Tuesday, January 18, 2022

No I in Team

 It is not a class act to criticize our gov of fla- Former Potus calling Desantis gutless when former Potus is the one who lost supporters for not discussing vaccine dangers- Former Potus is egoic and always has been- If the economy was on fire he took credit for it- I have a hot economy going- I got the vaccine out in record time operation warp speed- So now we know who to blame as people continue to drop like flies- There is no I in Team America but former Potus never realized this-

We do have individual freedom republic which supers-cedes the will of the state especially horrible draconian covid scams- We live in a republic w/ individualized choice that is why mandates are not going to work out very well-

Former Potus not classy especially when Desantis wife is just getting over cancer-  If our governor wanted to be Potus he would be a great one but that is probably not even what he wants- Roger Stone says hes a boring frat boy not at all- Former Seal JAG he resonates with the front as well as the back row-

 Not only that he knows what real threats are ieds ambushes not this overblown covid con- That is authentic risk mitigation- These news outlets selling fear and exaggerated cases will get their come-uppance sooner rather then later-  Operation Mockingbird not working out so well they definitely do not represent we the people- Still trying to scare people into submission over the seasonal flu quire pathetic to say the least- I  do not respect former Potus for criticizing our governor  because he is a breath of fresh air and the best leader we have in all of politics rt now

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