Thursday, April 21, 2022

Lack Of Candor

 Whats the latest- Lets see creepy feds spying on James Okeefe-Project Veritas- There is a certain part of our intel apparatus fbi that hasn't been straightened out since the weirdo J Edgar days- Speaking of cross dressers did you here about Rudy coming out of the cake endorsing his son into politics-

The man who thinks Kissinger is such a swell sharp guy- Looks like the food shortages have started.  Why and how would somebody talk about politics like it was some kind of noble enterprise- Our systems have utterly failed us but they keep focus sing on the same snakes that got us here-

We cant rely on the people that dug the ditch and then buried us w/ it to get us out- The same slimy newsfeeds-  Sleepy Creep over and over- The right is trying to convince us that its all the dems fault-  Standing down for major crimes- Comey slithered his way into the intel apparatus giving the queen of the cartel a free pass- A total middle finger to we the people- The fbi has a plethora of questions to answer- unethical lack of candor-

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