evidence frivilous and may get dis bared it was just based on theory- There seems to be no compelling evidence of voter fraud but former Potus still whines and claims that the election was rigged- I dont mind questioning the integrity of the election but after considerable resources were spent still just theory no there there- So why cant former Potus man up and tell us that Biden is more trustworthy to we the people- He may not be a ball of fire but at least he doesnt make jokes about having a bigger button on a nuke just so his sophomoric cult followerrs would laugh. This is deranged rhetoric. Trump isnt anti NWO he is all about a new world order being centerd on him and him alone- Imagine what would happen to our judicial system w/ Trump as Americas dictator- Slimeballs like George Santos and others wouldnt do any time and he would immediately target people he perceived as direct threats and political enemies. Another one of Trumps lies is that he isnt a politician- He is every bit a swarmy politician times ten- Apparantly all of the governors had to grovel to him in order to receive covid supplies- If you dont kiss the emperors ass he will make your life a living hell typical back stabbing shaden freude- I want to hear from the hard working business owners that Trump owes money to for work that was conducted over the years- Trump isnt able to feel the same empathy as we the people- Infact aparantly he was a world class a hole to these people and strung them along for years even though they did nothing wrong except make the poor decision to do a job for him

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Assembly Bill 5

AB5 has proven to be among the most ill-conceived state labor policies in recent memory.Oct 10, 2022- A horrible law that put thousands of people out of work pre and post covid- This goes along w/ my theory that politicians like Newsome make things worse on purpose- How does hindering the gig economy one of the most prominent in the USA supposed to help anybody but the special interests and thier swarmy governor- A New York Times column- A lavish dinner "reinforced the mess of bueracratic dysfunction and aristocratic indifference- Bastion of an out of touch elite oblivious to the peoples needs p139. Hypocrisy and hubris- Cal. politicians let powerful special interests run our state into the ground while escaping the consequences themselves" -pg 140 So putting people out of work in the most expensive state in the country- Where do these greedy capitalists get off charging 3 g for a 1 bedroom in a shithole state w/ high crime- Seriously this isnt progressive this is hard core capitalist predators at work- 40% of Americans only have $400 at thier disposal- the job wages are not commensurate w/ the cost of living So how is Bidenomics justifying hyperinflation in our land where people are already just strugling to survive- I am not talking about thrive just survive- Steve Schmidt put it as succinctly as ever- Wall streets job is to make as much money as possible for the select few- This has never been addressed and adjusted for we the people and he almost helped McCain get elected in 08 and may have won if it wasnt for the wall street crash. It was hard to make sense of a precipitous dive in the world economy in such a short period of time all due to greed and corruption- Derivatives run amok- (Indentured servitude for the 1%- The system is unfair- Life w/ out work is purposeles but work w/ out dignity is also- Work w/ out dignity will deprive people of purpose a society of men and women w/ out purpose and dignity will fall and what will rise would be something terrible) Steve Schmidt

Recall Newsome

Politicians like Gavin Newsome make my skin crawl- Seriously I didnt even know about how Kevin Kiley tried to recall him I just looked at Cal problems and figured corruption had to run deep- So Newsome gets to act like dictator talking about a new progressive era using Covid 19 as his chance to do so. Making his rounds on the late nite shows $12000 bottles of wine w/ no mask while the residents were forced to be home suffocating themselves w/ thiers. Something is wrong w/ this picture and its todays modern day sleaze politicians- Newsome isnt a real progressive because that is all about positive change not essentially destroying your state w/ drugs and lawlessness not to mention draconian measures for the regular folks just trying thier best to survive- The dis connect is mind blowing- Special interests come first but it goes much deeper then that- I believe it may not only be incompetance but rather destroying and making things worse on purpose- Either way politicians horrific decisions affect the lives of millions of people- Going back to Hubris and Bremer in Iraq- His decision to fire the Republican guard which guaranteed the insurgancy had irrevcocable and diastorous consequences for that entire country not to mention our military veterans- Who gives these people the green light to make such poor descisions- Iraq was destroyed how much democracy was actually instilled- Did we help build back the infrastructre and help the people find jobs after thier buildings were destroyed and families mis placed I dont think so. Now California Seattle etc imagine if somebody like Newsome really did become Potus- These people put themselves first. Alot of money is made by death and destruction- Crises that are planned never go to waste-One just needs the proper puppet in place. Gratefully somebody like Newsome and his toxic ways arent able to infiltrate all of Cal- Vern Pierson DA of El Dorado County has a crime rate in the extreme low percentage range. That is because he knows what he is doing and corrupt governors dont have the ability to get thier dirty paws into his neck of the woods- The people of his county are extreely grateful for that- A perfect example of Newsomes dis- connect is how I witnessed that he is bringing CHP into San Fran to make some drug arrests- What the hell good are drug arrests if the law has no teeth its a revolving door- Criminal elements have infiltrated the homeless camps and can sell drugs and people are able to use drugs in the open air w/ impunity- Its all word salad to placate the few people that dont know any better- People like Newsome and others like him are in way over thier head- As detailed in Kevin Kileys book his reluctance to listen to reason is also very apparant- That goes along w/ the grandiose $12000 bottle of wine politician syndrome

