Thursday, June 16, 2022

Autocratic Grifter

 former Potus appears to be an autocratic grifter- Why should we the people pay money to get an electorate system straightened out- isn't that what taxes are for? Allegedly some of these monies were used for greasing peoples pockets not some legal defense fund-

The Trumpians cant seem to help themselves -capitalizing off of public office- a position supposedly he wasn't going to take any money for- We have to pay a dollar to sign his b-day card wtf is that- seriously how is that making America great again-  His wall fund didn't seem to pan out not only did it never happen but his pal sloppy Steve allegedly put some cash in his back pocket-

I dont think I trust former Potus anymore- Anybody who has needed so many lawyers over the years one has to wonder- Gaming the system by loopholes w/ in the legal sector of the real estate business is not exactly stand up-  I read that many lawyers were never paid either- What was it that I read something to the effect of the contractors had to rush a job and work double time for one of his narcissistic supply events in 2016- And then after/ all of the work was completed on time they never got paid seriously could that be true because inquiring people want to know   

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