Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Law And Order- Free Speech

 Inquiring people want to know how real the q tards are- Are the allegations substantiated by actionable intel? If so I believe law enforcement would love to arrest them- Leos mostly are not political they want nothing more then to put away bad guys so is AJ real or not? We want cuffs and we dont  want to be strung along any longer because the boy who cried wolf too many times loses cred-

I respect Alex Jones nobody is perfect everybody has problems but I will give you two big ones- Going after beautiful Michelle Malkin for reasons I dont even remember was way over the top disturbing and inappropriate- Also if you claim to have good intel which I know he does use it for good not low blow inappropriate means because that is not very professional.  Peoples personal lives are not really fair game-off limits= Confronting Marco Rubio at the airport was really bad news- If you are calling out the eyes in the sky as being used for nefarious means why would you do the exact same thing to somebody else- Panapticon 5 eyes and all of the rest  is supposed to be used to put away bad guys not used to dig up dirt on somebody you dont like to exploit their  personal life- that is hypocrisy in its finest form- That is why its called personal its not meant to be used for anything unless the individual gives consent-

I heard Jones kills animals if true I am definitely not down w/ that- Having a weapon for self defense purposes is fine as long as you train w/ paper targets- Anybody that kills- animals for game or sport is definitely not going to my pal- These second amendment gun nuts that kill animals like Ted Nugent make my skin crawl- Especially since Jones talks about how and why he is anti war and a total peace nick and that  the neo cons manufactured the escalation of the GWOT etc- Anybody that kills anything for reasons when they dont have to is operating at a very low vibration/ electromagnetic frequency- definitely 3 d 

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