Friday, May 13, 2022

The Business World

 In the China Joe world you make a business deal while hiding behind your mask staying 6 feet apart not making eye contact and then briefly fist bumping- In the real world you shake on a business deal and look them square in the eye- I always felt that if I looked the judge in the eye it would be better even though I was headed to jail-

Former Potus lost my respect so I am not behind him fighting big tech and all of the rest of his marketing promos where you guessed it they are always looking for money- How do you make business deals and then decide after the job was completed that it was sub par or that he was overcharged-

Former Potus has a consistent record of no pay and hurt many people including his own chauffeur- 3000 plus hours overtime and then a pay increase only after he no longer has health benefits- If former Potus cant even take care of his own employees how would he ever make America great again- His track record is consistent and appears to be brutally dishonest and unethical-

If you make a deal then stick to it and dont weasel out of after the job is completer and then offer the same contractor work in the future- He owes people money and a lot of it so he needs to clean up his side of the street first before he decides to take on big tech or attempt anything else for that matter. 

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