Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Patriots Unite

 How are we supposed to take anything these corrupt alphabets have to say seriously- who nih cdc creating a vaccine for a virus that has not been proven to exist- No isolation in a lab or Koch postulates getting patents on a non existent virus that bypassed animal trials for a vaccine. It takes at least 5 years to come up with a vaccine are we supposed to go along with/ known thieves con men and professional liars.

Cover up mmr autism link these people are going to go down- cowards and criminals always go down- Its the long arm of the law no way to avoid it just wait and see

Creatures From Black Lagoon

 What's in the news- I went to the bank and a masked man was going through the drive thru- The teller had a mask too? Who was trying to rob who? I don't know but it was confusing- Does the guy going through the drive thru think hes going to get hit by some kind of poison gas- Strange- Ya kind of like the new Pilgrims Society British strain-  Watch out Pilgrims because here come the Puritans-

The 4 bw guys who were used and abused by our wanna be new Potus were finally pardoned- What a travesty of justice- This clown who can only be president by cheating and stealing an election was pro Iraq war- Then he puts the hero's that protect him thru the legal wringer- lying cheating and stealing- Creatures from the black lagoon swamp idiots with a corrupt and dirty judicial system-

 Judges on the take in on it change of venue from Utah to Washington DC- Impartial juries go with the facts but not in swamp land- withholding exculpatory evidence- If all pertinent facts are withheld- prosecutorial misconduct the bw guys never had a chance-

 That's what the bw guys got for serving their country honorably abused by a bunch of anti American communists that are hell bent on our destruction- Arresting a cooperating witness in order to change venue these people are despicable humans.  Agenda driven politically motivated anything to score a few extra brownie points-

 Our legal system needs to be completely revamped- New AG not some  prof giving us a history lesson of election fraud as our deputy ag did as of late- we need  indictments not history lessons

 We need real justice because right now it is a pathetic joke- Venezuela bananas republic fourth world- hanging on to a thread-  Degenerate governors who don't do a dam thing except lie about facts- Abusing their positions of authority and destroying our capitalist system-

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Muzzles Off

 We don't put our mask on to help somebody else- When the jet starts to crash and burns and we need an oxygen mask to survive we put ours on first because that is the only way we can help somebody else- We need oxygen to survive just as the world of the numinous is like the air we breath sunlight oxygen keeps us alive sustenance to our soul- 

 That is why we cant help anybody else if we are slowly dying ourselves- We cant transmit something we haven't got so I am not helping anybody by muzzling up- Lets take our muzzles off and help others to do the same

We are not dogs that need to muzzle up for obedience training- We are more like individual wild wolves still part of the collective but we have already been trained. Give us liberty and give us breath-   

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Americas Most Wanted

 So I was at the store and I saw what I thought was Americas Most Wanted posted on the wall- or you know at large bolo etc. Turns out it was patrons that were posted- It wasn't masked criminals after all but that is exactly what it looked like- What is this Halloween- a nwo psyop that isn't going to work out to well for them.  

I thought we went overseas to fight and kill the commies Domino theory fight against fascism totalitarian dictatorships the usual- It looks like it was all brought home to America- I don't think our warriors are too happy about this-

 To have a smarmy clown trying to slither his way into Potus position- does anybody think his orders would ever be taken seriously- An influence peddler with a crackhead son getting money from Communist China does anybody else have a problem with this-

 Burning down our cities destroying capitalism small to mid size business- a communist ploy brought in under the phony guise of keeping us safe- Scam virus keeping us in perpetual fear never ending lockdowns.

 Arrogance hubris our vote doesn't count because they always make the final decision- Many people are going to be in a world of hurt much sooner rather then later  

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Insurrection Act

 The President’s ability to use force isn’t restricted to actual rebellion or insurgency. He can act against merely unlawful combinations and conspiracies. To be clear: If the President decides that a conspiracy has deprived people of a right and believes that authorities fail or refuse to protect the right, he can send in the troops. 

