Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Dr Richard Fleming

How is mr know it all indictable evidence on the covid jabs going to have cred- Answer for this to us because we are tired of criminals trying to indict criminals-A federal grand jury in Nebraska returned an indictment against Fleming on January 18, 2007, charging ten counts of health care fraud and three counts of mail and wire fraud. The health care fraud counts charged Fleming with submitting bills to insurance companies in 2002 for medical procedures, diagnostic heart tests, he had not actually performed. The mail and wire fraud counts charged Fleming with obtaining payment from a North Carolina soy food company in 2004 for product testing work he had not performed, and more specifically charged him with lying about whether he had performed the services he was paid for, and with creating and submitting false documents in order to cover up the fact that he had not done the work for which he had been paid. The case actually went to trial, which began on April 6, 2009, and the jury was deliberating on their verdict when Fleming pled guilty, admitting that he had committed both health care fraud) We are sick of it- we need legit intel from boy scouts and I am grateful that I am not going to waste money on his book- I am not stating that Fleming is off the mark intel wise- I am asking why our sources have to come from convicted fraudsters- crimes that were comited w/ obvious intent- We also want to know if all of his alphabet soups after his name are legit ie- md phd jd etc

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