Wednesday, December 9, 2020

United We Stand

 We are not in this together its more like United we Stand All hands on deck- We are getting ready to extirpate all enemies of humanity- Bogus pcr test set 37 cycle threshold to guarantee a false positive- Forensic Psychiatrist and medical doctor Andrew Kaufman and many other professionals advising against a vaccine that hasn't even been put through proper clinical trials-

Do they really think they can get away with this operation warp speed- Blowback is going to be quite severe- Dr Carrie Madjej- (her warning call to the world) and Dr Kelly Brogan and countless other professional healers repudiate this bio weapon that is called a vaccine.

 Fauci guaranteed the scamdemic in 2017- 18 Gates lowlife weasel stated virus was on its way that could wipe out 30 million- 2015 testing method was patented 17-18 millions of test kits sold- and of course event 201 simulation that transpired right before scamdemic was announced and lowlife weasel Gates lied  when he stated that we were in unchartered territory and that nobody planned for it

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