 Much gratitude for the aim4truth cats for giving us real US intel- we must extirpate the snollygosters 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Muzzle Dog

 What's the story? I saw a man with a muzzle on being led around by his dog? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Strange times indeed-

 Bill Bar total letdown- He acted like Mueller making inappropriate statements not in line with an AG- Comey as well- Bar wasn't supposed to make a statement about a pending investigation- He is to neither confirm or deny. He wasn't supposed to say anything- Not sufficient evidence? Not supposed to share information about a pending investigation.


Friday, December 18, 2020

Cycle Threshold- CT

 Let me back up and run that by you again. Fauci says the test is useless when it’s run at 35 cycles or higher. The FDA says run the test up to 40 cycles, in order to determine whether the virus is there. This is the crime in a nutshell.Jon Rappaport

Hope Haven

 Seattle already died on many levels but maybe it can come back to life- The neo feudal Rand science project politicians is Seattle seem to be criminals themselves- You cant decriminalize crimes especially when it affects the tax paying business owners and residents who have dedicated their life to the rule of law

 Autonomous zones lord of the flies doesn't work that is why we need cops- These people on the far left are so out of touch with the real world no experience just ridiculous and uneducated comments- I will give two examples- AOCs green new deal get rid of planes etc. The other is this woman from Seattle who wanted to cut down on the police force to have a nurse on stand by instead-

 Police especially within the past few years have always been the first responders and ems gets dispatched if needed but they are tactical medics as well-  These globalist puppets that have been put in place to destroy America and our once beautiful  cities need to be thoroughly investigated.

 Doing science experiments and now with wearing muzzles and coercive tactics for a bio weapon that nobody is being honest about on MSM- This is all going to come to a screeching halt. You have to criminalize crimes because the  system has always found AIC programs anyway-

 These people need to be off the street first and foremost- Intervention is bottom you cant let addicts die until they make a decision because most of the time they never do. Hope Haven sounds very encouraging to help people that aren't helping themselves-


 How about that duesh who just tried to steal an election along with his capital cronies and his influence peddling with Ukraine- Threats withholding a billion dollars this pervert who definitely doesn't have his marbles is trying to slither his way into Potus position.

 America didn't vote for this clown one would think out of respect for us that he would want a fair process- 

 Tell me more about the gov of NY- "We try to hide our feelings but we forget that our eyes speak" If one is a sociopath then they don't have any feelings no lack of remorse incapable of normal feelings of empathy and compassion- The gov of NY Andrew Cuomo puts on a front and says things that he is loving and that is why he must be so draconian shut down business etc- His eyes tell a different story-

 Do you mean to tell me that his brother should have been interviewing him instead of going to the prisons for the hard core FBI- BAU type criminals? What went on in the nursing homes is suspicious in the state of NY. Many of the worlds sociopaths aren't locked up they just cause irrevocable damage on multiple levels-

 I am not stating that he is a sociopath I am just stating that his eyes are creepy and many of our so called leaders decisions during this plandemic have been horrible.    

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Politicians In Crime

 What is hot on or off the press? Dr Sheri Tenpenny in (The Marshal report) stated the Covid swindle is the" biggest scam ever perpetrated on the human race-' In order to be an expert you need 10.000 hours of research she has at least 40,000- What else- The polio fraud vaccine that gave people especially children paralysis in the 50s and the virus not even being that severe- Sounds familiar- She also talked extensively about how masks are worthless and do a lot more harm then good.

