Thursday, February 10, 2022

ALL Rise

Judges have an often-abused privilege called “judicial discretion.” This gives them great latitude over the conduct of a case, including
summary judgments and motions to dismiss.

Generally, given enough time, a group of unscrupulous lawyers can concoct a way to convict a ham sandwich.

Once a judge absolves a criminal defendant of a crime in a motion to dismiss or summary judgment (pre-trial rulings), it is very difficult to overcome such a ruling under “Res Judicata.” All you can do is appeal.

However, if a corrupt judge is assigned to the appeal, the chances of seeing justice are nil. The U.S. Supreme Court takes very few appeals once you have lost your Circuit Court appeal.-AIM4TRUTH- 


We will not all rise for judges known to be corrupt- These corrupt individuals had a 95% coercion rate getting everybody to muzzle up everywhere we went and tried to have their brain washers warn  us that if we didn't muzzle up their would be draconian penalties- Dont confuse dissent w/ disloyalty- We arent going to all rise for a corrupt system that needs to be abolished- 

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