Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Finding Joe

 What's the latest? I had a dream that I was almost run over by somebody in the rooms.  This man was always talking about bliss and Rumi like he was a guru. Anyway it didn't seem like it was planned but it may have been. He came close to wiping out my little black rat.

I had another dream where I went to rehab again even though I was sober. I came back to Greenwich and had to go see the shrink at Greenwich hospital- The next thing I knew I was cuffed by hospital security- Why because you weren't wearing your mask- No it was more like a reeducation process, that was what the rehab was all about-  It was an indoctrination into not buying into anymore conspiracy theories-

Did you get any more therapeutic massage's for your sore body- ya this woman specialized in  mask coercion kind of like eyes wide shut- Sounds interesting- What was your take on Finding Joe- It was basically like acknowledging our true self and not feeling bad about being alive and making a few mistakes along the way-

The issue is that we all should stop living in fear- Our disease is not out in the parking lot doing pushups unless you want it to be- Once we acknowledger our highest self there is never a reason to get high again because that isn't who we really are- Its like after we stop chasing the dragon we must slay the dragon- Chasing the dragon seeking that next shot or hit that will get us through but it never works. It just puts us way below into our lowest self and into perpetual  fear based mode- Once we make the decision to stop chasing the dragon that is when the dragon gets slayed- How does one stop drinking smoking and or shooting dope- The answer is in the question 


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