 Pam Popper wants to ask that clown Fauci is he that incompetent or just a criminal- I would be indignant to say the least if some unelected gov bureaucrat shut down my business- I also learned that Cuomo the man responsible for helping to destroy NY was at HUD when all of that money went missing- He also apparently had his hand in the cookie jar for the mortgage fraud Tarp gov bail out scheme where nobody went to jail but then got rewarded for their enabling

 I look at Cuomo and I see a man that I don't trust- his eyes are deranged cold as ice- That mayor is beyond pathetic- commie socialist responsible for hurting thousands of people restaurants, small to mid size business even big chains. So let me get this straight these individuals are  responsible for making business nearly impossible when even in the best of circumstances business is tough enough- That appears to be the case. Leave it to the politicians in crime and all of their handlers- anti American and malevolent, to say the least- 

 What else did Sidney Powell say?  (Judge Sullivan is a tool for Eric Holder) You mean- Mr fast and furious and part of the Barbados mob- Gen Flynn received a pardon for the innocent- A victim of deep state dirty tactics where they have weaponized the criminal justice system with impunity for many years- A judge needs fortitude and integrity something Sullivan is sorely lacking-  She also has a witness and substantial data of evidence (queen of the cartel election fraud, rigging Bernie's election in 16) 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Big Three

 When are you going to write your magnum opus or manifesto- What's that kind of like Unabomber he apparently had some good points about technology. Its the big three here they are- Contamination within the big three and not the car makers- What was that gm etc I forget Chrysler something like that- I am referring to contamination in the financial world medical world and our criminal justice system-

 Lets take a look at our criminal justice system- It doesn't work- DOJ is loyal to queen privy counsel and withholding exculpatory evidence- They control all of the evidence therefore this means they control the outcome- They use precedents that are set by them and then use binding authority to enforce it.

 Lets now look at our crime cartel the medical maphia- Radiation- pills- vaccines it all comes down to allopathic medicine that is good for acute care but not causative or for prevention-

 This leads us to our financial world that is sick and unhealthy because they have been enabled for so long- Drug addicts and alcoholics aren't supposed to be bailed out all the time- Interventions must be done but this never happened- They control markets and rig the stocks and when they get caught in a jam with their toxic tranches they get bailed out and then rewarded for failure. It is very sick and this is why Nancy Pelosi is on the MSM with a muzzle on she is letting us know how sick they all are and remember who conceals their identity and wears a muzzle- rapists, criminals and gangsters.They know that they will all be going down very soon- The way she went after our Potus was reckless relentless unfair without merit and completely classless- Drug addicts like criminals will continue on with their plunder and pillage until they are confronted with an intervention- Sink or swim- get sober or die the big three need to make a decision on this. Vaccines are the weapon that will end the war that much seems to be true

Election Fraud

     Whats the latest? Did you see any more Cove idiots? Ya some guy walking around outside with a muzzle crossing the street- He was actually a safety hazard because it was obvious that he couldn't see a dam thing peripherally. It looked like he was about to pass out and die right there on the street-

 Isn't that the plan- taking out as many people as possible under the guise of benolovance and health- So are you telling me these gov bureaucrats with their MSN crime syndicates to back them are actually recommending something that does a lot more harm then good-

 Also if it is only a recommendation why are all of these people acting like its the law and why cant they think for themselves and make decisions on their own- Why are some people trying to make other people feel uncomfortable who aren't going along with this brain-washing program- That is because people who cant think for themselves are actually full of fear and are worried about what the herd thinks about them- We aren't cattle and we shouldn't be treated as such- Their are so many psychological affects from wearing a muzzle these gov bureaucrats are never going to see and end to major litigation- It will end when every single one of them is either taken out or sitting behind bars for extended periods of time

 Sidney Powell sat down with the Epoch Times- a real journalism outlet- She talked about election fraud destruction of evidence in ga- how Clinton rigged the primaries in 16 against Bernie but instead of coming fourth with this information he sold out- Most of these politicians are cut from the same cloth

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 Did you see those Cove- idiots at the MAGA rally with their muzzles on with a MAGA insignia? How much money are these mask makers raking in by brainwashing the masses- Wearing a muzzle isn't making America great again so what is wrong with these die hard Trump worshipers- Infact it is doing the exact opposite-

Depriving ones environmental oxygen level  of OSHA level  standards sounds like attempted murder to me and many others- lets see what else mask mouth, peripheral vision problems dehydration, hypoxia, so these Trump fans are actually killing more brain cells hindering their ability to critically think.

