Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Drumbeat Of Fear

 The only problem or one of the many problems with the fourth world banana republic dictator was that the numbers didn't qualify to announce a pandemic- How was this allowed to happen and now we have a vp who is trying to normalize the abnormal by masking up-

The globalists want us to muzzle up because they don't want to hear what we have to say- It doesn't matter because they are going to be hearing from many of us real soon- What is your take on some of the passages in Covid Operation- Lets break down a few- "It is easier to sell a false story to a population of people if a significant percentage of them cant read or think critically- p-3 And 50% of adults cant read beyond an eighth grade level-

 This may be true however some people have a sixth sense where they don't have do read or write all the time- Many of us know that we are being conned instinctively now more then ever. Infact it may be even better if they don't read the newspapers or watch the news because this is where most of the damage is conducted- Trump derangement syndrome and this is coming from somebody who has a non partisan affiliation- 

  To have a doj and fbi with a political/business agenda is abhorrent-  Secret vaccine courts like fisa where the doj ends up siding with big the pharma cartel it is criminal beyond words can even describe- "Drug companies control physician training and corrupt the very institutions that should have been protecting Americans turning them from regulators to business partners-p5- That says it all right there- I tell you what I am getting sick of these news outlets drumming up this covid bull s every dam second- The drumbeat of fear all based on a hoax I cant wait till it all implodes- The perpetual drum beat of fear where they not once talked about how we need to develop a healthy immune system and that it would be good to be exposed to the virus to develop immunity- A mask is the exact opposite of what we need because this lowers the immune system and creates a hell of a lot more problems then trying to avoid covid where viruses aren't even transmitted from person to person.

 My next question is why did they censor Peggy Halls latest video- Inquiring minds want to know what terms of service she violated- If the MSM didn't have fraudulent stories to harp on every day they have nothing this means that they are nothing- Totally irrelevant and lacking any credibility and or journalistic integrity


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