Monday, December 19, 2022

Global Predators

The global predators are neither idealistic progressives nor freedom loving capitalists- They are devoted neither to the common good nor to individual freedom- They are predators eager to collaborate w/ anyone who shares the primary goal of controlling,dominating, and exploiting humanity x111 - experimental vaccines preventing early treatments EUA- Emerg use auth act in order to get tax payer financing and free pass from the FDA-v11 Faucis evil intent to enrich global predators-prematurely pushes remdesiver proven dangerous and supresses hydroxychloroquine and invermectin already proven safe and highly effective inexpensive over the counter- 163- the lethality of covid 19 vaccines was planned-172 The decision making surrounding covid amounts to the largest blunder in human history,” Bret Weinstein, Ph.D., Former Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Evergreen State College. “The censorship is creating a phony sense that there is agreement amongst all of the responsible doctors about what to do and the few doctors who say otherwise are fringe cranks. And this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The message that was given to us from public health authorities was not just inept. It actually went well beyond that. It was really the inverse of everything we should have done. Because it was forced on us with this strong form of coercion, it was widely accepted because people didn’t have a choice. Because the vaccine was so targeted, we effectively drove this pathogen to diversify.” “It’s a terrible crime that this vaccine has been pushed in the media as long as it has been and has prevented any news of horrible side effects in the main stream media from being communicated,” said Steven Ordonia, victim of adverse events from mRNA vaccines. “This vaccine has nearly ruined my life and severely altered it.”- VT intel

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Dr Richard Fleming

How is mr know it all indictable evidence on the covid jabs going to have cred- Answer for this to us because we are tired of criminals trying to indict criminals-A federal grand jury in Nebraska returned an indictment against Fleming on January 18, 2007, charging ten counts of health care fraud and three counts of mail and wire fraud. The health care fraud counts charged Fleming with submitting bills to insurance companies in 2002 for medical procedures, diagnostic heart tests, he had not actually performed. The mail and wire fraud counts charged Fleming with obtaining payment from a North Carolina soy food company in 2004 for product testing work he had not performed, and more specifically charged him with lying about whether he had performed the services he was paid for, and with creating and submitting false documents in order to cover up the fact that he had not done the work for which he had been paid. The case actually went to trial, which began on April 6, 2009, and the jury was deliberating on their verdict when Fleming pled guilty, admitting that he had committed both health care fraud) We are sick of it- we need legit intel from boy scouts and I am grateful that I am not going to waste money on his book- I am not stating that Fleming is off the mark intel wise- I am asking why our sources have to come from convicted fraudsters- crimes that were comited w/ obvious intent- We also want to know if all of his alphabet soups after his name are legit ie- md phd jd etc

Criminals In Charge

Britny Griner human rights abuse- backward stone age country Russia that throws away the key for ridiculolus charges like weed- kind of like the other country Afghanastan bottom of the barrel- Putin is supposedly fighting the nwo and the diabolical nazis in ukraine but still has ridiculous obsolete laws on the books- Trading a real war criminal like victor bout for harmless britny griner pathetic to say the least- Kind of like those backward indigenous afghanis who are violent against women and we were sent there for an unwinable war- Afghan papers they knew it all along- The Russians went threw hell fighting them w/ enough conventional/unconventional troops- they were also a world superpower and they still couldnt do it- What was the USA supposed to do in afghanastan after sending most of our troops to Iraq- No overall strategy direct exposure to people that Miguel Ferrer was supposed to train- Ferrer was on his way to buds but has issues w/ colors- He poured his heart and soul into training people who didnt give a dam- not only about thier own people but no patriotsim nor love for countrry- In war the victor only appears to win- Bill W- Ok tell any head football coach that they are playing not to win but just to bide time- That is what they did to our troops in both Iraq and Afghanastan- Now our vets have serious issues- Lisa Marie Bodenburg was the first female door gunnar in the USMC- Impressive all the way around but breathed in toxic garbage from the tar pits- Had heart issues had to leave the military at the top of her game- Thanks alot for the noxious tar pits chain gang- (many military personel had and now have cancer) and suicides have been off the charts- If this isnt bad enough the corps is backing this experimental vaccine like it was already proven and w/ out question will be very effective- I cant wait until real jags get a hold of that information based on the number of deaths and permanent disabilities according to vaers as well as personal accounts- Sleazebag politicians and msm selling this vaccine like true drug dealers and what is also horrific is that the Marine corps is standing behind it as well- They were trying to force Lisa Marie and many others on this unvetted jab that also appears to be an actual bio weapon- Its not looking too good for the criminals in charge because they wont be for much longer that is for certain-

