Monday, January 12, 2015

Call To Arms Glen Canady I give you much respect for this heartfelt article. Alex Jones its time to man up and answer some questions. Patriots are pure and noble souls, that is why having somebody who is 90% in the game and not 110% upsets the good guys on many deep levels. Its like setting up an executive protection detail where real lives are at stake- There is no way you can have any doubts or questions about ones character. If you have somebodys 6 only 85-90% of the time well its obvious that this individual will never get the job. Alex Jones, although I stated that I would start linking your articles on my blogs again I cant bring myself to do this. I only watch when Dr P. and Wolfgang are a guest. Dr P is the only reason I still have hope for you because he speaks very highly of you. My problem is this- I lost count on the number of times people called in and asked advice on what they could personally do to help fight the NWO. Awareness is great but without direct action it really doesn't matter. The fact that you never told people about Recalls as a solution is very telling. We don't need another blowhard like Oreilly. Your patriotic service far surpasses jokers like this but We the People need more because much more is expected of you. I already know that you are in bed with the Zionists to some extent however you still have alot of power and you can make a difference. Wolfgang Halbig is doing a real Sandy Hook investigation, that means FOIA requests for starters has anybody else done this, has anybody else had the courage lets be honest? That is the solution taking direct action, the guys at VT are the only ones to ever do the right thing and they continue to do this and they have all suffered immeasurably as a result. I don't like writing many of the things that I write about because most of it is quite disturbing, it upsets my mother and I am truly sorry for this. However I swore an oath to the US Constitution and I will never stop calling demons out for exactly who and what they are. It makes me sick to understand how people in positions of power were supposed to protect and serve- We The People but are nothing more then criminal gangsters who have put out hits on so many great people. They have started illegal wars for their own selfish gains, money, power, greed and mass murder it is horrific. Drug Running, False Flags, Pedophile rings etc.. Let me tell you something there better not be one more good person getting disappeared or Arkansided  those days must end. Alex Jones you had Richard Gage the Thermite Sniffer on your show recently however there is verified intel that  came out this past summer what are you going to do or say about this? Ken Okeefe makes as true a statement as I have ever heard. He said 9-11 is a litmus test to test ones Patriotism. Thermite Sniffers at A and E have already been exposed by Gordon Duff- Alex Jones you stated that you are basically the father and founder of 9-11 truth I heard you say this on your show. What do you have to say about the recent intel data dumps and the shock and awe articles posted by Gordon Duff as of late, are you really the founding father of 9-11 truth? 

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