Friday, February 25, 2022

Hungry Ghost

 Sean Ryan was on the teams as well as a cia contractor- He is a humble warrior and saw through the rich miserable angry men who just want to achieve more- Thats the difference where it pays to be a winner and that doesn't mean just how rich you are-

Its about interdependence and empowerment not survival of the fittest-  When we are spiritually fit then we can attack but only in a healthy way not in a dysfunctional hungry ghost way of doing things- The hungry ghost always needs more and is never satiated- That is why I am not so sure about our former Potus- There was a book written called Never Enough which demonstrated his pursuit of power in its many forms- What is that so he is greedy and litigious lets be honest about it- I heard he doesn't like dogs either if this is true its definitely not looking too good for him- That is one of the reasons why the msm relentlessly attacked him on a regular basis--  He left himself open for it malignant narcissist the whole 9 yards 

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