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Wheels Up

Now its time to go to the fleet-There nobody cares if you were honor graduate or bottom of the barrel- None of that matters you start again from zero- Lisa Marie Bodenburg- If war is a racket then so is the criminal justice system- How does a former pbso get sentenced to 9 years in state prison for assault threats brandihing his weapon etc- This man appears to be arrogant and obviously has probs but his first criminal offense while working off duty- Are we living in some draconian gulag where now they are throwing the book at leos- Seriously people get less time for shootings and even murder- He made a mistake locking people up has already proven to be ineffective- Negative reinforcement has been proven for years to do more harm then good- This cop thought some young men in wpb hit his porsche he went way overboard should have been terminated etc. but 9 years in the pen are you kidding me- The criminal justice system in the USA has tremendous problems anyway- Punishment vs rehabilitation throwing the book at people has done more harm then good- This man dedicates his life to law enforcement had a few probs along the way he may have even been a vet- Drill instructor at police boot camp tough etc people deserve second chances in life that is what the criminal justice sysstem is supposed to be for to help people rehabiliate not ruin thier life- I am sure this man has saved many lives over the years- Most people dont have a clue of what our leos have to endure- Horrific car accidents they are always the first responders at peoples worst time in thier life and they do this every day. The state went way overboard in this case and that sets a bad precedent for future cases-

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Trophy Son

Elite tennis players are soldiers who enlist at eight rather then eighteen-pg-163- Anton the young tennis star future is bright after tennis because his mind is active-How many people can quote Dickens and be a warrior poet- The other tennis pros would read mags and definitely not enhance thier cerebral endevors outside of the courts- He may have played a little x box but mostly he enhanced his life by reading and thinking of novels of previous greats in sport as well as in the historical- literary realm- If people expect the athletes to not delve into ped s then the sport needs to be less grueling- Why and how is it that in order to compete these days you have to give up life and limb- Apparantly only a select few make the money in the world of pro tennis- in other words everybody is just an investment-Just like the nfl and most other pro sports the grind weeds out far too many that otherwise had the talent to make it to the top- My dad was trying to get me to read Sheridan- To not only learn and understand the brutality of war but to also delve into the world beyond my limited myopic space- It didnt take I avoided Sheridan like the plague but eventually it did- I crossed over to the Rubicon into the literary realm when I became a warrior poet myself- I suppose I always was one but in order to gain perspective you need the backround- That meant books upon books of previous greats majoring in history and ofcourse the brutality of war- When one is a history major we learn nothing but war- Gaining my backround by voracious reading enhanced my ability to compete just like Anton did on the courts- His future is a bright shining light because of his perspective and intellectual curiosity- That is what will seperate him as far as career options- Either teaching other young kids how to play x box after a grueling match or how to write a novel of epic proportions- Writing comes from the soul its not something that can really be taught- You can only plant the seeds just like my dad did w/ Sheridan and many others-

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Marshal Law

I will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of the fire-Mi Sun- I had a dream- It was Marshal Law-I was rolling around in a Grizzly type tactical vehicle that was bigger but picked up trash- It was curfews and chaos- the globalists were really picking up steam- We picked up a homeless person and talked about how f ed up the world became. Their were sirens and whirling winds- Sometimes the homeless can give you better intel then some green screen scud stud from cnn- Kind of like Mick Ware rolling w/ the big boys overseas and outside of the wire- If you show any type of cowardice or fear then the big boys wouldnt want you to roll w/ them-anymore-Ware was fearless- Anyway I had an appointment w/ my sponsor but he said dont worry run w/ it spread your wings dont worry about being late- When I finally got there I told him that I figured out why I used to run so much ie marathons the whole 9- I told him that not only dont I need to run anymore I dont need to look for love- That is because I am love

Monday, September 12, 2022

Organized Crime

The stimulation of fear and confusion over everything from monkeypox to widespread famine is helping to hold back some careful investigation of who and what is behind the COVID-19 power grab. Rather than allowing ourselves to be distracted by more rounds of manufactured fear, we need to stand our ground. We must demand formal means of investigating the evidence of organized criminality facilitating the manufactured COVID crisis whose devastating outcomes continue to unfold. Anthony James Hall

Thursday, September 8, 2022

1 Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming.
2. Warming is far slower than predicted.
3. Climate policy relies on inadequate models.
4. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a plant food that is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
5. Global warming has not increased natural disasters.
6. Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.
7. There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Blowback Is Coming

They lied about their roles in the nefarious origins of SARS CoV-2. They conjured up — already had waiting, actually — dangerous genetic treatments masquerading as “vaccines” and then they faked the safety trials to rush them into use. They denied people proper, effective treatments with inexpensive drugs and killed them with ventilators and remdesivir — solely to maintain a fraudulent emergency use authorization (EUA) that shielded “vaccine” companies from lawsuits. Once the “vaccines’ were widely distributed — and forced upon many people with mandates — they confabulated and hid information about adverse reactions and deaths. They destroyed countless small businesses, livelihoods, households, and hindered children’s development with lockdowns. And they used both social and news media to censor their critics in direct violation of the first amendment. That’s all. Jim Kunstler sotn,

Fraud Manipulation

 cdc long history of fraudulent criminal activity- Pam Poppers chronicle - Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has provided the public with a considerable amount of false information during its entire existence. For example, COVID-19 is not the first fake pandemic the agency has promoted. In 1976, after five soldiers at Ft. Dix contracted the flu and one died after not following his doctor’s orders to rest, CDC head David Sencer predicted that a flu epidemic worse than the Spanish flu was imminent and could only be stopped with vaccines.[1] Panic ensued, and hundreds of millions of dollars were invested in phone banks and surveillance and vaccines.[2] [3] An epidemic never took place, but the quickly-developed vaccine caused serious side effects in at least 20% of those who received it. There were hundreds of cases of paralysis and 674 deaths.[4]

This was not an isolated incident. When only five cases of what would become known as AIDS had been reported, CDC internal memos showed that the agency was already planning and gearing up for an "epidemic of AIDS."[5]

In 2009, a worldwide fake flu epidemic was declared. The CDC jumped right on board and lied to the American people in order to perpetuate the myth that a dangerous flu was spreading and to scare people into getting a vaccine. During the aftermath of this debacle, the then-honest press investigated and reported what had really happened. The public was lied to – again.[6] [7]

When the COVID-19 debacle started in March 2020, I reported that the CDC and other government agencies had declared a fake pandemic and that I was not surprised since government bureaucrats and health officials had been practicing with fake pandemic declarations for a very long time. I was only surprised that it had not happened sooner.

