Friday, December 11, 2020

Covid Swindle

 The WHO with a terrorist in charge announced a pandemic- lets look at the numbers p 9 Covid Operation- March 26-20 575,444 cases and 26,654 deaths from coronavirus- CDC March 28 announced- 103,321 cases and 1668 deaths in US- The Same CDC reported 2018-19 35,5 million cases from the flu 406,600 hospilizations and 34,200 deaths from seasonal flu

 13 -33 times number of deaths for the flu in the US alone how come no panic or announcement of an epidemic which leads to pandemic? Lets look at that again- 575,444 cases of coronavirus worldwide is the data they used to shut down the world economy-4,000 people died worldwide corona virus 35,000,000 that is 35 million cases in US and 34,000 deaths from the seasonal flu this is the disparity that was used to start selling fear hysteria and mass panic through their crime syndicates in the MSM

 If somebody has had a cold they will usually test positive for covid- Are you serious- quarantining people with no symptoms that had a cold in the past and sending gov bureaucrats to harass and shut down their business. Making up the rules as they go along all under the phony guise of keeping us safe-  Even 60 minutes exposed these criminals with the Swine Flu 1976- they lied about who was taking the vaccine for marketing purposes and many people had adverse reactions even paralysis-

Brandy Vaughan died under suspicious circumstances after being harassed because she was exposing the Viox criminals- Merk was giving people heart attacks and strokes

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