Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Crimes Against Our Children

What is the latest? Amazing Polly had an expose on the psychological effects of wearing a mask especially for children, Peggy Hall has done an amazing job of breaking this down as well.Trauma based mind control, torture it comes close according to Amnesty International.
  Is that why Amazing Polly got censored from you tube- Does two plus two equal 5? So this morning I became distraught after seeing these little kids wearing masks walking into Lake Park Baptist school. So are you telling me that they are torturing the children in many of these schools and that is why they are censoring this information? I cant wait until this all gets exposed because the media and big tech are accomplices aiding and abetting in these crimes against humanity.
  So if kids cant or don't get this virus then why are they being forced to wear a mask which has already defied OSHAs safety guidelines for oxygen deprivation? These people are twisted and the German lawyer is creating a case for this entire charade as being a  pcr fraudulent test epidemic and nothing else. Elaborate on this- ok if 90% of the tests are false positives and people are dying with this virus and not from it maybe nobody really has ever had it at all-  Do you mean to tell me that they have shut down the world economy and have instigated level 4 lockdowns in places like Australia for something that may not really exist? Everything is an illusion remember- You just need a main stream media to be in cahoots with and the elaborate fraud has worked like a charm 
   You mean they are possibly torturing our children and depriving peoples healthy levels of oxygen by mask coercion to hurt us and not to help- Masks are Lucifarian rituals these people are all going to be burning down below very soon much sooner rather then later.   

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