These people who are going along with the program are making it that much harder to take these crime syndicates down- We have foreign invaders who are breaking laws on every level how much longer will this continue-

 At least take a stand and don't wear a dam muzzle in support of Potus please go back to Hitlers Third Reich- blind demagogue followers who actually think wearing a muzzle in America is patriotic-

 Its called MAFA- Make America Free Again so Cove- idiots like the ones at the MAGA rally are making it much worse for all of us. Concealing ones identity has been a crime on the books for many years for a legitimate reason. That is because criminal gangsters thugs and rapists wear masks, 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Covid Swindle

 The WHO with a terrorist in charge announced a pandemic- lets look at the numbers p 9 Covid Operation- March 26-20 575,444 cases and 26,654 deaths from coronavirus- CDC March 28 announced- 103,321 cases and 1668 deaths in US- The Same CDC reported 2018-19 35,5 million cases from the flu 406,600 hospilizations and 34,200 deaths from seasonal flu

 13 -33 times number of deaths for the flu in the US alone how come no panic or announcement of an epidemic which leads to pandemic? Lets look at that again- 575,444 cases of coronavirus worldwide is the data they used to shut down the world economy-4,000 people died worldwide corona virus 35,000,000 that is 35 million cases in US and 34,000 deaths from the seasonal flu this is the disparity that was used to start selling fear hysteria and mass panic through their crime syndicates in the MSM

 If somebody has had a cold they will usually test positive for covid- Are you serious- quarantining people with no symptoms that had a cold in the past and sending gov bureaucrats to harass and shut down their business. Making up the rules as they go along all under the phony guise of keeping us safe-  Even 60 minutes exposed these criminals with the Swine Flu 1976- they lied about who was taking the vaccine for marketing purposes and many people had adverse reactions even paralysis-

Brandy Vaughan died under suspicious circumstances after being harassed because she was exposing the Viox criminals- Merk was giving people heart attacks and strokes

Thursday, December 10, 2020


 Its ok to have more irons in the fire as long as their is no more pizza in the oven- Todays quote - The truth can be a very lonely road- Catherine Austin Fitts, What's going om in the medical maphia world? Its kind of like smiles on top of the table while they are really trying to kill you underneath- I thought Rockefeller was a good guy benolovance with the rooms and all of that- F him-  

 These technocratic a holes who are censoring information pertinent to America and the rest of the world need to be severely punished- Its called informed consent they haven't been giving it inserts on the labels and secret courts the entire conglomerate are nothing more then crime syndicates- MSM are culpable for censoring vaccine injuries from the past as well as airing commercials that are in the big pockets of these crime syndicates- 

 Since nobody ever went to jail let alone few people have ever had cuffs put on now they have pulled off two back to back swindles- Both were dependent on each other so they may even be one in the same- Mail in election ballot fraud due to the scamdemic that they had planned years in advance-

 That is what we have now in America a fourth world banana republic all because our doj and fbi have stood down for every major crime that  ever was- Disheartening- So are they going to stand down again when Sydney Powell turns over evidence of deep state corruption on many levels-

 We shall see- Joe Digeneva had faith in William Bar so time will tell if he comes through for us- So they want Americans to asphyxiate themselves with facial suffocation devices- Are they really going to get away with this operation warp speed a vaccine that bypassed animal trials and was rushed to market- The crime syndicates are desperate because they know that their days are numbered-

 The fact that no cases were ever  allowed to get through doj led up to all of this- Many people should have been in shackles years ago but since nobody ever had cuffs on at the very least this is where we are today- Fimes pittance no cuffs civil not criminal cases a total joke and miscarriage of justice- Censoring information dictatorial regime reminiscent of Stalin- Mao- Third Reich the list goes on

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

United We Stand

 We are not in this together its more like United we Stand All hands on deck- We are getting ready to extirpate all enemies of humanity- Bogus pcr test set 37 cycle threshold to guarantee a false positive- Forensic Psychiatrist and medical doctor Andrew Kaufman and many other professionals advising against a vaccine that hasn't even been put through proper clinical trials-

Do they really think they can get away with this operation warp speed- Blowback is going to be quite severe- Dr Carrie Madjej- (her warning call to the world) and Dr Kelly Brogan and countless other professional healers repudiate this bio weapon that is called a vaccine.

