Sunday, January 18, 2015

They Took Away Our Innocence They murdered our President and sent millions of Americans into a depression with PTSD that still linger on to this day. My sister was barely yet born, these people need to pay for their crimes. They killed 55 thousand Americans and ruined millions overseas because JFK would have never sent  our boys into the jungle in that capacity and they knew this. What kind of person would let our president get assassinated? The answer is simple the same demons that stood down on 9-11 and let this happen as well, hundreds were Americans and Gordon Duff has all of their names. What kind of man regardless of country of origin would keep silent on this knowing full well what has happened since? There is a sitting Grand Jury that may sit for ever and die of old age unless direct action and pressure is put on the subject. There are people already in Witness Protection, for you cowards that know everything and still do nothing there is still time for you to come to Jesus. If you are not religious then you better find some form of god because you are guilty of aiding and abetting in the death of millions of people in this phony hoax war on terror. You are guilty in aiding and abetting in the Gladio Boston bombing, Aurora movie massacre and the Sandy Hook school shooting that has transpired since. VT sent a Senior Special Forces Commander to give a warning to the military base in Arizona that is using tax payers money to hack, disturb, cut into and generally harass the living daylights out of VTs various networks, these people are guilty of Treason. They are an American military base with a General as Commanding Officer. These people are in the same league as the cowards who stood behind the assassination of our President in 1963, the USS Liberty, 9-11 and everything that has happened since. Admiral Mccain the former Presidential candidates father stood behind the False Flag USS Liberty cover up. Senator Mccain, one of the founding fathers of ISIS (same state as rogue military base) What will they do next? Not one Law Enforcement group or mainstream media outlet is interested in the intel that VT has in regard to 9-11. Why am I not surprised, these people are guilty of cowardice and Treason and should be sued. Our team is very much interested in this 9-11 intel and our entire country should be. How much more can we really take? How much more should we take, haven't they done enough to hurt us?

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