Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Three Frauds similarities between Al Gores global warming con the covid scam and Ws 911 fraud of the century-  Our fotmer Potus implicated himself in the crime by telling everybody not to entertain outrageous conspiracies-

A real Potus would ask questions himself and actually share his concern w/ us-- The fbi is complicit in the crime- lawyers are suing- Why not divulge all of the evidence- Lets look at these three individuals-

Gore- W- and now China Joe who shakes hands w/ the air- If China Joe had any integrity he would have stepped down by now- Its an insult to we the people to have this feeble muzzled dog at the helm- It was bad enough he weaseled his way into office after a dubious election-

How did he get so popular so quickly all in a matter of hours because inquiring people want to know- He doesn't know even what  day it is therefore out of respect for us he should step down- We are not running some charity case he is supposed to be our Potus of the natural free world- We need a strong leader w/ proper mental acuity- It shows ego problems that he would choose himself over we the people- A pathetic leader who did nothing but try to scare us all into submission over a casedemic rigged pcr test con alleged epidemic its existence still hasn't been proven beyond  a reasonable doubt

As far as weasels and frauds are concerned lets take a look at who is involved in both the 9-11 commission as well as covid commission- very similar liars and thieves Kissinger- Zeiclown the list goes on- 



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