 Fauci guaranteed the scamdemic in 2017- 18 Gates lowlife weasel stated virus was on its way that could wipe out 30 million- 2015 testing method was patented 17-18 millions of test kits sold- and of course event 201 simulation that transpired right before scamdemic was announced and lowlife weasel Gates lied  when he stated that we were in unchartered territory and that nobody planned for it

Monday, December 7, 2020

Muzzle Up Or Else

 Bananas republic third and fourth world countries are corrupt totalitarian and many are communist- Usually the kind of places where the cops are bribed and also where the gov enforcers push people around with impunity-

 Imagine being in the United States of America in 2020 and not being able to trust our own criminal justice system and Dept of Justice- Venezuela Dominion and Smartmatic election fraud utilized to steal an election and that is just one criminogenic event- The USA is now in the same boat as Hugo Chavez bottom of the barrel countries and they are definitely contaminating our way of life-

 What could be worse in 2020 then walking into a health store or fitness facility where people are muzzled up and many people actually look comfortable and in their element this way- Conditioning doesn't take all that long to adapt and get used to-

 So let me get this straight the very places that are supposed to be health minded and giving us good advice are suffocating themselves behind a veil of deception- Lowering their own immune system while telling us how we are supposed to enhance ours- Do these corrupt lawbreakers actually tell people to wear a mask on the treadmill as well- 

 How much longer are we the people going to take this, it is my summation that many would wear their muzzles into perpetuity if that is what they were told by the illusory powers that be-

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Time To Extirpate

 In Sleepy Creeps world the only way to get ahead is by lying cheating and stealing, It doesn't matter who we wanted as Potus the arrogance and hubris of these people is off the chart- If Sleepy Creep had any character he wouldn't have tried to become Potus out of respect for us, He has obvious cognitive decline. That apparently doesn't matter, he was told to not even campaign because the globalists knew they had it in the bag-

Criminals will always continue on with their criminogenic ways, the only way to stop them is to have them extirpated- Lets see corrupt doj/fbi Russan Hoax attempted coup  plandemic election theft- what will be next, Sleepy Creep wants Americans to mask up and compare our sacrifices to war- Here's a man who could never even fight his way out of a paper bag and he wants us to fight and make sacrifices under his leadership- These frauds just tried to steal an election, The only thing they know is fraud and it is blatant and in our face-

An invisible enemy another scam perpetrated by these globalist a holes-  Pam Popper wrote that Covid operation is the biggest hoax in the history of our world- According to Dr Lee Merrit ever since hippacotes in order for people to be considered to have a case they would have to have discernable symptoms-

 The new normal all of the sudden is to quarantine asymptomatic people who test for an antibody with a bogus pcr test that even the founder didn't  have any faith in that also has well over a 90% false positive rate- There is going to be blood on many peoples hands when all of the mask wearing symptoms start becoming blatant and obvious-

 Wearing a mask lowers the immune system and causes lack of oxygen to the brain- These criminals want us to breath in our own co2 when we don't have any symptoms. Mask wearing causes symptoms- mask mouth, hypoxia the list will be quite long and extensive-

 Why is this not a real pandemic? Because it never was an epidemic, the numbers were consistent with the seasonal flu and never added up- In the sober community if you tested people with a test that wasn't accurate that showed that people were positive for a narcotic drug even though they were clean this would create tremendous liability and big problems for the test maker- Why is this any different- In the criminogenic globalist world they make up the rules as they go along.