What was rather shocking, however, is how the CDC claimed powers never granted by Congress to micromanage the lives of hundreds of millions of people with "guidance" which was updated and strengthened regularly.

CDC’s "Guidance" Re COVID-19

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Warrior Poet

Anything worth in life is worth overdoing, moderation is for cowards! I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a UDT Navy SEAL diver! I'll wine, dine, intertwine and sneak out the back door when the refueling is done! frogman- Lone Survivor

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Placebo Nation

 Potus did something right by helping people w/ their student loans- Many of these loans are predatory and very difficult to pay off- When a system is rigged by the Blackrocks of our world things are not as unequivocal-

High interest  Universities should charge much less- especially since they have all of these grants- Inquiring people want to know if everybody at fox news was told to toe the party line- Do you mean there isn't one fox news person who thinks potus Biden did something right?

Hannity insinuated that people are not hard working enough and shouldn't be bailed out- Many loans are like the toxic tranches that melted down our system in 08- How is one to succeed under these circumstances-

My chiro hard working mid 50s very smart air force worked his way through school still has high student loan debt- He hasn't sold out to the insurance  allopathic sick care system racket where corruption has been the norm- We have been set up like a banana republic where not only is corruption the norm but so are high death counts- Third and Fourth world countries dictatorial medical care out of control un affordable w/ out insurance and even w/ insurance-- that is the USA

I am still trying to figure out how many of these insurance companies green lighted enormous pay outs for lab tests that were rigged by unscrupulous dirty drug dealers- Half way house kickbacks from labs-- How could an insurance company say yes to multiple blood tests for thousands and thousands-

It just so happened that the higher the corruption was the higher the od death count- Delray and many other cities throughout our country had dead od clients in high numbers in residential neighborhoods- Banana republic population reduction for many Fla shuffle clients and others.

People still need to be held accountable- The only way these insurance companies would pay our such egregious sums is if they were clearly in on it- Otherwise it would be just say no-

Fox news corrupt- big pharma commercials every single break we are sick of them- Why doesn't Hannity interview somebody like Pam Popper she as well as countless others are not only  very smart but have been angry for a very long time- Big pharma corruption- that is Fox news and company

Friday, August 12, 2022

No Rule Of Law

We know the FBI lied to judges about the fake Russian Dossier. We know the FBI has had two years to follow up on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and hasn’t. When Hillary Clinton had more than 100 emails containing classified information on the server in her home, the FBI did not raid her house. When Hillary Clinton deleted 31,000 emails, used BleachBit software to wipe her system, and had her staff use a hammer to literally destroy a hard drive, she faced no legal consequences. Newt Gingrich

The FBI interferes with and warps national elections. It hires complete frauds as informants who are far worse than its targets. It humiliates or exempts government and elected officials based on their politics. It violates the civil liberties of individual American citizens.

The FBI’s highest officials now routinely mislead Congress. They have erased or altered court and subpoenaed evidence. They illegally leak confidential material to the media. And they have lied under oath to federal investigators.

The agency has become dangerous to Americans and an existential threat to their democracy and rule of law. The FBI should be dispersing its investigatory responsibilities to other government investigative agencies that have not yet lost the public’s trust. Victor Davis Hanson

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Phycho- Socio Realm

 How does one determine a pcho/sociopath- One of the biggest gauges is sadistic/depraved treatment toward animals- That would be the diminutive weasel wanna be Dr Mengele Fauci scum of the earth who ran this Covid garbage- Total weasel crimes against animals and soon to be against humanity- It looks like we are batting 1000 w/ the head weasel of the NIH and the Richard Saclkers of our world.

We have depraved individuals and some may say the apple doesn't fall well you know the rest- Our former AGs son Eric Holder jr. arrested for a gang bang murder- That appears to be a premeditated cold and calculated murder and that is  a crime punishable up to life in prison, this falls into the pchp/socio realm-

We have had criminals running things for far too long- Eric Holder- Slimy Comey HSBC money laundering for a Mexican drug cartel- stand downs at the fbi for major crimes- Banana Republic- That is where the ruling elite are never held into account- Fbi raids no credibility- they have already proven themselves to be unprofessional and unreliable at best especially when we needed them most- Now another raid  this one at former Potus compound-

We have a world desensitized by gratuitous violence  due to our ineffectual leaders- A current AG political hack that talks about himself way too much  at school speeches. Psychotropics- narcotics laced w/ fentanyl school shootings- shootings in general ghost guns- x box dumb phones- zombie Apocalypse (the spike protein) they all go together like symbiosis. A former AGs son premeditated murder gang bang style and a pycho /sociopath running the covid scam- hyperinflation the list goes on, its not looking that great at the moment.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Rome Was Burning

