Monday, December 7, 2020

Muzzle Up Or Else

 Bananas republic third and fourth world countries are corrupt totalitarian and many are communist- Usually the kind of places where the cops are bribed and also where the gov enforcers push people around with impunity-

 Imagine being in the United States of America in 2020 and not being able to trust our own criminal justice system and Dept of Justice- Venezuela Dominion and Smartmatic election fraud utilized to steal an election and that is just one criminogenic event- The USA is now in the same boat as Hugo Chavez bottom of the barrel countries and they are definitely contaminating our way of life-

 What could be worse in 2020 then walking into a health store or fitness facility where people are muzzled up and many people actually look comfortable and in their element this way- Conditioning doesn't take all that long to adapt and get used to-

 So let me get this straight the very places that are supposed to be health minded and giving us good advice are suffocating themselves behind a veil of deception- Lowering their own immune system while telling us how we are supposed to enhance ours- Do these corrupt lawbreakers actually tell people to wear a mask on the treadmill as well- 

 How much longer are we the people going to take this, it is my summation that many would wear their muzzles into perpetuity if that is what they were told by the illusory powers that be-

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