Thursday, August 25, 2022

Placebo Nation

 Potus did something right by helping people w/ their student loans- Many of these loans are predatory and very difficult to pay off- When a system is rigged by the Blackrocks of our world things are not as unequivocal-

High interest  Universities should charge much less- especially since they have all of these grants- Inquiring people want to know if everybody at fox news was told to toe the party line- Do you mean there isn't one fox news person who thinks potus Biden did something right?

Hannity insinuated that people are not hard working enough and shouldn't be bailed out- Many loans are like the toxic tranches that melted down our system in 08- How is one to succeed under these circumstances-

My chiro hard working mid 50s very smart air force worked his way through school still has high student loan debt- He hasn't sold out to the insurance  allopathic sick care system racket where corruption has been the norm- We have been set up like a banana republic where not only is corruption the norm but so are high death counts- Third and Fourth world countries dictatorial medical care out of control un affordable w/ out insurance and even w/ insurance-- that is the USA

I am still trying to figure out how many of these insurance companies green lighted enormous pay outs for lab tests that were rigged by unscrupulous dirty drug dealers- Half way house kickbacks from labs-- How could an insurance company say yes to multiple blood tests for thousands and thousands-

It just so happened that the higher the corruption was the higher the od death count- Delray and many other cities throughout our country had dead od clients in high numbers in residential neighborhoods- Banana republic population reduction for many Fla shuffle clients and others.

People still need to be held accountable- The only way these insurance companies would pay our such egregious sums is if they were clearly in on it- Otherwise it would be just say no-

Fox news corrupt- big pharma commercials every single break we are sick of them- Why doesn't Hannity interview somebody like Pam Popper she as well as countless others are not only  very smart but have been angry for a very long time- Big pharma corruption- that is Fox news and company

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