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

A Serious War

How refreshing to hear that Gov Desantis would aggressively pursue Mexican drug cartels if he became president- These cartels are brutal and ruthless and need to be met by extreme force- A real threat to America as they do heinous things that are hard to even write about- I also respect that he and his wife Casey are upset about masks that were on the children. An Opiate crisis that has killed more then most of our wars combined must be dealt w/ by good leaders and Desantis is a good one- There is something that is seriously wrong about having this drug laced w/ almost everything causing major havok and death- War must be waged on the dealers that are lacing it as well as the cartels that are bringing it over

Monday, July 17, 2023


She did it again! During a speech on “Combatting Climate Change and Building a Clean Energy Economy,” Vice President Kamala Harris at minimum said what everybody is thinking, or maybe she’s attending too many classified meetings and forgot what not to say. Anyway, during her July 14th speech, Harris said, “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water. “ Reduce population. There it is! The fact checkers are saying it never happened. Listen for yourself: Jeff Childers blog So I see all of the zombies w/ thier flesh eating wounds and think to myself who else could figure out how to create such human misery- The company has been doing it for ages mix and match various drugs human experiments benzo dope tranq you know the usual. Then I skim through Hubris written by Isikoff and David Corn and think how could they have been so wrong about how the Iraq invasion would turn out- it could last 6 days 6 weeks I doubt 6 months Rumsfeld pg 195 Really Hubris did they miss the boat by that far or was there more sinister motives at play- The neo cons have missed the boat on alot of things especially the war monger former Potus currently charged w/ multiple felonies- He was supposed to be a peacenick what a joke that is- According to Bandy Lees book he said whats the sense of having nukes if you cant use them- Encouraging the magas at his rallies to engage in violence looks liked we picked a real winner Getting back to the hows and whys of the Iraq war- It comes down to they invaded Iraq because it was simply invadable

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Real Leaders Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary newsome continues to praise prop 47 and 57 claiming it has reduced crime in the state- If it was the Cal. voters that voted for prop 47 its the governors responsibility to inform the public that they were misinformed and made a grave mistake Its ok to screw up but its not ok to defend the indefensible and then to misrepresent the facts- Admit the wrongs and then do something about it Chris Christie admits his faults he is a real person that is what seperates the men from the boys- The founding fathers never anticipated we would have somebody that is such an egomaniac facing serious criminal charges after being impeached twice and still trying to run for president- Chris Christie I never heard Trump admit his faults which there are many- He is the furtherst thing from a real leader- Trump didnt get indicted for us that is the furthest thing from the truth- He is trying to make it sound that he is a super patriot willing to fall on the sword for we the people- No I dont think so he puts himself first always has. The doj isnt weaponized against him he just commits alot of crimes and they are just doing thier job- We dont need some false patriot that comits crimes/fraud galore trying to be potus- There is criminal intent written all over this classified documebts case- Anybody that claims otherwise and tries to defend him is a clown and a hack