 The modern day Neros  that watched Rome burn- That would be the ineffectual leaders of Woodstock 99- Setting up a powder keg of angst by charging a hefty sum and then price gouging the water- Horrible hot  garbage strewn about as the so called leaders still never took full responsibility for a major screw up- What can we expect from wanna be capitalists mixed in w/ politicians- They are extremely lucky people didn't die by being trampled- You need security w/ experience that blend in not a police state and then make believe you care- Clean up the porta potties these so called organizers couldn't have been worse-

Security is the last line of defense before law enforcement- Hire the right people and then pay them  accordingly- Dont hire potheads that never worked a derail in their lives- Overall apathy and sign of the times-  violence metal- Sheryl Crow and Jewel definitively didn't fit in this venue- 

Supergirl Speech

"If we can all tap into the deepest truths of our soul, and own our magnificence, together, we will defeat the powers of darkness. Together... we will be unstoppable. Together... we will create a better world." Supergirl

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Real No Spin Zone

 There is a woman that succeeds in what Bill Oreilly was striving to be- Megyn Kelly the real no spin zone-

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Prison House Blues

 I dont think the King did any time but I know he had blue suede shoes- Dostoevsky wrote that “the degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.

Friday, July 1, 2022


 Maverick was a great movie w/ a very talented cast- The integrity and courage of the naval aviators was clearly demonstrated, the movie was inspiring and authentic, real g s etc it was an edge of your seat experience- A must see in the theater w/ the surround sound - Doing the four miler in Tequesta on Independence Day was an exhilarating experience- Fallen warriors and gold star families- It was an honor to pay tribute to these men- There was a cyclist that sounded like a devil dog carrying old glory who inspired us- The quicker you run the quicker your done its that simple

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Americas Sweetheart

 Blondie has a heart of glass while Joan Jett and Pat Benatar have serious range- Olivia is an angel along w/Agnetha and Frida- Celines love can move mountains but Madonna will always be the queen- Stevie Nicks Carly Simon -There are too many talented artists to name-Christina-.Belinda -Natalie- Susana Shaina, Maria- Beyonce- Lady Gaga- Britney is gorgeous w/ huge talent and Jessica's  Angels and Joss Stone the list goes one- There is an angel named Alyona who hits home runs w/ songs from hall of fame bands- 

Its about love and connection-  Mandy More Miley is amazing Pink has serious pipes as well- It would take too long right now to list them all- Jewel- Sheryl Crow- Gwen Stefani- Carrie Underwood always inspires her light w/ in runs quite dieep- Its tough to single out one individual  as Americas Sweetheart but that one has to go to Taylor Swift    

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Autocratic Grifter

 former Potus appears to be an autocratic grifter- Why should we the people pay money to get an electorate system straightened out- isn't that what taxes are for? Allegedly some of these monies were used for greasing peoples pockets not some legal defense fund-

The Trumpians cant seem to help themselves -capitalizing off of public office- a position supposedly he wasn't going to take any money for- We have to pay a dollar to sign his b-day card wtf is that- seriously how is that making America great again-  His wall fund didn't seem to pan out not only did it never happen but his pal sloppy Steve allegedly put some cash in his back pocket-

I dont think I trust former Potus anymore- Anybody who has needed so many lawyers over the years one has to wonder- Gaming the system by loopholes w/ in the legal sector of the real estate business is not exactly stand up-  I read that many lawyers were never paid either- What was it that I read something to the effect of the contractors had to rush a job and work double time for one of his narcissistic supply events in 2016- And then after/ all of the work was completed on time they never got paid seriously could that be true because inquiring people want to know   

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

This Is The NWO this is the nwo and I will destroy you in court- Inquiring people want to know if drug addicts and alcoholics can rehabilitate after exhibiting sociopathy- There doesn't appear to be much hope for the psychopaths of this world but the sociopath  may be savaged-

If somebody  acts a certain way to continue the addiction and there is some semblance of remorse w/ the sociopath then recovery and rehabilitation could be beneficial  w/ a court mandate     

The A Train

 Some people teach history others love to talk about it while others actually make it- Some people quote others while others actually make up their own- One of our coaches used to quote Lombardi but he wasn't a great coach- He beat us down to the ground so hard and lost our best players- He used to talk about missing the A train- Unfortunately he was the one who missed the A train-

Why would somebody beat up his team so bad during practice that they wouldn't be ready for the big games like Army- Our coach was definitely full of ego but not so much of the actual winning

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Comeys Clowns

 I believe AJ to be legit and that there is a solid chance these diabolical acts do take place- He has been quite prescient for many years- He is humble about it as well- He just looked at the information in their own words-

Going after and exposing corruption is admirable we just need these underground tunnels to be destroyed- Sitting on the sidelines hearing how law enforcement is not able to do their job because of the higher ups w in the political realm w/ in fbi allegedly in their back pocket has been quite upsetting- deep indignation-

