Sunday, December 6, 2020

Time To Extirpate

 In Sleepy Creeps world the only way to get ahead is by lying cheating and stealing, It doesn't matter who we wanted as Potus the arrogance and hubris of these people is off the chart- If Sleepy Creep had any character he wouldn't have tried to become Potus out of respect for us, He has obvious cognitive decline. That apparently doesn't matter, he was told to not even campaign because the globalists knew they had it in the bag-

Criminals will always continue on with their criminogenic ways, the only way to stop them is to have them extirpated- Lets see corrupt doj/fbi Russan Hoax attempted coup  plandemic election theft- what will be next, Sleepy Creep wants Americans to mask up and compare our sacrifices to war- Here's a man who could never even fight his way out of a paper bag and he wants us to fight and make sacrifices under his leadership- These frauds just tried to steal an election, The only thing they know is fraud and it is blatant and in our face-

An invisible enemy another scam perpetrated by these globalist a holes-  Pam Popper wrote that Covid operation is the biggest hoax in the history of our world- According to Dr Lee Merrit ever since hippacotes in order for people to be considered to have a case they would have to have discernable symptoms-

 The new normal all of the sudden is to quarantine asymptomatic people who test for an antibody with a bogus pcr test that even the founder didn't  have any faith in that also has well over a 90% false positive rate- There is going to be blood on many peoples hands when all of the mask wearing symptoms start becoming blatant and obvious-

 Wearing a mask lowers the immune system and causes lack of oxygen to the brain- These criminals want us to breath in our own co2 when we don't have any symptoms. Mask wearing causes symptoms- mask mouth, hypoxia the list will be quite long and extensive-

 Why is this not a real pandemic? Because it never was an epidemic, the numbers were consistent with the seasonal flu and never added up- In the sober community if you tested people with a test that wasn't accurate that showed that people were positive for a narcotic drug even though they were clean this would create tremendous liability and big problems for the test maker- Why is this any different- In the criminogenic globalist world they make up the rules as they go along.





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