Monday, May 16, 2022

The Art Of The Steal

 Former Potus wrote a book called The Art Of The Steal- Dont remember if he talked about how to exactly go about it but it went something like-( make the deal and then after the job is completed make believe it was sup par and that you were overcharged and then eventually pay 50 cents on the dollar of what the job was really worth-)

Inquiring people want to know how many more victims their are.  I am also waiting to read about the guy who made money working w/ or for Trump- I know people arent setting the world on fire after graduating from Trump Univ but please somebody prove me wrong- We want real numbers- If you try to subjugate your opponent where a business liaison shouldn't be considered an opponent that is not the recipe for success- Taking advantage of ones weaker position is not good business that is greed and last time I checked greed wasn't good

A good business deal is where both parties win respect  and genuinely like working together-  You dont drag people through the wringer and win only after they raise the white flag because they cant afford the legal wrangling- That is not being a champion for the working man that is being a sleaze-

I can see why Trump is pals w/ Carl Icahn- the modern day corporate raider who made believe Herbal Life was legit- They are both predatory vulture capitalists

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