Thursday, August 11, 2022

Phycho- Socio Realm

 How does one determine a pcho/sociopath- One of the biggest gauges is sadistic/depraved treatment toward animals- That would be the diminutive weasel wanna be Dr Mengele Fauci scum of the earth who ran this Covid garbage- Total weasel crimes against animals and soon to be against humanity- It looks like we are batting 1000 w/ the head weasel of the NIH and the Richard Saclkers of our world.

We have depraved individuals and some may say the apple doesn't fall well you know the rest- Our former AGs son Eric Holder jr. arrested for a gang bang murder- That appears to be a premeditated cold and calculated murder and that is  a crime punishable up to life in prison, this falls into the pchp/socio realm-

We have had criminals running things for far too long- Eric Holder- Slimy Comey HSBC money laundering for a Mexican drug cartel- stand downs at the fbi for major crimes- Banana Republic- That is where the ruling elite are never held into account- Fbi raids no credibility- they have already proven themselves to be unprofessional and unreliable at best especially when we needed them most- Now another raid  this one at former Potus compound-

We have a world desensitized by gratuitous violence  due to our ineffectual leaders- A current AG political hack that talks about himself way too much  at school speeches. Psychotropics- narcotics laced w/ fentanyl school shootings- shootings in general ghost guns- x box dumb phones- zombie Apocalypse (the spike protein) they all go together like symbiosis. A former AGs son premeditated murder gang bang style and a pycho /sociopath running the covid scam- hyperinflation the list goes on, its not looking that great at the moment.

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