So their is political cronies w/ in the fbi the love birds floor 7 etc. Comeys clowns- Apparently the lower tech and field  fbi guys are the ones to really be proud of- Any higher up fed w/ a political agenda  working for we the people who stonewalls important investigations needs to get exposed and eradicated- (My old boss used to say lawyers that need to be right lose more cases then those that dont- Jack McCoy)

Law And Order- Free Speech

 Inquiring people want to know how real the q tards are- Are the allegations substantiated by actionable intel? If so I believe law enforcement would love to arrest them- Leos mostly are not political they want nothing more then to put away bad guys so is AJ real or not? We want cuffs and we dont  want to be strung along any longer because the boy who cried wolf too many times loses cred-

I respect Alex Jones nobody is perfect everybody has problems but I will give you two big ones- Going after beautiful Michelle Malkin for reasons I dont even remember was way over the top disturbing and inappropriate- Also if you claim to have good intel which I know he does use it for good not low blow inappropriate means because that is not very professional.  Peoples personal lives are not really fair game-off limits= Confronting Marco Rubio at the airport was really bad news- If you are calling out the eyes in the sky as being used for nefarious means why would you do the exact same thing to somebody else- Panapticon 5 eyes and all of the rest  is supposed to be used to put away bad guys not used to dig up dirt on somebody you dont like to exploit their  personal life- that is hypocrisy in its finest form- That is why its called personal its not meant to be used for anything unless the individual gives consent-

I heard Jones kills animals if true I am definitely not down w/ that- Having a weapon for self defense purposes is fine as long as you train w/ paper targets- Anybody that kills- animals for game or sport is definitely not going to my pal- These second amendment gun nuts that kill animals like Ted Nugent make my skin crawl- Especially since Jones talks about how and why he is anti war and a total peace nick and that  the neo cons manufactured the escalation of the GWOT etc- Anybody that kills anything for reasons when they dont have to is operating at a very low vibration/ electromagnetic frequency- definitely 3 d 

Night Crawlers

 Lou is not only a criminal he is a sociopath- Psychopaths are supposedly born and not made but why cant the same be said about sociopaths- Psychopaths can turn on the charm but so can the sociopaths that came right out of the book (The Sociopath Next Door-) Sociopaths supposedly can not control their rage impulses while the pychos tend to be more calm and calculated-

Lou played by Jake Gyllenhaal was a chilling neo noir that was quite creepy to say the least- Unfortunately there are real people like this and these are the ones that need to be locked up-   

Monday, May 16, 2022

The Art Of The Steal

 Former Potus wrote a book called The Art Of The Steal- Dont remember if he talked about how to exactly go about it but it went something like-( make the deal and then after the job is completed make believe it was sup par and that you were overcharged and then eventually pay 50 cents on the dollar of what the job was really worth-)

Inquiring people want to know how many more victims their are.  I am also waiting to read about the guy who made money working w/ or for Trump- I know people arent setting the world on fire after graduating from Trump Univ but please somebody prove me wrong- We want real numbers- If you try to subjugate your opponent where a business liaison shouldn't be considered an opponent that is not the recipe for success- Taking advantage of ones weaker position is not good business that is greed and last time I checked greed wasn't good

A good business deal is where both parties win respect  and genuinely like working together-  You dont drag people through the wringer and win only after they raise the white flag because they cant afford the legal wrangling- That is not being a champion for the working man that is being a sleaze-

I can see why Trump is pals w/ Carl Icahn- the modern day corporate raider who made believe Herbal Life was legit- They are both predatory vulture capitalists

Friday, May 13, 2022

The Business World

 In the China Joe world you make a business deal while hiding behind your mask staying 6 feet apart not making eye contact and then briefly fist bumping- In the real world you shake on a business deal and look them square in the eye- I always felt that if I looked the judge in the eye it would be better even though I was headed to jail-

Former Potus lost my respect so I am not behind him fighting big tech and all of the rest of his marketing promos where you guessed it they are always looking for money- How do you make business deals and then decide after the job was completed that it was sub par or that he was overcharged-

Former Potus has a consistent record of no pay and hurt many people including his own chauffeur- 3000 plus hours overtime and then a pay increase only after he no longer has health benefits- If former Potus cant even take care of his own employees how would he ever make America great again- His track record is consistent and appears to be brutally dishonest and unethical-

If you make a deal then stick to it and dont weasel out of after the job is completer and then offer the same contractor work in the future- He owes people money and a lot of it so he needs to clean up his side of the street first before he decides to take on big tech or attempt anything else for that matter. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Thieves Turned Politicians

  I must admit that I was quite excited to hear that former Potus was running and I pretty much had a feeling that he was going to win against all odds- We felt a connection w/ him however he has some skeletons in the closet-

There is nothing worse then a thief turned politician, there may be a valid reason why the Southern District Of Ny doesn't like him- When law enforcement doesn't like you they start digging-  Dont make believe you are out for the little guy even though you robbed from them- The problem is that the higher ups in the political realm have a disconnect and this list includes former Potus-

I know people that know people that weren't paid by Trump- their were clauses in the contract, these people  appear to be legitimate honest hard working people you know the little guys Trump touted as his people during his marketing campaign to make America great again-

If a tree died when it wasn't supposed to he didn't pay found a way to weasel out of it just sue me wtf is that- What makes this even worse is that he was calling out Hillary for robbing from the poor Haitian people and obviously that wasn't even on stateside soil- The disconnect is that Trump never struggled never really worked the blue collar jobs never felt the struggle these people felt and feel every day.

