Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Gordon Duff For President My faith in humanity has been restored by learning that Gordon Duff is considering running for President. We need to make this happen somehow and someway. No not with all of the rigged elections like the ones that have transpired before us but the real American way which stands for truth and justice. I am so happy and relieved that there is hope for our country after all so please I urge all Americans to learn about this man. Somebody that actually has a warrior code and empathy when was the last time we really had this JFK? It wont be easy to blast into the mainstream media with this announcement however we need to make this happen somehow and someway. When was the last time we ever felt safe to be an American? My heart has been irrevocably broken but now it is the time to give us some hope for our future. Gordon Duff is a fierce Scottish warrior, I finally found a leader that I can really look up to. A man that has just waged war against a major international Rico crime syndicate, this has been sending shock waves across the globe. When was the last time we had our President tell us the truth? It has only been a few months since I became a VT truth warrior however it has been the most refreshing time of my life. It is an honor to be able to read real US Intel. Gordon Duffs warriors actually want us to be informed and to know what is going on in this world when was the last time we really had this in our country? Jeb Bush was in Bellhaven for a fundraiser a few weeks back. Gordon Duff it would be an honor to have you at my fathers home for a fundraiser, I will try to raise the money myself. We are from the Clan Macleod 100%-  My mother is from the Clan MacDonald. Hold Fast is our Family Crest. My mother danced in the Highland Games up in Canada we are salt of the earth people. I admire all of the warriors at Veterans Today your courage and character is appreciated in more ways then you may ever know. Gwenyth Todd prevented a potential World War 3 scenario in Iran and this is just one example of the kind of people that stand with Gordon Duff at Veterans Today. Let us all dig deep on this one because our entire planet is at stake and Gordon Duff is the man we can trust with our lives. When was the last time we were able to say this about our President? Now is the time for direct action let us all stand tall once again for America

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