Thursday, December 17, 2020

Politicians In Crime

 What is hot on or off the press? Dr Sheri Tenpenny in (The Marshal report) stated the Covid swindle is the" biggest scam ever perpetrated on the human race-' In order to be an expert you need 10.000 hours of research she has at least 40,000- What else- The polio fraud vaccine that gave people especially children paralysis in the 50s and the virus not even being that severe- Sounds familiar- She also talked extensively about how masks are worthless and do a lot more harm then good.

 Pam Popper wants to ask that clown Fauci is he that incompetent or just a criminal- I would be indignant to say the least if some unelected gov bureaucrat shut down my business- I also learned that Cuomo the man responsible for helping to destroy NY was at HUD when all of that money went missing- He also apparently had his hand in the cookie jar for the mortgage fraud Tarp gov bail out scheme where nobody went to jail but then got rewarded for their enabling

 I look at Cuomo and I see a man that I don't trust- his eyes are deranged cold as ice- That mayor is beyond pathetic- commie socialist responsible for hurting thousands of people restaurants, small to mid size business even big chains. So let me get this straight these individuals are  responsible for making business nearly impossible when even in the best of circumstances business is tough enough- That appears to be the case. Leave it to the politicians in crime and all of their handlers- anti American and malevolent, to say the least- 

 What else did Sidney Powell say?  (Judge Sullivan is a tool for Eric Holder) You mean- Mr fast and furious and part of the Barbados mob- Gen Flynn received a pardon for the innocent- A victim of deep state dirty tactics where they have weaponized the criminal justice system with impunity for many years- A judge needs fortitude and integrity something Sullivan is sorely lacking-  She also has a witness and substantial data of evidence (queen of the cartel election fraud, rigging Bernie's election in 16) 

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