Wednesday, January 7, 2015

9-11- 28 Page Saudi Scam This is a scam- The Saudis were involved but had a limited role compared to Israel's Mossad. Either way they don't want to declassify the 28 pages but most of this is a smokescreen. Col. Anthony Schaeffer knows what the real Able Danger Intel is but in my opinion somebody is paying him to push the Saudi angle as a diversion. I don't know Alex Jones if you really are the real deal then you would be giving a lot more respect to VT because they are the only ones with the courage to publish real intel, ie- Mossad nuked us on 9-11 and murdered 3000 plus people and they were doing their best to blow up the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels as well as the George Washington Bridge. Many people have died from complications and as many as 70,000 people have cancer from the radiation. One can see why they want to keep this covered up.Gordon Duff stated that some of the thermite sniffers in Architects And Engineers were involved in the actual planning of 9-11. Its obvious why there are smoke screens and diversions in reference to 9-11. Anybody that has studied the official account clearly understand the egregious fraud involved therefore non existent theories were needed to come out of the woodwork much sooner rather then later. What a RICO con job- The same exact planners of 9-11 ie-Philip Zelikow etc.. were the ones orchestrating the cover up and wow what a surprise they were all in charge of the actual investigation. (9-11 commission). National Security is the reason same as JFK and the Sandy Hook scam. Why so secretive it is all going to come out anyway it already has. VT is about to unleash a barrage of intel in reference to 9-11, right now its making the rounds in Russia and France intel circles. Once it hits the US on VTs home pages this will produce a ripple effect of shock and awe of epic proportions. Now we know why Stew Webb has had at least 30 attempts on his life. Satanic monsters and mass murderers like to keep everything top secret for National Security reasons.   

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