Thursday, December 3, 2020


 Bravery is not the absence of fear bravery is feeling the fear and doing it anyway- Emily Fletcher-Welcome to the nwo when even our friendly neighborhood mailman looks like a common criminal- What happened to our friendly skies they are not so friendly anymore-

Terrorist stewards who threaten our citizens to mask up or else- What country is this anyway- We are seriously going to let these morons get away with this- Cops shouldn't mask up, our leos shouldn't look like a bad guy when trying to take down bad guys- That sets a bad precedent- Not only that how can they give a proper command when  muzzled up- Chaos confusion its all part of the scam-

 What is up is really down and vice verse- Everything they say is really the exact opposite- Blaming us for something that they are really guilty of that is a common trait-  Gov have stepped way over the line and have completely abused their power and authority- We aren't going to get used to this new normal because it is not normal, it is abhorrent and disturbing-  

 Anybody who wants to go along with this program can sign up and be expedited as well as extradited to Communist China- This is the USA and we aren't going to be obsequious to criminals who are trying to normalize a sci fi horror film where people dress up and look like criminals- They have stepped way over the line this time where every move that was made was the wrong one. This doesn't have anything to do with protecting anybody's health. Newsflash, this is brainwashing and conditioning, getting unsuspecting citizens to obey authority while they laugh at it all.

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