Thursday, December 3, 2020


 Bravery is not the absence of fear bravery is feeling the fear and doing it anyway- Emily Fletcher-Welcome to the nwo when even our friendly neighborhood mailman looks like a common criminal- What happened to our friendly skies they are not so friendly anymore-

Terrorist stewards who threaten our citizens to mask up or else- What country is this anyway- We are seriously going to let these morons get away with this- Cops shouldn't mask up, our leos shouldn't look like a bad guy when trying to take down bad guys- That sets a bad precedent- Not only that how can they give a proper command when  muzzled up- Chaos confusion its all part of the scam-

 What is up is really down and vice verse- Everything they say is really the exact opposite- Blaming us for something that they are really guilty of that is a common trait-  Gov have stepped way over the line and have completely abused their power and authority- We aren't going to get used to this new normal because it is not normal, it is abhorrent and disturbing-  

 Anybody who wants to go along with this program can sign up and be expedited as well as extradited to Communist China- This is the USA and we aren't going to be obsequious to criminals who are trying to normalize a sci fi horror film where people dress up and look like criminals- They have stepped way over the line this time where every move that was made was the wrong one. This doesn't have anything to do with protecting anybody's health. Newsflash, this is brainwashing and conditioning, getting unsuspecting citizens to obey authority while they laugh at it all.

Monday, November 30, 2020

We Are Tired Of All Of The Fraud

 They want us to muzzle up and be obsequious in our own country- Communist tactics where the science  and real facts don't seem to back their claims- Fourth world banana republic terrorists who are implementing policy in our country and we are letting them get away with it.

 A scamdemic that they knew about event 201 the whole 9 yards only to set up a brazen mail in ballot scheme- Weirdo Gates lied when he said we are now in uncharted territory-  we didn't plan this.

 Little weasels like the steward tsa idiot who told people to muzzle up on the plane and  instructed the fliers to cut off their oxygen supply otherwise be put on a no fly list- There are  terrorists but very few are we the people- Instead they are gov. bureaucrats who have been trying to push us around for way too long.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Sleepy Creeps World

 In the sleepy creep world corruption is the exception rather then the norm- He threw the 4 bw warriors under the bus just to gain a few political points with one of his partners in crime Hildebeast- Now brave warriors sit behind bars while brazen criminals continue to attempt to destroy America-

 While they thought we were sleeping they just tried to steal an election, Instead it just woke up a sleeping giant where there is a weapon behind every blade of grass- We now live in a Bananas republic where they are trying to scare us with a bogus pcr test with a 97% false positive rate- If that isn't bad enough we have discarded face masks strewn all over our streets garbage to add to all of our  looted and dilapidated cities-

 Even Portugal is more advanced then America at the current moment- They did away with the bogus pcr test because it cant be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that its effective- This is what they are using to shut down cities and for quarantines- The only thing that should be 6 feet apart is the garbage cans that we take out at night-

  These brazen criminals don't mind giving the middle finger to we the people because in their delusional world it doesn't matter who we vote for because they will always decide what is best for us- In Sleepy creeps world thievery is ok especially if it will gain him the oval office- Its gotten to be so bad that just inconsistencies are ok because they will always make the final decision. The house always wins in a totally corrupt rigged system,  Fraud is totally acceptable at the current moment. Fraud vitiates everything and this goes all the way to the supreme court.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Todays Affirmation

 I will check in with myself throughout the day and find out what I am feeling- I will be authentic-" no masks" no walls to hide behind- Rokelle Lerner

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Drumbeat Of Fear

 The only problem or one of the many problems with the fourth world banana republic dictator was that the numbers didn't qualify to announce a pandemic- How was this allowed to happen and now we have a vp who is trying to normalize the abnormal by masking up-

