Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Disturbing Beyond Words One cant really talk about this kind of thing with anybody because unless they have been initiated into the dark side so to speak there is no way that anybody would think that this was nothing more then a smear campaign against the most powerful head sheds in the world. I believe in this article and no I cant prove this but I believe that Stew Webb can in the court of law if they ever let him. I doubt they will however, the other reason I believe in the veracity of this article is because I always consider the source. Is everybody perfect of course not, I trust the integrity of this article as well as the Illumuniti Denver 12 cult Stew Webb has been exposing as of late. If this article were not true then Stew Webb and company can expect lawsuits the size of Mt Everest. I believe that Bush senior is worth trillions based on the Lee Wanta scenario therefore it is obvious that these people can afford a lawyer or two. The Franklin Cover Up- Boystown etc. has been known about  for years, I am sure people have lost their lives over this what else is new? However the entire Pedophile child sacrifice, trafficking, drug running scenario is getting stronger legs in the alternative media for the very first time. Thank the brave warriors at VT for this they have all payed a heavy price. The UK scandal Prince Andrew, Jerry Sandusky and company etc I cant write anymore because I may throw up. How did these creatures ever get in positions of power? The other link covers the hired gun that I wrote about in my American Sniper blog. Apparently this guy is stating that he went along with the assassination plot because he was concerned that he would get taken out if he refused. Wow there really are some dark times out there. A hired gun take out plan based on fear of getting taken out, what has our world come to?

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