Therefore thats the disconnect Ringling bros greedy hoar taxi medallion scam lawyers like Michael Cohen- lack of empathy and then took a shot at Desantis a man that is going to turn out to be untouchable in the leadership realm- If Trump wants to continue on w/ his political ambitions he needs to make amends and pay these people back - Trump also seems like the quintessential globalist you know the kind that he claims to want to eradicate-

He may not rub elbows w the Karl Shwabs of the world however he still appears to be a capital crownie-  So and so gets the job etc. good old boy network and then Operation Warp speed mans/Trumps greatest achievement- Lets see how that pans out w/ the VAERS data base. Trump appears to be a big pharma hoar as well.,  Fox news definitely is, every commercial tells us all about it

Bleeding Deacon

 checking in and out and in and out of rehab aint quite the shame it used to be- Crazy Aint Original No More-The world has gone half crazy anyway- Sheryl Crow- We have too many thieves in suits- Lets take a look at the Republican Con- Reagan wanted to make America Great Again by locking up brothers in the inner city while his wife said just say no- He also played Born In The USA - as a patriotic song- The problem was the boss was singing about what a shitshow Vietnam was not tooting Americas horn-

So Potus Trump wanted to make America great again maybe he was onto something- I wear earplugs for a reason- I tune out cheerleaders blaring into the mike at the triangle club and bleeding deacon pastors who question our Christianity even if we follow the golden rule

Attending a wounded vet run I tried to tune out the annoying guy on the bullhorn trying to get us pumped by blaring Born In The USA- They had vets talking about foundations that supported vets just say no to suicide- All because of our thieves in suits- I am pondering who would have been a worse Potus Gores Inconvenient Truth propaganda con or Ws GWOT w/ his own bull horn at ground zero-

Either way these thieves in pinstripe suits came at us w/ propaganda and fear tactics earily reminiscent of the latest corona con- They just play the same script over and over because lets face it it really works- If it aint broke dont try to fix it because way too much money is being made- Oh my the world is going to end in ten years global warming and if we dont kill them over there they are going to kill us over here we must muzzle up and shut up the list goes on

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Ward Of The State

 The thing about vampires is that you need to open the window to let them in- Kelly Brogan-

I have changed my view on EIT- (enhanced interrogation techniques-) They seem to work Hank Voight style- There is a fine line between a cop and a criminal but when you cross too many of them sometimes you may forget where they are. Hank makes it clear that he is in charge of his unit and will do whatever it takes to take down bad guys- That is not woke that is just good police work- How certain sectors are trying to defund the police is abhorrent 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Three Frauds similarities between Al Gores global warming con the covid scam and Ws 911 fraud of the century-  Our fotmer Potus implicated himself in the crime by telling everybody not to entertain outrageous conspiracies-

A real Potus would ask questions himself and actually share his concern w/ us-- The fbi is complicit in the crime- lawyers are suing- Why not divulge all of the evidence- Lets look at these three individuals-

Gore- W- and now China Joe who shakes hands w/ the air- If China Joe had any integrity he would have stepped down by now- Its an insult to we the people to have this feeble muzzled dog at the helm- It was bad enough he weaseled his way into office after a dubious election-

How did he get so popular so quickly all in a matter of hours because inquiring people want to know- He doesn't know even what  day it is therefore out of respect for us he should step down- We are not running some charity case he is supposed to be our Potus of the natural free world- We need a strong leader w/ proper mental acuity- It shows ego problems that he would choose himself over we the people- A pathetic leader who did nothing but try to scare us all into submission over a casedemic rigged pcr test con alleged epidemic its existence still hasn't been proven beyond  a reasonable doubt

As far as weasels and frauds are concerned lets take a look at who is involved in both the 9-11 commission as well as covid commission- very similar liars and thieves Kissinger- Zeiclown the list goes on- 



Friday, April 22, 2022

Above The Law

 The fbi stands down for major crimes and gives the finger to we the people but then goes overboard for non crimes like sleepy creeps daughters diary- Violation of the privacy protection act unlawful secret warrants overzealous predawn raids against investigative journalists-

Wasting tax payers money and not doing their job when they are needed most and then tries to intimidate harass make weak at the knees ethical investigative outlets for a non crime what is wrong w/ this picture?  fbi is an embarrassment slimy Comey the list goes on-

Real criminals are going to find something out much sooner rather then later- No bank is too big to fail no ship is unsinkable and nobody is above the law


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Lack Of Candor

 Whats the latest- Lets see creepy feds spying on James Okeefe-Project Veritas- There is a certain part of our intel apparatus fbi that hasn't been straightened out since the weirdo J Edgar days- Speaking of cross dressers did you here about Rudy coming out of the cake endorsing his son into politics-

The man who thinks Kissinger is such a swell sharp guy- Looks like the food shortages have started.  Why and how would somebody talk about politics like it was some kind of noble enterprise- Our systems have utterly failed us but they keep focus sing on the same snakes that got us here-