The globalists want us to muzzle up because they don't want to hear what we have to say- It doesn't matter because they are going to be hearing from many of us real soon- What is your take on some of the passages in Covid Operation- Lets break down a few- "It is easier to sell a false story to a population of people if a significant percentage of them cant read or think critically- p-3 And 50% of adults cant read beyond an eighth grade level-

 This may be true however some people have a sixth sense where they don't have do read or write all the time- Many of us know that we are being conned instinctively now more then ever. Infact it may be even better if they don't read the newspapers or watch the news because this is where most of the damage is conducted- Trump derangement syndrome and this is coming from somebody who has a non partisan affiliation- 

  To have a doj and fbi with a political/business agenda is abhorrent-  Secret vaccine courts like fisa where the doj ends up siding with big the pharma cartel it is criminal beyond words can even describe- "Drug companies control physician training and corrupt the very institutions that should have been protecting Americans turning them from regulators to business partners-p5- That says it all right there- I tell you what I am getting sick of these news outlets drumming up this covid bull s every dam second- The drumbeat of fear all based on a hoax I cant wait till it all implodes- The perpetual drum beat of fear where they not once talked about how we need to develop a healthy immune system and that it would be good to be exposed to the virus to develop immunity- A mask is the exact opposite of what we need because this lowers the immune system and creates a hell of a lot more problems then trying to avoid covid where viruses aren't even transmitted from person to person.

 My next question is why did they censor Peggy Halls latest video- Inquiring minds want to know what terms of service she violated- If the MSM didn't have fraudulent stories to harp on every day they have nothing this means that they are nothing- Totally irrelevant and lacking any credibility and or journalistic integrity


Monday, November 23, 2020

Covid Operation

 How does one try to normalize the abnormal? Just ask a globalist and take orders from a terrorist from a fourth world country- How did this happen- We have banana republic morons with no medical or science background calling the shots in our country and then we let them get away with it-

We have terrorist politicians who make up lies about little babies dying of Covid just to try to scare us- That would be the gov of ct who seems to be following in the footsteps of the preceding clown who actually was told something like Sandy Hook was coming-

Then we have the master of deception that creepy weirdo who is salivating to get us all to take his new vaccine- That would be gates who is under investigation for crimes against humanity already-

 We must flatten the curve and normalize the abnormal- Just two weeks kind of like Donny Rumsfeld and how OIF was going to be in and out in a couple of weeks- mission accomplished W style- The New York Times who was once respected printed that there was no voter fraud- How can they make that statement without doing a thorough investigation-

Covid Operation- Pam Popper exposes these cretins for the people that they really are- Not friends of the people infact they are quite the opposite- They have done a superb job of turning America  into a Banana republic with little hopes for the future- We the people aren't into communism and neo feudal globalist propaganda and all of the other garbage they continue to throw at us every day

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Stay In The Light

 Only criminals can devise a scheme that has people dress up and look like thugs and gangsters and then try to normalize this- Its important to stay in the light because once the lights go on this is when the criminal cockroaches get exposed and then try to scurry away,

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Finding Joe

 What's the latest? I had a dream that I was almost run over by somebody in the rooms.  This man was always talking about bliss and Rumi like he was a guru. Anyway it didn't seem like it was planned but it may have been. He came close to wiping out my little black rat.

I had another dream where I went to rehab again even though I was sober. I came back to Greenwich and had to go see the shrink at Greenwich hospital- The next thing I knew I was cuffed by hospital security- Why because you weren't wearing your mask- No it was more like a reeducation process, that was what the rehab was all about-  It was an indoctrination into not buying into anymore conspiracy theories-

Did you get any more therapeutic massage's for your sore body- ya this woman specialized in  mask coercion kind of like eyes wide shut- Sounds interesting- What was your take on Finding Joe- It was basically like acknowledging our true self and not feeling bad about being alive and making a few mistakes along the way-

