Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What Kind Of Society Kills Its Best Men

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/01/15/video-rich-mans-trick/- Everybody must watch this film, 3 hours and its worth every minute of it. There are many things that I learned going back to the Illuminati Robber Barrons. EH Harriman and the industrial giants that helped build our country as monopolies and price fixers. Union Pacific Railroad, JP Morgan, Ford, the Duponts, Rockefellers, they all got rich by financing wars on both sides. My only criticism on this great film was that these fat cat war monger capitalists financed everybody including the Russians, Americans were just gullible saps. America didn't really win WW2 the Nazis did because the Bush regime and the bankers made a fortune. This is what financed Prescotts son and grand son as they took over the Nazi throne once George Herbert and his collaberators took out JFK. Apparently there was plenty of gold to take off  the bodies of the dead Jews. Another criticism on this film is the inaccurate Holocaust figure of 6 million. The Holocaust was a rich mans trick, Dr Fetzer breaks down specifics, the real number is more then likely 200000 dead Jews. There are good Judaics which is what Israel should be and then there are the Lucifarian Zionists, one must know the difference because this explains everything. Many good Judaics have been hijacked by the Zionists without even realizing it. The Bush regime along with Illuminati bankers all should have been executed for crimes of high treason in 1934 when they attempted their military Fascist coup in the US, they should have known that they were dealing with  General Smedly Butler An American First er. Its obviously tough to prosecute protected entities when they own and pull the strings of every country. These mobsters weren't too bright but they had the FBI JE Hoover in their back pocket. They had all of his homosexual and gambling dirt on file. If anybody was a good man, decent and honorable like JFK they were eliminated. In 1933 Chuck and Sam Giacana took out Anton Cermak and used a patsy because nobody could try to crack down on Al Capones bootlegging business. This leads to our Presidents assassination. Joe Kennedy played ball with the mob and made big money however a certain faction eventually put out a hit out on him. He had no choice and turned to Sam Giancana the ultimate Don to call off the hit. The mob expected him to return the favor by having his son play ball and to go along with the criminal con games and skull and bones secrecy backed by "Classified National Security." When this didn't happen this is one of the major reasons they eventually assisted in the assassination of our greatest President. JFK would have changed the world as we know it. There would be no cia, Skull And Bones, 9-11 False Flag, cia drug running and child sacrifice pedophile rings. He even wanted to abolish the Fed. He vehemently rejected to Operation Northwood, I highly doubt JFK would have ever taken out a hit on anybody, he didn't need to because he was a real man and so was his brother Bobby.The criminal gangster Bush regime set up the hit and they were sloppy rank amateurs (in the same league as the Sandy Hook con jobs). Gordon Liddy (I never liked that guy) took out a Dallas cop that looked like JFK and they did the body double charade (sounds like The Bin Laden Raid) It was all over, these disgusting mobsters, thugs criminals, pieces of garbage had 8 shooters and they still couldn't get the job done. It wasn't Woody Harrelsons father after all. The Sewer drain kid punk shooters, everybody overlooked that over the years. Our society has been crumbling down ever since. There is no warrior code or empathy, just greedy Zionist mobsters backed by the Military Industrial Complex. Flat out sociopaths that are getting ready to start the next Third World War with Iran for profit. Skull And Bone Pirates, the real Watergate scenario may have had the real intel about JFKs assassination, that is why the reporters plane went down with FBI agents on the ground ready to confiscate all of the evidence. We are doomed because Free Mason protected entities are untouchable

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