Tuesday, January 13, 2015

France False Flag Confirmed

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/01/11/fiasco-france-lie-to-me-once/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SabJpAIo9rs- How does one explain to the average person who has never had the inclination to dig any deeper then what slop the mainstream media dishes out that things really aren't what they seem? It is bizarre, lets think about how twisted this really is. People with real courage report what is really going on, since its sounds so insane this is how the good guys are labelled whack jobs and far out conspiracy theorists never to be taken seriously. However we are not the ones doing this we are just reporting the real truth therefore it makes the actual perps the ones that are far out and insane. It would be easier to tell somebody in the Sandy Hook case that it was a black ops Mossad hit, there were multiple shooters spotted on the scene just like at Columbine. Most people don't trust big government however when the reality is that no children really died, Adam Lanza never existed (it was a Fema Capstone drill that went live making it appear there were real victims,) Except for the multiple people they killed to cover it up there really aren't  26 dead victims. People would have a much tougher time swallowing that one. However in some ways its better then really killing people but it is still a huge diabolical Rico crime none the less. I am getting tired of these criminals terrorizing the masses and pissing off all of the good guys. Gordon Duff breaks down the France False flag in an article as well as in a You Tube video. It looks as if they used blanks, more then likely there were no real dead people in this one as well. There are some really dumb people in the truth movement. For example I was told that some people are spreading lies that 9-11 never happened. How difficult is it to understand- (False Flag Terrorism rears its ugly head in a variety of ways.)To simplify it, sometimes people really die and sometimes they really don't. There are usually crisis actors that are paid even when there are dead victims in an effort to magnify the fear and terror into the heart of the indigenous populace. Its fairly simple- If you want to start multiple wars and make trillions then blow things up on your home turf, blame somebody else and then proceed to go after anybody that vehemently objects to illegal wars and criticize their character and question their patriotism. If they have impeccable character then its time for the set ups hit teams and plane crashes as in Sen. Paul Wellstones case. Everybody else will get disappeared with the Patriot and NDAA Act or Rendition ed. That is how the tyrants role, we should give them much credit it works like a charm. 

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