Thursday, December 10, 2020


 Its ok to have more irons in the fire as long as their is no more pizza in the oven- Todays quote - The truth can be a very lonely road- Catherine Austin Fitts, What's going om in the medical maphia world? Its kind of like smiles on top of the table while they are really trying to kill you underneath- I thought Rockefeller was a good guy benolovance with the rooms and all of that- F him-  

 These technocratic a holes who are censoring information pertinent to America and the rest of the world need to be severely punished- Its called informed consent they haven't been giving it inserts on the labels and secret courts the entire conglomerate are nothing more then crime syndicates- MSM are culpable for censoring vaccine injuries from the past as well as airing commercials that are in the big pockets of these crime syndicates- 

 Since nobody ever went to jail let alone few people have ever had cuffs put on now they have pulled off two back to back swindles- Both were dependent on each other so they may even be one in the same- Mail in election ballot fraud due to the scamdemic that they had planned years in advance-

 That is what we have now in America a fourth world banana republic all because our doj and fbi have stood down for every major crime that  ever was- Disheartening- So are they going to stand down again when Sydney Powell turns over evidence of deep state corruption on many levels-

 We shall see- Joe Digeneva had faith in William Bar so time will tell if he comes through for us- So they want Americans to asphyxiate themselves with facial suffocation devices- Are they really going to get away with this operation warp speed a vaccine that bypassed animal trials and was rushed to market- The crime syndicates are desperate because they know that their days are numbered-

 The fact that no cases were ever  allowed to get through doj led up to all of this- Many people should have been in shackles years ago but since nobody ever had cuffs on at the very least this is where we are today- Fimes pittance no cuffs civil not criminal cases a total joke and miscarriage of justice- Censoring information dictatorial regime reminiscent of Stalin- Mao- Third Reich the list goes on

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