Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Criminals In Charge

Britny Griner human rights abuse- backward stone age country Russia that throws away the key for ridiculolus charges like weed- kind of like the other country Afghanastan bottom of the barrel- Putin is supposedly fighting the nwo and the diabolical nazis in ukraine but still has ridiculous obsolete laws on the books- Trading a real war criminal like victor bout for harmless britny griner pathetic to say the least- Kind of like those backward indigenous afghanis who are violent against women and we were sent there for an unwinable war- Afghan papers they knew it all along- The Russians went threw hell fighting them w/ enough conventional/unconventional troops- they were also a world superpower and they still couldnt do it- What was the USA supposed to do in afghanastan after sending most of our troops to Iraq- No overall strategy direct exposure to people that Miguel Ferrer was supposed to train- Ferrer was on his way to buds but has issues w/ colors- He poured his heart and soul into training people who didnt give a dam- not only about thier own people but no patriotsim nor love for countrry- In war the victor only appears to win- Bill W- Ok tell any head football coach that they are playing not to win but just to bide time- That is what they did to our troops in both Iraq and Afghanastan- Now our vets have serious issues- Lisa Marie Bodenburg was the first female door gunnar in the USMC- Impressive all the way around but breathed in toxic garbage from the tar pits- Had heart issues had to leave the military at the top of her game- Thanks alot for the noxious tar pits chain gang- (many military personel had and now have cancer) and suicides have been off the charts- If this isnt bad enough the corps is backing this experimental vaccine like it was already proven and w/ out question will be very effective- I cant wait until real jags get a hold of that information based on the number of deaths and permanent disabilities according to vaers as well as personal accounts- Sleazebag politicians and msm selling this vaccine like true drug dealers and what is also horrific is that the Marine corps is standing behind it as well- They were trying to force Lisa Marie and many others on this unvetted jab that also appears to be an actual bio weapon- Its not looking too good for the criminals in charge because they wont be for much longer that is for certain-

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