Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 Did you see those Cove- idiots at the MAGA rally with their muzzles on with a MAGA insignia? How much money are these mask makers raking in by brainwashing the masses- Wearing a muzzle isn't making America great again so what is wrong with these die hard Trump worshipers- Infact it is doing the exact opposite-

Depriving ones environmental oxygen level  of OSHA level  standards sounds like attempted murder to me and many others- lets see what else mask mouth, peripheral vision problems dehydration, hypoxia, so these Trump fans are actually killing more brain cells hindering their ability to critically think.

These people who are going along with the program are making it that much harder to take these crime syndicates down- We have foreign invaders who are breaking laws on every level how much longer will this continue-

 At least take a stand and don't wear a dam muzzle in support of Potus please go back to Hitlers Third Reich- blind demagogue followers who actually think wearing a muzzle in America is patriotic-

 Its called MAFA- Make America Free Again so Cove- idiots like the ones at the MAGA rally are making it much worse for all of us. Concealing ones identity has been a crime on the books for many years for a legitimate reason. That is because criminal gangsters thugs and rapists wear masks, 

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