Thursday, January 8, 2015

Illuminati Recruiting Campaign are they serious? Obsidian Analysis the DHS con job company from DC that provided the script for Sandy Hook. Did everybody take a look at their Illuminati Pyramid on their homepage? How much more pathetic can they get? Do they really consider themselves intel professionals, more like entitled establishment criminals that steal money from the American tax payers. I like to be surrounded by real men the kind that are paid big money to protect high level Ambassadors and Dignitaries and pretty much guarantee that their principle will not get taken out that is a real man. One must separate the men from the mission. BW- Triple Canopy those are real deal men not pansies that write scripts that make it appear that little children were murdered. It doesn't matter that the wars were illegal, unprovoked and unconstitutional. There was a need for high level executive protection details and most of the operators performed heroically in an environment far more hostile then Greenwich. They even offered some tactical services when the military soldiers were in a jam. Travis Haley the bw sniper in Najif he took care of business. One can make alot of money as a contractor that shouldn't be an issue, lets face it war is the only thing these guys can relate to, they are proud Americans. I really don't know where the Mossad wetboy pieces of shit are stashed away but those are the traitors. Black ops hit teams that would come in and assassinate men like Pat Tillman. Effeminate yuppy types that work for DHS behind a desk, they would be the first ones to run for cover during a real firefight. These clowns are doing their best to dis arm our country, I shouldn't be the only one that has a problem with this. Think about how these traitors have insulted our military soldiers and private contractors. The real men get back from high speed theaters of operation with battle wounds going way back. I had a great deal of affinity for an older operator who was on the ground in Iran during the hostage crisis and Delta quagmire. He was of Iranian decent, his resume was amazing ie- on loan to various alphabets over the years. He had chronic pain and tinnitus for doing his job at the highest level over the years. He is one of the best guys I have ever known. There are so many good people in the system, it is so unfortunate that a few puppet masters and their Illuminati followers have ruined it for everybody.

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