Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Big Three

 When are you going to write your magnum opus or manifesto- What's that kind of like Unabomber he apparently had some good points about technology. Its the big three here they are- Contamination within the big three and not the car makers- What was that gm etc I forget Chrysler something like that- I am referring to contamination in the financial world medical world and our criminal justice system-

 Lets take a look at our criminal justice system- It doesn't work- DOJ is loyal to queen privy counsel and withholding exculpatory evidence- They control all of the evidence therefore this means they control the outcome- They use precedents that are set by them and then use binding authority to enforce it.

 Lets now look at our crime cartel the medical maphia- Radiation- pills- vaccines it all comes down to allopathic medicine that is good for acute care but not causative or for prevention-

 This leads us to our financial world that is sick and unhealthy because they have been enabled for so long- Drug addicts and alcoholics aren't supposed to be bailed out all the time- Interventions must be done but this never happened- They control markets and rig the stocks and when they get caught in a jam with their toxic tranches they get bailed out and then rewarded for failure. It is very sick and this is why Nancy Pelosi is on the MSM with a muzzle on she is letting us know how sick they all are and remember who conceals their identity and wears a muzzle- rapists, criminals and gangsters.They know that they will all be going down very soon- The way she went after our Potus was reckless relentless unfair without merit and completely classless- Drug addicts like criminals will continue on with their plunder and pillage until they are confronted with an intervention- Sink or swim- get sober or die the big three need to make a decision on this. Vaccines are the weapon that will end the war that much seems to be true

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