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Smell The Roses

Clean and sober is one of the biggest damn mistakes this country ever made…We all need to self medicate periodically” - Gavin Newsom Governor Gavin Newsom admits he likes to self-medicate with a glass of wine while watching the nightly news. He believes the homeless should not have to be subject to rules and regulations when going to shelters for a bed or a hot meal. Clueless politician who has aided and abeted a homeless and crime diaster in California- Unfortunately in this country people usually get rewarded/ promoted when they screw things up at unprecedented levels. I am waiting for Fauci to get his presidential medal of freedom award. Newsome he wants to run for president now as rapes and gang activirty go down at the homeless camps- Drug dealers gang affiliates that prey on the weak doesnt sound like success to me- In 2015 I was sitting in a smoke filled California rehab and I actually believed in getting softer on crime- Thats because I was sitting next to man who was coming up on a third strike and I believe he had a weapon that wasnt even loaded during one of his crimes- Prop 47 and 57 has had horrific results parts of Cal have offically turned into third world wastelands- Lawless thugs steal and people get thier camps raided rapes and individuala are forced to engage in crime in order to keep thier home- ods- All because of the weak and feeble politicians and thier special intersts who tie leos hands behind thier back- Predators selling drugs in recovery zones a place where its not the caboose that kills you when hit by a train its the engine up front- Its the first drink or drug people need total abstinance how can this hapen w/ a clueless governor and terrible laws- Treat drugs as drugs and crimes as crimes its pretty simple- This means no smoking either- Dont allow smoking or vaping in rehabs or in recovery zones- You dont give hydromorphone and cigarettes to addicts- These rehabs are enabling and are not nipping everything in the bud making recovery that much harder once they get out- One drug at a time no I dont think so sobriety is everything or its nothing- The big book was written 85 years ago- Back in the day they said sugar the most addictive of them all was ok- Drugs are drugs time to wake up and smell the roses So let me get this straight in Cal its ok to shoot dope on the sidewalk but not smoke cigarettes- Its kind of like Fauci telling us masks are great one day but horrible the next- The double speak of these people- And what did Fauci say years ago natural immunity is the best defense- We the people have a long list of contridictions lies and deceptions by these predators at the top

Vaccine Intel

Overall, the COVID shots have been a complete and utter disaster. The shots made people more likely to become infected, injured, disabled, and dead. The COVID vaccines appear to be the worst medical interventions of all time killing an estimated 13M people worldwide (see page 24 of Rancourt’s paper). It appears that the cure may have killed around twice as many people as the disease. I found the same thing when I commissioned an independent poll of Americans: twice as many people were killed by the vaccine as from COVID. But what’s even worse is that, by and large, the medical community has not acknowledged the huge number of vaccine injuries and deaths and still believes that the COVID vaccines were a huge success and have saved millions of lives worldwide. The gap in perception is huge. It’s a shame we cannot have a conversation about it, isn’t it? (Steve Kirsch) © 2023 Steve Kirsch 548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104 Unsubscribe Get the appStart writing

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Trauma Nation an individual in a position of political power is a psychopath, he or she can create an epidemic of psychopathology in people who are not, essentially, psychopathic…Under such conditions, no area of social life can develop normally, whether in economics, culture, science, technology, administration, etc. Pathocracy progressively paralyzes everything.” This goes along w/ Bandy Lees book and how she explains that trauma nation has become normalized by the Trumpians of our world- In other words misogyny racism xenophobia denigrating attempts of subjugatiog others contionuos insults bully tactics have become the norm and when that happens all bets are off- It starts at the top and has a trickle down effect- Might doesnt always equal right. Infact America has sunk down into a rabbit hole for the past many decades- Trauma nation for little children as well especially wearing masks because this is cruel and unusual- If anybody is going to get on thier shill box and try to tell me that kids needed masks because covid was a direct threat to them is going to have some problems w/ me- Its the higher ups attempt to normalize the abnormal by pychological amd manipulative measures- Trauma based mind control our society hasnt been the healthiest- When little children become the target our most innocent then thats when the gloves come off. That is why we see so many media figures speaking out against this because it is real- And from what I gather the latest movie Sounds Of Freedom about child trafficking has been met by cancel culture and more

Benzo Dope

With no limit on how much money can be donated by organizations or individuals at the behest of the governor, millions of dollars flowed in to prop up public services during the pandemic and fund Newsom’s favored programs, including an effort to address homelessness and a public safety campaign promoting the importance of wearing masks. LA Times I had a dream that I was taking a road trip on the east coast w/ one of my dogs- I stopped off in Kensington pa and thats all I remember- I woke up in fla w/ out my dog and didnt remember what led up to it- The stuff is addictive I dont know if it was tranq benzo dope or if somebody slipped me a roofie- I was dogless and figured it couldnt have been a relapse because my program is solid- If that was the case then why did I stop of in Kensington- When Purdue Pharma stated that their drugs were safe and effective not addictive even for minor pain they knew it was a lie- They knew how addictive opiates were dating back to the civil war-

