Friday, December 18, 2020


 How about that duesh who just tried to steal an election along with his capital cronies and his influence peddling with Ukraine- Threats withholding a billion dollars this pervert who definitely doesn't have his marbles is trying to slither his way into Potus position.

 America didn't vote for this clown one would think out of respect for us that he would want a fair process- 

 Tell me more about the gov of NY- "We try to hide our feelings but we forget that our eyes speak" If one is a sociopath then they don't have any feelings no lack of remorse incapable of normal feelings of empathy and compassion- The gov of NY Andrew Cuomo puts on a front and says things that he is loving and that is why he must be so draconian shut down business etc- His eyes tell a different story-

 Do you mean to tell me that his brother should have been interviewing him instead of going to the prisons for the hard core FBI- BAU type criminals? What went on in the nursing homes is suspicious in the state of NY. Many of the worlds sociopaths aren't locked up they just cause irrevocable damage on multiple levels-

 I am not stating that he is a sociopath I am just stating that his eyes are creepy and many of our so called leaders decisions during this plandemic have been horrible.    

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