We cant rely on the people that dug the ditch and then buried us w/ it to get us out- The same slimy newsfeeds-  Sleepy Creep over and over- The right is trying to convince us that its all the dems fault-  Standing down for major crimes- Comey slithered his way into the intel apparatus giving the queen of the cartel a free pass- A total middle finger to we the people- The fbi has a plethora of questions to answer- unethical lack of candor-

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Covid Fraud

It is looking more and more likely that COVID-19 is and was just seasonal flu, blown out of proportion by government and health officials in partnership with drug companies. All had much to gain from a worldwide pandemic, and no interest in the impact of such a hoax on people. The individuals behind this are criminals who must be brought to justice in order to restore the rule of law and protect people from another similar debacle in the future.( Pam Poppers chronicle)

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Booze And Dope

 I dont rob from the rich and give to the poor- I take from the weak and give to the strong- Darius Walker- If god created whiskey so the Irish wouldn't rule the world she also created dope so it would ruin the world-

In order for something to be saved it has to be almost ruined first- The feds used to poison the booze during prohibition- apparently they wanted to  kill  people more then they were already killing themselves-

How do sociopaths slip through the cracks- The Richard Sacklers of our world- No remorse, didn't do anything wrong- apparently the courts dont think he is so bad either- Lets see double the dose- safe and effective, less then 1 percent chance of getting addicted, break thru pain- pseudo addiction the list goes on-


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Love Over Fear

 Marianne Williamson is a beautiful light worker who rejects the establishment- She did alot of great things but the press never gave her a chance-  Love and faith always wins over fear- She stated that George Washington saw big problems with the two party political system as well as Dwight Eisenhower-

Thursday, March 10, 2022

War Crimes

 Putin is a coward w/ small dick syndrome- bombing a sovereign country unprovoked is a war crime premeditated murder punishable life in prison even death itself- Now he is starting his own collectivization program- How do these pathetic people end up as president- Former Potus Trump was never in cahoots w/ this lowlife thug despite our yellow journalism untrustworthy medias assertions-

These people have no remorse- Our joke media coming out w/ blatant bs day after day about former Potus and then getting paid big money for it- The media dug their own grave especially after this covid con- I find it coincidental that Ukraine gets bombed as soon as the covid con completely wore off-

Our patience is wearing thin w/ a feckless muzzled dog as our Potus weak and feeble now he wants to extend TSAs muzzle mandate for another month- Wasn't it bad enough we got groped by perverts after 9-11 treating we the people as potential terrorists- We dont respect our so called leaders they are liars- Stop punishing we the people for things we would have never voted on-\ Multinational corporations that punish the Russian people when they would have never agreed to invade and bomb Ukraine- children's hospitals- Only insane people do that shit that is our globalist politician hoars who all need to get wiped out-

As the mendacious media continues to get paid big money the 5 dollar gas price this will never hurt them- Especially these green peace non reality global warming frauds- We need oil we need to produce our own- We are supposed to have an abundance by now otherwise why did we invade Iraq and intervene in Libya

Friday, February 25, 2022

Hungry Ghost

 Sean Ryan was on the teams as well as a cia contractor- He is a humble warrior and saw through the rich miserable angry men who just want to achieve more- Thats the difference where it pays to be a winner and that doesn't mean just how rich you are-

Its about interdependence and empowerment not survival of the fittest-  When we are spiritually fit then we can attack but only in a healthy way not in a dysfunctional hungry ghost way of doing things- The hungry ghost always needs more and is never satiated- That is why I am not so sure about our former Potus- There was a book written called Never Enough which demonstrated his pursuit of power in its many forms- What is that so he is greedy and litigious lets be honest about it- I heard he doesn't like dogs either if this is true its definitely not looking too good for him- That is one of the reasons why the msm relentlessly attacked him on a regular basis--  He left himself open for it malignant narcissist the whole 9 yards 

Saturday, February 12, 2022

We The People

 I find it strange that the supposed leader of the natural free world wears a black muzzle and talks about how we should follow the science- I wonder who is pulling China Joes strings- Maybe the same people that got him elected even thou Potus Trump would have won in a landslide- Who are his handlers that lead him around like a muzzled dog-

 If tech companies and their digital drug lords arent bad enough by getting kids hooked on social media when it comes to pertinent info they have a tendency to censor it all- Lets see what are they culpable of- exaggerated death counts- case numbers and infection rates causing fear and panic for the seasonal flu and put many people on the unemployment line- Conning us about Asymptomatic virus transmission and a rigged pcr test not to mention masks are completely worthless-

How many shots do we need and kids need masks and shots this is a criminal operation-  China Joe doesn't represent we the people-

Thursday, February 10, 2022

ALL Rise

Judges have an often-abused privilege called “judicial discretion.” This gives them great latitude over the conduct of a case, including
summary judgments and motions to dismiss.

Generally, given enough time, a group of unscrupulous lawyers can concoct a way to convict a ham sandwich.

Once a judge absolves a criminal defendant of a crime in a motion to dismiss or summary judgment (pre-trial rulings), it is very difficult to overcome such a ruling under “Res Judicata.” All you can do is appeal.

