Thursday, January 15, 2015

Do Your Job Boston Officials't-pardon-mark-wahlberg/ar-AA88gcS- I am trying to figure out why this former Mass prosecutor is wasting his time with Mark Walberg and why he shouldn't get pardoned? Something that he did as a kid is this really worth talking about? He is one of the best actors on the planet. If anybody has any doubts then watch Shooter, Fighter and his portrayal of Marcus Luttrell in The Lone Survivor. We have a bunch of time wasters and cowards acting as public officials how much more obvious can it get? Why inst there anybody talking about protecting the life of the Chechnya  patsy to make sure they don't put him to death? They already killed his brother and MMA friend, you people are disgusting and pathetic. There were so many corrupt officials involved in the Boston Marathon False Flag many people need to go to jail. Where are the real men of this world? They may execute this innocent kid who more then likely was a cia asset that had absolutely no idea what was coming? This is a very bad situation, when is somebody going to speak out instead of focusing on how and why Mark Walburg shouldn't get a pardon are you serious? False Flags are an act of war on our country, it is not their country, they are insane Zionists that have hijacked nearly 50% of the US military and most leos, countless prosecutors and judges, but not the military high command let us all be very grateful for this. Walburg should be speaking out against Wounded Warriors for skimming too much money off the top other then that he is a solid warrior and great actor.There was mass collusion across the board between local, state and federal law enforcement agencies during the Boston Marathon False Flag. This is corruption and Treason at the highest levels.What is DHS going to do next start running drills at Greenwich High school after sending letters to the parents to let them know that they are heroes and are training to prevent the next Adam Lanza? Do they really think everybody is that dumb? People usually have alot of money because number one they aren't that dumb and even more important most rich people never had to rob anybody blind to get where they are in life. They flew in two Mossad doctors to take care of this innocent patsy after they arrested and then ran over and killed his brother, wasn't this a little obvious?  I watched the Iron Man triathlon a few weeks ago in Kona. The Boston Marathon race director was a participant. He talked about how a law enforcement official told him that the race was no longer his after the fake bombings. I have alot of respect for race directors, I know three personally, they are unsung heroes and work very hard. He expressed his compassion toward the victims of the marathon hoax. I am going to reach out to this race director and let him know that he was egregiously manipulated and lied to. His race was hijacked by ruthless predators hell bent on Marshal Law. I am a friend of a former world class Iron Man Kona tri athlete who placed in the top 5, I was even at his wedding. He also trains Navy Seal candidates, we both went to the Coast Guard Academy to do some spotting for potential Seals. He is a fierce Scottish warrior, as tough as nails. I may reach out to him as well to help spread the word, we all need to fight this war together

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