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hell Hole

California is a hellhole and I am blaming the greedy politicians and special interest groups- People who arent protected by corruption and tenure actually suffer real consequences- This would be the residents of Cal who dont want to have to coddle nor enable the drug addicts on the street- Infact open air drug use decriminalizing hard drugs and use combined w/ legalizing theft has led to fourth world conditions.Not only in San Fran but Santa Monica and more- Whole Foods in and out of business in less then 1 year- Nordstrom is moving out of that hellhole- even the mayor got her car broken into. They couldnt survive having to deal w/ homeless drug addicts stealing and loitering- Before making such horrific laws it would help to have a beta test site or trial studies before going live so to speak- Newsome needs to be voted out of office and his special interest groups that have him veto bills that would be good laws need to be investigated- The working class folks who struggle as it is didnt feel safe showing up to work all because of the greedy corrupt politicians and thier special interests- At least the politicians qualify now on writing the manuel for how to destroy a once beautiful state. Cal and other states need to get back to business and start to treat crimes as crimes including open air drug use- They just failed miserably so time to try something else- Dont give drug addicts drugs and dont make it ok to loiter steal and use drugs in the open air and especially in front of struggling businesses. Destroying the morale of a once beautiful state- The people moved out due to violence as well- mass exodus- Seattle is in the same boat we have serious problems and I am not too sure they started out as well intentioned Disguisting litter there are so many inmates that should be on work release to clean up the streets and more- Its not that hard to figure out one just needs supervision- Needles everywhere these non profits are getting rich giving out needles that end up as litter- They are making the problem worse the same script they used for the covid garbage and all of the free masks they passed out that ended up as litter while they pushed their unvetted vaccine- I was cleaning up these masks fortunately fla has real leaders at the top I am startung to see a pattern here and its not looking too pretty- Big Pharma special interests non profits and thier greedy politicians all a recipe for crimes being commited on the top- Having law enforcement stand down while they let states get looted by plunder and pillage. Kind of like how Purdue Pharma started this mess w/ thier Oxycontin but never got in real trouble for egregious crimes against humanity. I find it interesting that they can have a major mass marketing campaign for an unvetted vaccine that never went through the proper clinical trials and then have the entire world take it. Combine this w/ a completely non tested nor vetted program of how legalizing hard drugs and theft would work out- These people love thier human experiments dont they

Past Lives

I dont say much about transgender its more like live and let live people should just be thier authentic selves- When I sense in authenticity thats when red flags start to go up- Its pretty simple dont try and reinvent the wheel biological women should not be alowed to compete in male sports because that is cheating- Do we really need to go on and on about whether cheating is right or wrong Other then that be yourself- The preview for Past Lives was a little disturbing to me because it had this promo for transgender but it was obvious that the woman was going the extra yard at the end to use a deep male voice- It was like in our face we arent going anywhere- This appeared inauthentic- Why try hard to make a point that seems like acting to me- I put this in the same category as Elizabeth HoLmes- She is a convicted fraud and a probable sociopath- She put on that fake male voice to appear all powerful but it wasnt her authentic voice because that came out when her guard was down- Lets live in a real world not cos play in your face political theater because from what I gather transgenders dont want to be politicized they just want to be left alone The movie was good imagine love without sex reincarnation and romance all wrapped into one- Thats another problem we have desensitized violence- What a treat to actually watch a movie which not only scored 97 on Rotton Tomatos but had no sex or violence in it- There is reason why there is so much sex is because there is not enough love- There are so many talented people Jaseson Bateman Laura Linney amazing actors but I couldnt watch the cartel series anymore- too much gratuitous violence- We should be eliminating the mexican cartels but actually watching it on netflix money power greed violence no thank you- We need to get back to wholesome movies like Past Lives and as a result real world shootings and violence will go down-

Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Stephanie Grisham, former Trump White House Press Secretary- "Trump has no respect for classified information never did"- so dangerouus- Michael Hayden 4 star Air Force general and former head of cia- Trump must face consequences- Its ok to have a cookie jar as long as you return it when asked but getting caught w/ your hand in the cookie jar while not returning it is a different story- Michael Popak -

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Lawyers Got Shot

So I was checking out Police Activity and saw a lawyer in San Fran get shot by the cops- This man also killed his mom and one of the dogs- He had some serious mental problems and came after one of the cops w/ a knife- Then I read about how this lawyer in Boca shot and killed somebody in the parking garage- It looks like he killed his dad another lawyer who owned the firm- One of the individuals who heard the gun shots but didnt call 911 apparantly because he was too busy smoking his vape on break- We have some serious problems w/ people- They hear gunsshots but dont call the cops what are they afraid of- I have witnessed this firsthand it is beyond me- Some say its because of the rat policy wtf are you serious are they that scared out there- This was a high level firm in the parking garage in Boca but the guy smoked his vape instead- pathetic individual Speaking of vapes and toking I am grateful for Gov Ron Densantis- He makes sense in a world that doesnt-He shot down the weed smoker wanna bes in recovery- you know the jonesers that make believe they are sober but still want to get high- You may be able to get a doc to sign off on that but you best dont want to come around a sober house trying that garbage- Densantis knows this and that is why its a law now- He also brought freedom to Fla during the scamdemic- We dont care about what other politicians say listen to the people- We dont want to listen to media shills either- in Fla we knew this Covid garbage was a joke and locking down the world turned it into a fear filled prison planet- He was one of the few that did his best to bring normalcy as well as having a very smart and competent surgeon general- I walked next to a Kava bar and it said no masks required thank you Gov Desantis- How often is it that we really feel that we have somebody that is fighting for us- Look at San Fransisco- Seattle- PA- etc our world has turned into a zombie apocolypse- in Fla that would never happen- Respect for law enforcement to do thier job- I dont think governors of failed states like Cal should try to run for president- That is a bit egoic- Its kind of like look at my resume San Fran- LA- Oakland etc are complete shitholes and the people dont feel safe so maybe you should vote for me as president makes alot of sense doesnt it? What is wrong with these people the most failed draconian governers voted by we the people not fake polls like Whitmer and Newsome think they are the cats meow and are now getting people to back them up for the next step- You cant let people suffer on the streets by addiction this is negligent and cruel- Desantis was in San Fran unfortunately being out of his jurisdiction may not help w/ these far left policies that let crime and drugs run rampant- Its a disgrace actually the mayor is speaking out now- You can get people off the street by public intox and or possession and then offer them a treatment solution in jail just raise the bond so they cant get out- A treatment program in jail is better then being left to thier own devices on the street- Chances of getting and staying sober on the street aint that great. These people should talk to Desantis ask him how to straighten out a state- It starts by letting leos do thier job but then having das and prosecutors doing thiers. I will tell you that letting people have dogs is another great law by Desantis- Doing away w/ restrictions by HOAs and others will enable people to have a best friend for life as well as eliminate many kills and free up many of the shelters where adoptions are at all time low levels- No more breed or size restrictions- Good governers like Desantis think about what is best for the people unlike many of the others- (Covid theater and investing in mask companies quite pathetic to say the least) It cant get any worse when you have the people that dont feel safe nor do they feel respected by thier elected officials- To add insult to injury then you are going to have das and prosecutors not having the back of the cops on the beat risking thier life to get the job done- This is a recipe for diaster- Its not working out too well to say the least- Time to make some major changes