The issue is that we all should stop living in fear- Our disease is not out in the parking lot doing pushups unless you want it to be- Once we acknowledger our highest self there is never a reason to get high again because that isn't who we really are- Its like after we stop chasing the dragon we must slay the dragon- Chasing the dragon seeking that next shot or hit that will get us through but it never works. It just puts us way below into our lowest self and into perpetual  fear based mode- Once we make the decision to stop chasing the dragon that is when the dragon gets slayed- How does one stop drinking smoking and or shooting dope- The answer is in the question 


Friday, November 13, 2020

While We Were Sleeping

 The democrats mail in ballot fraud is perhaps the greatest systematic crime spree ever implemented- (State Of  The Nation)  While they thought we were sleeping these deep state criminals attempted a crime  that was egregiously brazen and in broad daylight. Premediated fraud and a level of arrogance with blatant contempt and disregard for our sacred electorate process. It was a big middle finger to we the people and all signs are pointing toward foreknowledge. It was in broad daylight because it was planned well in advance. 



Monday, November 2, 2020


Supergirl is made of steel she doesn't bend or break and never backs down- Peggy Hall-thehealthyamerican.org is our real life Supergirl-

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Crimes Against Our Children

What is the latest? Amazing Polly had an expose on the psychological effects of wearing a mask especially for children, Peggy Hall has done an amazing job of breaking this down as well.Trauma based mind control, torture it comes close according to Amnesty International.
  Is that why Amazing Polly got censored from you tube- Does two plus two equal 5? So this morning I became distraught after seeing these little kids wearing masks walking into Lake Park Baptist school. So are you telling me that they are torturing the children in many of these schools and that is why they are censoring this information? I cant wait until this all gets exposed because the media and big tech are accomplices aiding and abetting in these crimes against humanity.
  So if kids cant or don't get this virus then why are they being forced to wear a mask which has already defied OSHAs safety guidelines for oxygen deprivation? These people are twisted and the German lawyer is creating a case for this entire charade as being a  pcr fraudulent test epidemic and nothing else. Elaborate on this- ok if 90% of the tests are false positives and people are dying with this virus and not from it maybe nobody really has ever had it at all-  Do you mean to tell me that they have shut down the world economy and have instigated level 4 lockdowns in places like Australia for something that may not really exist? Everything is an illusion remember- You just need a main stream media to be in cahoots with and the elaborate fraud has worked like a charm 
   You mean they are possibly torturing our children and depriving peoples healthy levels of oxygen by mask coercion to hurt us and not to help- Masks are Lucifarian rituals these people are all going to be burning down below very soon much sooner rather then later.   

Friday, October 23, 2020

Dont Tread On Us

What's the story? What do you mean what's the story?  Did the globalists ever end up hitting America with an emp? No actually it turned out to be a bio weapon called Corona. They are scaring the living daylights out of many people still
    Is it or was it a false flag? What do you think?

Friday, January 3, 2020

Radicals Resistance and Revenge

I am not a leaker nor a liar but I may be a liberal- Radicals Resistance Revenge- Cardinal Comey and the deep state manipulators- If what the judge states is true that means that people should have been in orange jump suits a long time ago
  Potus Trump may have done the right thing with Eddie Gallager- For starters seals are tight knit symbiosis creative intelligence, most units function as one- For fellow seals to speak out to me meant that something was seriously wrong-  Something is seriously wrong because the seal who claimed gal lager stabbed the boy in the neck confessed to being the real killer- This taints the entire case.
  I wasn't buying the claim that the reason why the seals blew the whistle was because gallager was too much of a disciplinarian and was too tough- When seals get to that level they have already arrived, this isn't pre buds indoc status-
  The one person who's story hasn't changed and his name is Nick Slatten- bw contractor convicted of murder- (Biden 4 political victims-) That entire case seems to have been contaminated and corrupted by the deep state- fbi came on the scene way after Iraqi investigators were on the scene- Not only that one of the other contractors admitted to being the shooter how and why is Slatten locked up