However, if a corrupt judge is assigned to the appeal, the chances of seeing justice are nil. The U.S. Supreme Court takes very few appeals once you have lost your Circuit Court appeal.-AIM4TRUTH- 


We will not all rise for judges known to be corrupt- These corrupt individuals had a 95% coercion rate getting everybody to muzzle up everywhere we went and tried to have their brain washers warn  us that if we didn't muzzle up their would be draconian penalties- Dont confuse dissent w/ disloyalty- We arent going to all rise for a corrupt system that needs to be abolished- 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Our Sober Team

 Welcome to Our Sober Team where we have to  give it all up in order to have everything- The only easy day wasn't yesterday but rather today because one did all the hard work up until this point- When we surrender to win that is victory because it pays to be a winner. Sometimes we have to go to and through hell in order to get to the other side- If the rooms are the last house on the block this is when life really begins.


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Dynamic Duo

 I wasnt a judge wapner guy nor judge judy its more like Judge Jeanne and  Megyn Kelly is no joke either- I dont want to listen to some condescending judge who basically yells at people over cases like the neighbors cat got stuck up their tree.

 Judge Jeannine is lady liberty, she talks about real international Rico crimes- She cut her teeth in high crime violent Westchester county as the DA- Megyn Kelly addresses hard core criminals like Richard Sackler- Danny strong thinks Sackler is a sociopath- Judge Jeanine stated that Adam schiff was a a sack of schiff- I believe sackler to be a sack of you know what as well-

Its good prime time tv didn't work out for megyn because lets face it she is way too smart for that- prime time tv is more for the jerry springer price is right crowd- These people arent the back row just mindless zombies collecting disability from a broken system that encourages china joe laziness while the oligarchs collects all of the wealth-

The back row are the heart and soul of America- hardworking middle class always  good with their hands and have been known to fire a weapon or two- They are not afraid of their own shadows and definitively not afraid of some bogus boogie man virus-

The cove idiot zombie crowd likes to make up stories ambulance chase and try to get fired just to collect unemployment- The back rows parents all fought in the great war and are spin offs of the greatest generation- Today's zombie crowd likes to wear muzzles stare at their dumb phone look like criminals and then play x box thug games where the better criminal you are the mote points you actually score- 


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Without A Badge

 We would rather be judged by 12 then carried by six but that doesn't mean that we are afraid of death, those who are afraid of death are afraid of life- Dick Wolf has prob spent more time w/ cops then anyone with out a badge- Chicago PD needs to lock up more bad guys because the murder rate has gone way up- great rookie cop got shot NYPD these politicians all have to go- Like socialist Deblasio who is trying to force a vaccine on people destroying a once beautiful city w/ this covid garbage- Why not focus on fighting crime stop ruining economies so rookie cops dont get shot because this is unconscionable.

 Macon and Trudeau are going to make peoples lives miserable who dont get vaccinated this is China Joes mindset as well- Time to get rid of all of these political hoars  and make sure our vote really counts this time around

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Joan Of Arc

 pycho neuro immunology- According to dr kelly brogan there are many new age woo woos that are not  the genuine article- I believe that to be the truth- She is beautiful and brilliant kind of like the modern day Joan Of Arc- maybe wonder woman even supergirl their can be more then one of those I suppose but then again maybe not

 She seems to be in oneness w/ herself in opposition to the high priests of the entire  medical and scientific establishment, this is true individuation

Burning Bush

 So the oldtimer asked the newbie the last time he couldn't remember anything and suggested that they use that as the sobriety date- I dont remember what happened yesterday but did you drink? How can I remember that- The newbie is also a former ranger  suffering the affects of gulf war syndrome as well as complications from an Anthrax shot-

Burning tar pits,noxious fumes oil fire fumes  etc-

The Ranger feels like Rip Van Winkle- He wakes up and sees zombies wearing muzzles staring blindly at their dumb phones.  Now he is especially upset because they are talking about forced inoculation for his brother warriors for a vaccine that hasn't  been properly vetted- They are definitely pissing off the wrong kind of people- A long time criminal history which includes murder where nobody ever went to jail and now they are trying to pull this one off-

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

No I in Team

 It is not a class act to criticize our gov of fla- Former Potus calling Desantis gutless when former Potus is the one who lost supporters for not discussing vaccine dangers- Former Potus is egoic and always has been- If the economy was on fire he took credit for it- I have a hot economy going- I got the vaccine out in record time operation warp speed- So now we know who to blame as people continue to drop like flies- There is no I in Team America but former Potus never realized this-

We do have individual freedom republic which supers-cedes the will of the state especially horrible draconian covid scams- We live in a republic w/ individualized choice that is why mandates are not going to work out very well-

Former Potus not classy especially when Desantis wife is just getting over cancer-  If our governor wanted to be Potus he would be a great one but that is probably not even what he wants- Roger Stone says hes a boring frat boy not at all- Former Seal JAG he resonates with the front as well as the back row-

 Not only that he knows what real threats are ieds ambushes not this overblown covid con- That is authentic risk mitigation- These news outlets selling fear and exaggerated cases will get their come-uppance sooner rather then later-  Operation Mockingbird not working out so well they definitely do not represent we the people- Still trying to scare people into submission over the seasonal flu quire pathetic to say the least- I  do not respect former Potus for criticizing our governor  because he is a breath of fresh air and the best leader we have in all of politics rt now