Monday, July 3, 2023

Clown Show

Regular basic mental fitness tests are increasingly required of corporate executives and CEO’s, yearly of all senior military officers who have any control over nuclear weapons, and all employees in every corner of the United States who show signs of mental unfitness. But somehow the commander-in-chief, even one who has demonstrated extreme dangers and was deemed unfit by an independent panel of top mental health experts, is not held to the same standard. Bandy Lee- So let me get this straight our president doesnt need a real mental fitness test and can also be convicted of horrendous crimes ones that could have put our country in serious peril A quote from General Mattis-Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. He also commented on what a clown show Trump put on for his photo op in Lafayette Square- Seriously whats this guys problem- he needs a martial law type setting just so he can get a pic w/ him holding a bible that he didnt even know how to hold and more then likely never even read I find it difficult to fathom that we have individuals that are more loyal to a party then the actual rule of law- That is the opposite of patriotism- In America if you commit crimes you should be held into account and this goes for all of the pundits in the right wing media- I dont see any signs of corruption from a so called deep state and to me this is one of the biggest cons of all. Trump is a con he came into power w/ coaching from his corrupt acolytes and they schooled him on govermental crimes that were never adjudicated- So he used this to his advantage to paint our entite legal system specifically doj/fbi as highly corrupt and out to get him personally because he was the only one standing in the way of thier demise and this is highly immoral- I now see that Hillarys alleged crimes werent what was said or made out to be if they were ever there at all.Neither is Bidens and his son- Its all smoke and mirros- He knows how to gas light his audience- He was bragging about classified documents to people without a security clearance giving the middle finger to America putting us in potential danger and demonstrating blatant contempt for the process that is needed to vet individuals for a top secret security clearance which is an intense and arduous process. So what is he trying to say that he wasnt involved in major indictments that are coming down the pipe line or that he was set up or that they are making it all up that is an insult to all law abiding citizens- This duesh consistantly says pejorative things about Jack Smith- A man who tried war crimes and actually did a tremendous amount for our world unlike the consumate blowhard who continues to gas light the naive and ignorant

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Trump World

Trump talks about a meritocracy being the way- No its more like capital crony nepotism fascism and third world dictator status- He's a wanna be- If he was elected again there would be immediate changes- Alina Habba as AG Mike Lindell at Chris Krebs former position and George Santos as Chief of Staff- That is the best we have in Trump world- Everybody else would be forced to resign or get fired- lashes and severe punishment for just daring to disagree- In order to survive and thrive in Trumpworld you just have to be a spineless sycophant


Trump suggested that Clinton would soon face indictment for a slew of supposed crimes. She "shouldn't be allowed to run" in the first place due to her alleged crimes, he told supporters. How many people did Trump think should go to the pen 27 or more- How does one spell hypocrite especially the one where he wanted an extra harsh crack down on protecting classified information- Whats good for the goose is good for the gander- Consumate show off braggadocio about everytng related to his brief stint as Potus- He was so enamored with himself that he had to keep top secret documents even after a grand jury doj subpoena gave him every oppurtunity to comply- He figured since I am still president I can still hide and keep as well as declassify w/ mental telepathy anyway- When showing off all of his little trinkets it was like he didnt belong there- In other words when you get elected as president act like you have been there before or at the very least like you belong there- If one had that type of confidence not cockiness as he has one would never have to show off thier blatant insecurities. He didnt belong there- He was a 1 trick pony playing in the big leagues and he struck out on many ocassion- So he left his golf belongings in the classified docs- Lets see how much extra money the secret service had to expand to keep his golf habit afloat during his tenure- Bandy Lee breaks it down and its quite excessive- I still cant get over how he was supposed to be all about law and order was constantly talking about corruption had many of his acolytes doing the same only to ultimately show his true colors- If that isnt bad enough then he continues to sing the same tune as if he did nothing wrong- There is something seriously wrong and its DJT- I would give him the benefit of the doubt if he deserved one but he doesnt. Lets take a look at some of these crimes- Financial fraud- A pending rico indictment in ga- lets see what else falsyfing business records to cover up a hush money payment- One that could have influenced votes for the 2016 election- So how is all of this not serious- Instigating a violent insurrection- writing horrible things about law enforcement officials and thier families- Things that only true arrogant criminals would do- This is the best the republicans have to offer what a joke- I can only imagine what he would be saying about other people if they had anything close to his legal issues- It would be a non stop relentless assault 24 7- Does he have any clue about what a mendacious hypocrite he is. He also sucks at business- Bandy Lee broke down how much money he actually lost over the years- I doubt he is worth anything- Just a constant grift- Already lost the great lawyers just continuous pandering to the naive and vulnerable Alina Habba is not doing the attorney profession any favors- Obfuscating all over the airwaves- Was sanctioned already for a frivolous lawsuit w/ no real track record in the trenches. Ben Meiselas thinks she is a menace that should be disbarred- It would be bad enough if a non lawyer was doing what she does live on air